Genshin Impact

Pyro Hypostasis Boss Guide

Genshin Impact - Pyro Hypostasis Boss Guide

The Pyro Hypostasis is a field boss in found Inazuma in Genshin Impact. Check out how to beat the Pyro Hypostasis, where to find it, its item and material drops, and the best party against this boss!

Pyro Hypostasis Boss Information

Pyro Hypostasis Location

Pyro Hypostasis Image
Pyro Hypostasis
Required Resin 40
Adventurer Handbook Description
Code Name: Ayin. A high-purity Pyro entity.
According to researchers, Elemental Hypostases are related to anomalies in local Elemental veins. But whether it is the existence of Elemental Hypostases that have affected Elemental veins or the mutated Elemental Energy that created Elemental Hypostases remains to be confirmed.
Kannazuka, Inazuma

Located in the Inazuma Region

The Pyro Hypostasis can only be found in Kannazuka, Inazuma. Learn what else you can find in the Electro Nation in our guide!
View Inazuma Map Guide

Pyro Hypostasis Two States

The Pyro Hypostasis has two states when you fight it:

State State Information
Ignited The Pyro Hypostasis will continously regenerate HP with its core is hidden. In order to extinguish it, you will need to use the appropriate Elemental Reactions.
Extinguished The Pyro Hypostasis will lose its HP Regeneration, and it will attempt to re-ignite itself with a Fire Seed. This state is perfect for attacking!

Pyro Hypostasis in Hypostatic Symphony 3.2

Genshin - Hypostatic Sympony Day 2 - Apply Hydro

The Pyro Hypostasis is a featured boss in the Hypostatic Symphony: Dissonant Verse event.

The Pyro Hypostasis' attacks are pretty much the same for the most part, the difference is that the Special Seeds spawn faster and the attacks leave a damaging Pyro field. Use Hydro to extinguish the Pyro Hypostasis and its shield!

Ternary of the Blazing Hearth Guide

Recommended Party for Pyro Hypostasis

Recommended Characters for Repeated Runs

Ayaka Image Ayaka ・Consistent Cryo Application.
・Deals tons of damage with her Elemental Burst.
Tartaglia Image Tartaglia ・Deals multiple bouts of Hydro DMG using Elemental Skill.
・Deals tons of damage with his Elemental Burst.
Mona Image Mona ・Can extinguish the Pyro Hypostasis from a distance.
・Can provide DMG Buff with Elemental Burst.
Zhongli Image Zhongli ・Can decrease damage taken with shields.
・Jade Shield's debuff on enemies close by will increase damage output.
Xingqiu Image Xingqiu ・Mitigates DMG with Elemental Skill.
・Provides consistent Hydro application with Rainswords.
Kaeya Image Kaeya ・Low Elemental Skill CD.
・Can restore HP via Elemental Burst.
Barbara Image Barbara ・Can extinguish the Pyro Hypostasis from a distance.
・Can restore HP via Elemental Skill & Elemental Burst.

Bring a Hydro Character

The Pyro Hypostasis will initially be in its Ignited State; a state that acts as a shield and will recover HP when active! We recommend bringing at least one Hydro character to extinguish the Ignited State of the Pyro Hypostasis.

Recommended Party for Pyro Hypostasis

Recommended Party for Pyro Hypostasis
Ayaka Image Ayaka Mona Image Mona Kaeya Image Kaeya Barbara Image Barbara

Defeat the Pyro Hypostasis in Co-Op Mode

Are you missing specific characters, or have you not built a full party yet? Teaming up with others from our Co-Op boards is a great way to quickly beat the Pyro Hypostasis and other bosses!

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

How to Beat the Pyro Hypostasis

Extinguish the Ignited State with Hydro

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis - Use Hydro
When you approach the Pyro Hypostasis it will wake up in its Ignited State, which is shown by an orange bar below the HP meter. During Ignited State, the Pyro Hypostasis will not lose HP when hit.

How to Extinguish the Ignited State

Use Hydro Attacks to quickly extinguish the Pyro Hypostasis' shield!
List of All Hydro Characters

Go All Out When Extingushed

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis - Use Strongest Attacks

The Pyro Hypostasis will go into Extinguished State after the Ignited State bar gets depleted, making it vulnerable to damage. Use your strongest attacks when it shows its core!

Use Elemental Attacks on the Tinders

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis - Extinguish Tinders
When the Pyro Hypostasis loses most of its HP, it will curl up to protect itself and Tinders on the field. Destroy the Tinders as soon as possible using Elemental Attacks (with the exception of Pyro) before it manages to go into its Ignited State again.

Pyro Hypostasis Attack Patterns

Flame Punch Attack

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis Flame Punch
The Pyro Hypostasis turns into a fist and punches the ground. After the initial blow, a wave of fire attacks will extend outward in a circle.

Rolling Attack

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis Rolling Attack
The Pyro Hypostasis turns into a ball that rushes towards players. Being hit by the ball might damage you more than once, so stay sharp and dodge at the right time!

Explosion Attack

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis Explosion Attack
The Pyro Hypostasis turns into a throbbing ball then trigger an explosion with a wide AoE. The AoE can be seen before the ball explodes, so keep your distance!

Eruption Attack

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis Eruption Attack
The Pyro Hypostasis turns into a tower and launches balls of fire. Keep your distance even as the balls hit the ground, because they explode on impact and can damage you!

Three-Phase Attack

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis Three-Stage Attack
The Pyro Hypostasis launches three consecutive attack patterns, meaning you will have to keep dodging until the three-phased attack is over!

Flame Pillar Attack

Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis Flame Pillar Attack
Flame Pillars continuously shoot out of the ground during this attack. The location of the Flame Pillars are shown before they shoot up, so be sure to dash out of the AoE!

Items Dropped by Pyro Hypostasis

Pyro Hypostasis Material Drops

Drop Level
Any Lv.
Lv. 40+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 75+
Lv. 60+

Pyro Hypostasis Artifact Drops

Artifact Set Drops
Adventurer Adventurer Berserker Berserker Instructor Instructor
Gladiator Gladiator's Finale Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe Prayers for Illumination Prayers for Illumination

Characters that Use Pyro Hypostasis Materials

Genshin Impact - Smoldering Pearl Image Smoldering Pearl
Genshin - Yoimiya Image Genshin - Thoma Image

Pyro Hypostasis Achievements

Burned Yourself, Did You? Achievement

Achievement Rank Primogem Reward
Completed AchievementBurned Yourself, Did You? 5 Primogems
Objective : Defeat a Pyro Hypostasis that has reignited twice.

Smells like Animal Spirit! Achievement

Achievement Rank Primogem Reward
Completed AchievementSmells like Animal Spirit! 5 Primogems
Objective : Defeat a Pyro Hypostasis after being hit by its mimetic 3-hit combo.

Achievement List and Rewards

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