Genshin Impact

Wanderer's Troupe Artifact Set Effects and Best Characaters

Genshin Impact - Wanderer

The Wanderer's Troupe is an Artifact Set obtained by challenging Bosses in Genshin Impact. Learn more about its Artifact Set effect, best characters, and Artifact location here!

Wanderer's Troupe Set Effects and Rating

Wanderer's Troupe Set Effects

Artifact Set
Wanderer's Troupe
2-Piece Effect Increases Elemental Mastery by 80.
4-Piece Effect Increases Charged Attack DMG by 35% if the character uses a Catalyst or a Bow.

Good for Ranged Characters

The Wanderer's Troupe set is one of the best sets for ranged characters, with the flexibilty of being effective whether it's on a DPS build or a Support build.

The 4-piece set is also great on DPS characters as it will increase the Charged Attack DMG of Catalyst or Bow users. This is perfect if you're using Ganyu or Sucrose as your main damage dealer.

Wanderer's Troupe Rating

Rank Genshin - S Rank Icon

Wanderer's Troupe Best Characters

Best Characters and Explanation

Character Explanation
Sethos Image Sethos • Best artifact for Sethos since he capitalizes on Elemental Mastery to improve his damage.
• The 4-piece set effect further increases his Charged Attack DMG, which is his main damage as a DPS.
Amber Image Amber • On a 2-piece set, Amber would deal more damage with the boost on Elemental Mastery.
• On a 4-piece set, when Amber aims her charged attack, the DMG is increased.
Klee Image Klee • With the 4-piece set, Klee's powerful charged attacks get become even stronger.
• The bonus Elemental Mastery from the 2-piece set also makes her Pyro DMG do a lot more damage.
Mona Image Mona • Mona on a 2-piece set would boost her elemental mastery which boosts her Hydro DMG.
Ganyu Image Ganyu • Ganyu deals the most damage on her charged attack so having a 4-piece set would further boost that damage.
Yanfei Image Yanfei • Charged attacks are Yanfei's main way of dealing damage, as such the 4-piece set is perfect for her to increase her damage.
Sucrose Image Sucrose • Sucrose's Elemental Mastery would strengthen in a 2-piece allowing her to deal more DMG.
Lisa Image Lisa • The 2-piece set would increase Lisa's DMG when she makes Electro-related Elemental Reactions.
Tartaglia Image Tartaglia • Tartaglia with the 2-piece set will boost Hydro-related Elemental Reactions.
• This also gives freedom in choosing his second 2-piece set bonus.

How to Get Wanderer's Troupe

Obtain by Defeating Bosses

Wanderer's Troupe can be obtained by defeating Field Bosses and challenging Trounce Domains around Teyvat.


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Genshin - Primo Geovishap ImagePrimo Geovishap Genshin - Azhdaha ImageAzhdaha Genshin - Cryo Hypostasis ImageCryo Hypostasis
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Genshin - Scaramouche Boss ImageScaramouche Boss Genshin - Setekh Wenut ImageSetekh Wenut Genshin - Guardian of ApepGuardian of Apep's Oasis
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Obtain by Crafting Artifact Strongbox

Genshin - How to Craft Artifact Strongbox: Wanderer
How to Get Craft from the Crafting Bench

The Wanderer's Troupe can also be obtained by using the Mystic Offering in the Crafting Benches. After reaching Adventure Rank 45 interact with any crafting benches and find the Artifact Strongbox: Wanderer's Troupe.

Sacrifice three 5-Star Artifacts to obtain an Artifact Strongbox, which contains a random Wanderer's Troupe piece.

Artifact Strongbox: Wanderer's Troupe Guide

Wanderer's Troupe Set Information

Wanderer's Troupe Set Pieces and Stats

Pieces Main Stats
Genshin Artifacts - Wanderer Troupe Troupe's Dawnlight HP
Genshin Artifacts - Wanderer Bard Bard's Arrow Feather ATK
Genshin Artifacts - Wanderer Concert Concert's Final Hour HP%
Energy Recharge%
Elemental Mastery
Genshin Artifacts - Wanderer Wanderer Wanderer's String-Kettle HP%
Physical DMG Bonus%
Elemental DMG Bonus%
Elemental Mastery
Genshin Artifacts - Wanderer Conductor Conductor's Top Hat HP%
Healing Bonus%
CRIT Rate%
Elemental Mastery

List of Bonus Stats

CRIT DMG Elemental Mastery
Energy Recharge

Effects with a * can both be a set value and a percentage. For Example: ATK +10, ATK+10%

You can get a maximum of 4 bonus substats on any individual artifact piece by enhancing it. The bonus stats you get will be random and will not include the artifact's main stat.

Once a 5-star artifact has 4 substats, every 4 levels of enhancement will upgrade one of the available substats randomly. You can get a total of 4-5 substat upgrades.

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22 Anonymous3 months

F2P for Lyney

21 Anonymous3 months

not putting tighnari? weird it's competing with gilded dreams for BiS

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