Genshin Impact

Pity System in Banners Explained | Wish Guarantee Guide

Genshin Impact - Pity System in Banners Explained

The Pity System is a Gacha feature in Wish Banners in Genshin Impact. Learn more about the Pity System, the 50/50 System, Soft and Hard Pity, and how to guarantee that 5-star pull in the weapon or character banner by reading on!

Genshin Impact Pity System Explained

What is the Pity System?

Genshin - Pity System - Guaranteed 4-star Every 10 Pulls
The pity system refers to a number of pulls or wishes you need to do on a banner before you're guaranteed a 4-star or 5-star. You have a chance of getting a 4-star or 5-star before even reaching that number.

Pity System Details

Banner 4-Star Weapon or Character 5-Star Weapon or Character
Featured Character Banner 10 Wishes 90 Wishes
Featured Weapon Banner 10 Wishes 80 Wishes (Weapons Only)
Permanent Banner 10 Wishes 90 Wishes

With the pity system, if you roll 9 times in a banner and don't get a 4-star or a 5-star, your 10th roll will be a guaranteed 4-star or higher.

The same goes for the 5-star pity, if by your 89th wish (79th for weapon banner), you still haven't received a 5-star weapon or character, your next wish is guaranteed to be 5-star.

Featured Character or Weapon (the 50/50 System)

Genshin - Get Pity pulls for featured characters or items
When you get a 4-star or 5-star drop, there's a 50% chance it will either be a featured character or weapon in the limited banner, or a standard character or weapon. This is commonly known amongst players as the 50/50 System.

If you didn't receive the featured weapon or character and instead got the standard or off-rated item or unit, it is then guaranteed that your next 4-star or 5-star drop will be the featured character or weapon.

However, if you do win the 50/50 and get the featured character, the 50/50 will stand until the next banner.

Standard Characters

List of Standard Characters
Genshin - Diluc Diluc Genshin - Qiqi Qiqi Genshin - Jean Jean Genshin - Mona Mona
Genshin - Keqing Keqing Genshin - Tighnari Tighnari Genshin - Dehya Dehya

You can lose the 50/50 to any one of these Standard Characters.

It's worth noting that these characters can be acquired from any banner except for the Weapon Banner, which exclusively gives out weapons.

Multiple 5-Star in 10 Roll

Genshin - Pity System - Pulling a 5 star Resets Pity
If you do a 10 roll on a banner and receive multiple 5-star character or weapons (lucky!), the last 5-star you receive will determine if your next 5-star will have a 50/50 chance or be a guaranteed featured character.

For example, in a single 10 roll, you get both Hu Tao (featured) and Qiqi (permanent). If Hu Tao appeared first followed by Qiqi, your next 5-star will be guaranteed to be the featured character. However if Qiqi appears first followed by Hu Tao, your next 5-star pull will be a 50/50 chance to be the featured character.

What is Soft Pity and Hard Pity?

Soft Pity refers to the range of wishes between 60 to 80 pulls since your last 5-star character or weapon. This is a term used for when you are closer to your 89th pull without getting a 5-star character or weapon, but have not quite hit it yet.

Hard Pity is the term used when you reach nearly or exactly 90 pulls to get a 5-star character or 80 pulls for a 5-star weapon.

Wish Counter and Carry Over

Genshin - Pity System - Wish Counter and Wish History
The wish counter is separate for the 3 banners (Promotional Character, Promotional Weapon, and Permanent). The wish counter resets when you get a 4-star or a 5-star.

Getting a 4-star won't reset your counter for 5-star, but getting a 5-star will reset the counter for your 4-star and 5-star pity.

If the limited banner ends for the Promotional Character and Promotional Weapon, the counter will carry over to the next banner of the same category.

Wishes don't need to be consecutive to trigger pity roll

As mentioned, each banner type has its own counter. Wishing in one of the banners won't reset the counter for the other banners. You can check how close you are to pity by going to the History tab in the Wish Menu.

Capturing Radiance Mechanic

Genshin - Capturing Radiance - Chance to Win 50-50
Version 5.0 introduced the Capturing Radiance mechanic, which has a chance to be triggered when you're rolling in a Character Event Wish banner and are not guaranteed at the time of rolling.

This mechanic increases the chance of obtaining the Limited 5-Star Character featured in the banner.

Capturing Radiance Wish Mechanic

Character Event Wish-2 Counter

Genshin Impact - Character Event Wish-2 Guide

Version 2.3 introduced a new wish banner type called the Character Event Wish-2, which is basically a second Featured Character banner that will run at the same time. These double banners will usually be used during character reruns.

The wish counter and wish guarantee is shared between the two Character Event Wish banners, and will carry over to the next set of Promotional Character banner.

Character Event Wish-2 Guide

Should You Build the Pity?

Building Pity is Not Recommended

Genshin - What is the Pity System - Building the Pity

While a lot of users would think that wishing on a banner for the sake of building up their pity or attempting to lose the 50/50 to guarantee their win for their desired banner, we strongly recommend against it.

It's important to take note that pulling for characters still relies heavily on luck, and in the off-chance that you land a 5-star wish and end up getting a character that you didn't want in the first place, you ultimately lose.

How To Guarantee the Pity

Genshin - Should You Build Pity - Save Up Primogems and Intertwined Fates

Instead of wishing with reckless abandon, take the Pity System's mechanics into account and save up your Primogems and Intertwined Fates accordingly in order to prepare for the banner of your desired character.

Once their banner arrives and you have saved up enough Primogems to reach the pity twice, then you should get the character even if you lose the first time.

Pity System for Character Banner

Current Character Event Wish

Arlecchino Character Banner

Genshin Impact - The Hearth
The Hearth's Ashen Shadow
Available Until 2025/02/11 14:59 Server Time
Featured Characters
Genshin Impact - Arlecchino ImageArlecchino Genshin Impact - Lan Yan ImageLan Yan
Genshin Impact - Chevreuse ImageChevreuse Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria

Pulls to guarantee a character with pity

Reward # To Trigger Pity System Primogem
Genshin Impact - Arlecchino ImageArlecchino Guaranteed 180 Wishes 28,800 Primogems
5-Star Guaranteed 90 Wishes 14,400 Primogems
Genshin Impact - Lan Yan ImageLan Yan
Genshin Impact - Chevreuse ImageChevreuse
Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria Guaranteed
20 Wishes 3,200 Primogems
4-Star Guaranteed 10 Wishes 1,600 Primogems

Arlecchino Banner Guide

Clorinde Character Banner

Genshin Impact - Illuminating Lightning Gacha and Wish Guide
Illuminating Lightning
Available Until 2025/02/11 14:59 Server Time
Featured Characters
Genshin Impact - Clorinde ImageClorinde Genshin Impact - Lan Yan ImageLan Yan
Genshin Impact - Chevreuse ImageChevreuse Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria

Pulls to guarantee a character with pity

Reward # To Trigger Pity System Primogem
Genshin Impact - Clorinde ImageClorinde Guaranteed 180 Wishes 28,800 Primogems
5-Star Guaranteed 90 Wishes 14,400 Primogems
Genshin Impact - Lan Yan ImageLan Yan
Genshin Impact - Chevreuse ImageChevreuse
Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria Guaranteed
20 Wishes 3,200 Primogems
4-Star Guaranteed 10 Wishes 1,600 Primogems

Clorinde Banner Guide

Pity System for Weapon Banner

Epitomized Path

Genshin - Epitomized Path

After Version 2.0, players are given the means for a guaranteed pull for the weapon they want. In Version 5.0, the Fate Points required to guarantee your chosen weapon went down from 2 to 1.

5-Star Pull Equals Fate Point

You get a Fate Point when the 5-Star you pull is not the one you chose in the Epitomized Path.

From Version 2.0 to 4.8, you had to pull a 5-star weapon 3 times in total to get this guaranteed pull, where the third and final pull will be the weapon you selected. This is assuming that the first two pulls are not the weapon you want.

Epitomized Path Guide

Current Banner

Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation Gacha and Wish Guide
Epitome Invocation
Available Until 2025/02/11 14:59 Server Time
Featured Weapons
Crimson Moon Crimson Moon's Semblance Absolution Image Absolution
Lithic Spear Image Lithic Spear The Widsith Image The Widsith
Sacrificial Bow Image Sacrificial Bow Lion Lion's Roar
Rainslasher Image Rainslasher

Pulls to guarantee a weapon with pity

Reward # To Trigger Pity System Primogem
Crimson Moon Crimson Moon's Semblance
Absolution Image Absolution Guaranteed
160 Wishes 25,600 Primogems
5-Star Guaranteed 80 Wishes 12,800 Primogems
Lithic Spear Image Lithic Spear
The Widsith Image The Widsith
Sacrificial Bow Image Sacrificial Bow
Lion Lion's Roar
Rainslasher Image Rainslasher Guaranteed
20 Wishes 3,200 Primogems
4-Star Guaranteed 10 Wishes 1,600 Primogems

Epitome Invocation Banner

Pity System for Chronicled Wish

Pick a Standard or Limited Item

Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Chronicled Wish.png
As of Version 4.5, this new Chronicled Wish banner is now available, allowing players to select certain 5-star weapons or characters, similar to the Epitomized Path system.

The difference with this banner is that if chose a 5-star character as your Designated Item, then that means that you cannot get any 5-star weapons and vice-versa.

Chronicled Wish Banner Guide

Pity System for Permanent Banner

Standard Banner

Genshin - Permanent Banner - Wanderlust Invocation
Wanderlust Invocation
Available Until Permanent

Wanderlust Invocation Banner

Pulls to guarantee a character with pity

Reward # To Trigger Pity System Primogem
5-Star Guaranteed 90 Wishes 14,400 Primogems
4-Star Guaranteed 10 Wishes 1,600 Primogems

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Gacha

All Gacha (Wish) Guides

List of Gacha (Wish) Guides

Genshin Impact - Gacha Drop Rates and In-App PurchasesGacha Rates and In-App Purchases Genshin Impact - Best Wishes to PullBest Current Wishes to Pull
Pity_BannerPity System Guide Genshin Impact - Epitomized Path - Weapon Wish MechanicEpitomized Path
Genshin - Chronicled WishChronicled Wish Genshin - Capturing Radiance - Chance to Win 50-50Capturing Radiance

List of Current Gachas

All Current Wishes
Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation GachaEpitome Invocation Genshin Impact - The HearthThe Hearth's Ashen Shadow
Genshin Impact - Illuminating Lightning GachaIlluminating Lightning Genshin Impact - Remembrance of Jade and Stone GachaRemembrance of Jade and Stone
Genshin Impact - BeginnerBeginner's Wish Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation GachaWanderlust Invocation


95 Anonymous2 months

How do get that

94 Anonymous6 months

The math says otherwise. It's a 50/50 chance, if you lose that chance then another roll is made and it's a 1 in 10 chance to win. The odds come to a 55% chance to win per HoYo's declaration of the odds.

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