Genshin Impact

Anemoculus Locations and Interactive Map

Genshin Impact - Anemoculus Locations

Anemoculus is used to upgrade Mondstadt Statues of the Seven in Genshin Impact. Use our interactive map to see all Anemoculus Locations, detailed walkthroughs on how to get each Anemoculus, and other information here!

Elemental Oculus Items
Genshin - AnemoculusAnemoculus Genshin - Geoculus GuideGeoculus Genshin - Electrocolus GuideElectroculus
Genshin - DendroculusDendroculus Genshin - HydroculusHydroculus Gesnhin - PyroculusPyroculus

Interactive Anemoculus Map

There are 65 Anemoculus to find scattered all over Mondstadt.

Starfell Valley Anemoculus Locations

Anemoculus Locations (click to jump to area)
Starfell Valley Galesong Hill
Windwail Highlands Brightcrown Mountains

Map of Anemoculus in Starfell Valley

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Starfell Valley
No. of Anemoculus 14

How to Get Each Anemoculus

No. Image How to Get
1 Found near the Anemo Slimes under the cliff.
2 Located midair. Use an Anemo skill on an Anemograna on the ground to summon an upward wind current.
3 Climb the nearby tower to reach it.
4 Located on the side of the cliff. Accessible by gliding.
5 Atop the small stone pillar.
6 Found between the two trees.
7 Found under a tree branch.
8 Above the ruins.
9 Near the ruins. Beware the Ruin Guard in the area.
10 Under a cliff.
11 Use Cryo skills to create a path over water or glide from Starsnatch Cliff (requires high stamina) to reach the Unnamed Island in the far east.
12 Found midair in between the small islands. Use the Anemo monument on one of the islands to glide towards it.
13 North-west from Cider Lake's center. Glide to get the Anemoculi.
14 On top of the tree. Can be reached by gliding from the cliff above. It cannot be reached from the ground.

11. Freeze Your Way to the Unnamed Island


An Anemoculus is hiding in the unmarked, unnamed island to the far east of Starsnatch Cliff. Use a character with a Cryo Element to freeze the water and create a path. The long distance makes it difficult to reach by swimming without stamina items, so this is the most reliable method to reach the area. Using Cryo characters like Kaeya and Qiqi are the best options!

Time and the Wind World Quest

The Island is also the location of the Time and Wind World Quest. Make sure you are prepared, since there's a tough enemy present. Check out our guide for the quest here:

Time and the Wind Walkthrough

Galesong Hill Anemoculus Locations

Anemoculus Locations (click to jump to region)
Starfell Valley Galesong Hill
Windwail Highlands Brightcrown Mountains

Map of Anemoculus in Galesong Hill

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Galesong Hill
No. of Anemoculus 13

How to Get Each Anemoculus

No. Image How to Get
1 On the rock in front of the Statue of the Seven.
2 Found on a branch of the tree behind the Statue of the Seven.
3 Can be found midair along the road. Use an Anemo skill on the Anemograna on the ground to create an upward wind current.
4 Climb and glide from one of the stone pillars to reach it.
5 Activate and use the Anemograna in the area. At the top of it lies the Anemocolus.
6 Found in between the trees next to the Temple of the Lion.
7 Use the Anemograna on the ground to generate an upward wind current to reach it.
8 Found on a nearby cliff within a Hilichurl camp.
9 Complete the Seal of the Sword Cemetery quest to reach the Anemoculi on top of the monument.
10 Found inside a Hilichurl camp hut.
11 Glide from the nearby cliff to reach the Anemoculus on top of the pillar's platform.
12 Located on the ledge below the cliff. Can be reached by gliding.
13 Follow the 3 Seelie on the edge of the cliff in Cape Oath, then use the warp hole to get to Musk Reef.

13. Follow 3 Seelies and Use the Warp Hole

three spirits

There are 3 Seelie on the edge of the cliff in Cape Oath. You need to find them and follow them to their statues to activate the upward wind current and reach the warp hole above.

1 Gather the 3 nearby Seelie to their respective statues to activate the upward wind current.
2 Use your Wind Glider and fly up to the Warp Hole
3 The Warp Hole will take you to Musk Reef, where the entrance of the Spiral Abyss is located.
4 You'll be able to see the Anemoculus on top of the Spiral Abyss Gate.
5 Gather the 3 Anemograna on the cliff to the left of the gate to activate an upward wind current.
6 Use the wind current to fly upward, then glide down to the top of the gate to get the Anemoculus.

Spiral Abyss Guide

Windwail Highlands Anemoculus Locations

Anemoculus Locations (click to jump to region)
Starfell Valley Galesong Hill
Windwail Highlands Brightcrown Mountains

Map of Anemoculus in Windwail Highlands

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Windwail Highlands
No. of Anemoculus 18

How to Get Each Anemoculus

No. Image How to Get
1 Destroy the pile of rocks to find the Anemoculus inside. Claymore users can help break the pile of rocks faster.
2 Collect the 3 Anemograna on the ground to generate a wind current and reach the Anemoculus.
3 Located in a tree. Beware of the Hilichurl camps nearby.
4 Located below the cliff. Glide from the edge to reach the Anemoculus.
5 Burn the thorns with a Pyro skill to climb the stone pillar. Alternatively, you can climb the other pillars beside it and jump to grab the Anemoculus.
6 Under a cliff. Glide from a high place to reach it.
7 Use an Anemo skill on an Anemograna on the ground to generate an air current to the gliding path.
8 Located over the lake in the southwest area of Mondstadt. Fly from a high point in the city or a cliff from Wolvendom to reach it.
9 Found on a cliff in Springvale. Use an Anemo skill on the Anemograna on the ground to generate an upward wind current.
10 Found on the roof of a house in Springvale.
11 On the side of the road, facing a cliff.
12 Found on the edge of a cliff.
13 Glide from the side of the cliff to reach it.
14 Gather the Anemograna on the ground to generate an upward wind current to reach it.
15 Found midair, glide from a cliff to reach it.
16 On the rooftop of the Dawn Winery.
17 Located over the river next to Dawn Winery. Accessible using Cryo skills to make a bridge over the water.
18 Solve the Anemo puzzle to generate a gliding path to the Anemoculus.

18. Solve the Anemo Puzzle

Path to Amenocolus

There is an unactivated Anemo Elemental Monument in the area. To solve the puzzle, you'll need a party member with an Anemo skill.

1 Use an Anemo skill on the elemental monument to open the gliding path.
2 Gather the 3 Anemograna on the ground, or grab one of them and use an Anemo skill to generate an upward wind current.
3 Jump up, activate your Wind Glider, then follow the gliding path to the Anemoculus.

Brightcrown Mountains Anemocolus Locations

Anemoculus Locations (click to jump to region)
Starfell Valley Galesong Hill
Windwail Highlands Brightcrown Mountains

Map of Anemoculus in Stormterror's Lair

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Brightcrown Mountains
No. of Anemoculus 20

How to Get Each Anemoculus

No. Image How to Get
1 Found on the ledge of a cliff.
2 Glide from the edge of a nearby cliff to reach it.
3 Found in the marked area with some Anemo Slimes nearby.
4 At the edge of a cliff.
5 Destroy the pile of rocks hiding it.
6 Found above a protruding rock. Use the air current to glide upward and reach it
7 Found on the lower level of the ruins behind a rock that can be destroyed. Watch for the Ruin Guard
8 Inside a wind barrier. Accessible by gliding from above a nearby hill.
9 At the summit of the ruins. There is also a Luxurious Chest in the area.
10 Found on the lower level of Stormterror's Lair. Watch for the Ruin Guard in the area.
11 Located inside a small area under the cliffs of the ruins. A bit hard to find.
12 Hidden under a crevice under a small cliff. It's further down than shown in the in-game map.
13 Found above the Teleport Waypoint. Can be reached using the wind tunnel on the cliff south-west of the Waypoint.
14 Located at the top of the tree. Can be reached by climbing it.
15 Located above a stone pillar.
16 On top a ring of broken pillars. It can be hard to reach without a lot of stamina.
17 Under an archway. Use the wind current to reach it.
18 Glide from the nearby hill to reach it.
19 Found inside the pillar at the very bottom. Needs to be reached from above.
20 Use an Anemo skill on the Anemo monument to generate a wind current.

Requires Part 3 Of the Prologue to Access

As the area will be blocked off until you get to a certain point in the story, you'll need to advance the story until part 3 of the prologue to get access to Stormterror's Lair.

Story Walkthrough

You need AR 18 for Part 3

You'll need an Adventure Rank of 18 or higher in order to start part 3 of the prologue. Stormterror's Lair is home to many items, so get that AR up as quickly as possible!

How to Raise Your Adventure Rank

13. Use the Wind Tunnel Near the Waypoint

Anemoculus Brightcrown southwest

The Anemoculus is located high above the warppoint, which is why you need to activate the Wind Tunnel southwest in order to reach it.

19. Go Inside the Pillar To Take Anemoculus

anemocolus northeast

It cannot be reached from the ground, so you'll need to find a higher point and glide your way to the Anemocolus. After reaching it, you can just teleport to safety.

How to Use Anemoculous

Level Up The Statue of the Seven

statue of the seven

Anemoculus is a collectible item that can be found in the Mondstadt region. You use them to level up the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt, which increases your stamina and gives other rewards, such as Primogems and Adventure EXP.

There are 65 total Anemoculus to find and collect.

Extra Anemoculus

After collecting all the Anemoculi and leveling up the Statues of the Seven in Mondstadt, there would be 1 Anemoculus left in your inventory. There are no known uses yet for the extra Anemoculus.

How to Level Up Statue of the Seven

Search with Friends

If you're finding it hard to explore the terrains of Mondstadt, bring a friend or two to help you! Check out our friend request and co-op boards for potential exploration buddies:

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Anemoculus Resonance Stone Gadget

How to Get Missing Anemoculus

Genshin - Anemoculus Resonance Stone

The 1.1 Update has added a new item that will help you find any Anemoculus you're still missing.

How to Unlock Anemoculus Resonance Stone

Reputation System Banner

You can unlock the blueprint for Anemoculus Resonance Stone by reaching City Reputation Level 2 in Mondstadt.

City Reputation System

How to Craft Anemoculus Resonance Stone

Resonance Stones Materials
Genshin Impact - Anemoculus Resonance Stone Image Anemoculus Resonance Stone

In order to craft the Anemoculus Resonance Stone you need the following materials.

The Dandelion Seed and Cecilia are local specialty items that you can only find in Mondstadt.

Mondstadt Local Specialties

How to Use Anemoculus Resonance Stone

Once you have the item crafted, go to your inventory to equip it and use it.

It will then pull up the map and show you an approximate area where you can find a random Anemoculus you haven't found yet.

Oculus Resonance Stone

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8 Anonymousover 2 years

thanks soo much for this im finally on the island

7 Anonymousabout 3 years

there's always been an extra anemoculus tho??? bruh did you not count lmaoo

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