Genshin Impact

Secret Source Automaton Configuration Device Boss Location

Genshin Impact - Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Boss Guide

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device is a world boss found in Natlan in Genshin Impact 5.1. See where to find the Secret Source Constructor, how to get to it, the boss drops, and how to fight it here!

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Location

Located in Toyac Springs, Natlan

The Secret Source Automaton Configuration Device is found in an underwater cave west of Toyac Springs, the land of the People of the Springs. The surface teleport waypoint is your starting point to get to the entrance from a hole.

How to Get to the Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device

Drop Down the Hole Under a Wooden Bridge

The entrance to the Secret Source Automaton Configuration Device is a ravine under a wooden plank bridge that lets you drop down to the underground cavern. You can find it just a few steps south of the Teleport Waypoint near its location in Toyac Springs.

Natlan Interactive Map and Location

How to Beat Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device

Climb the Phlogiston Pillars and Break the Accretion Mechanisms

The boss has huge resistances at the start of the fight that can only go down once it goes in the charging phase where it spawns two pillars with Accretion Mechanisms on top of it.

Your goal is to get on top of the pillar and attack these devices at least once with any attack. Note that the pillar will have a shield protecting it from projectiles, meaning you have to be on the platform to destroy it.

Boss Becomes Immobile for a Short Time

When the Accretion Mechanisms are broken, the boss will be in a vulnerable and immobilized state for around 15 - 20 seconds, giving your team enough time to do a proper damage rotation with set-up.

Best Team for Secret Source Automaton

Recommended Party Against Secret Source Automaton

Best Team for Secret Source Automaton
Navia Image Navia Xilonen Image Xilonen Bennett Image Bennett Xiangling Image Xiangling

Use Characters That Have Vertical Abilities

We recommend using Kachina or Xilonen as they are the only ones who are able to climb up phlogiston pillars, or use other vertical ascending characters like Kazuha, Venti, or Wanderer to skip climbing.

Bring Frontloaded Damage Characters if Possible

Characters like Navia, Raiden, Mualani, or anyone that carries frontloaded Burst damage have an advantage against this boss as it takes the most amount of damage right after breaking the Accretion Mechanisms.

Best Free-to-Play Team

Free to Play Team
Heizou Image Heizou Xingqiu Image Xingqiu Bennett Image Bennett Kachina Image Kachina

Best Characters by Role

Main DPS
Genshin - Alhaitham ImageGenshin - Kinich ImageGenshin - Mualani ImageGenshin - Navia ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Wanderer Image
Genshin - Albedo ImageGenshin - Furina ImageGenshin - Kachina ImageGenshin - Nahida ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu Image
Genshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Faruzan ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Venti ImageGenshin - Xilonen ImageGenshin - Zhongli Image

Defeat the Secret Source Automaton in Co-Op Mode

Are you missing specific characters, or have you not built a full party yet? Teaming up with others from our Co-Op boards is a great way to quickly beat the Secret Source Automaton and other bosses.

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Drops

All Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Drops

Drop Level
Lv. 30+
Any Lv.
Lv. 40+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 75+

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Artifact Drops

Artifact Set Drops
Instructor Instructor The Exile The Exile Gladiator Gladiator's Finale
Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe Prayers for Wisdom Prayers for Wisdom

Used to Ascend Xilonen, Mavuika, and Lan Yan

Character Element Weapon
Xilonen Xilonen (5★)
Mavuika Mavuika (5★)
Lan Yan Lan Yan (4★)

You can use the Secret Source Constructor item drop to ascend Xilonen, Mavuika, and Lan Yan's character level! To reach the final ascension level, they need 46 of the boss drop each.

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Information

World Boss in Version 5.1

Genshin Impact - Secret Source Constructor Boss Information

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device is a world boss in Version 5.0, as revealed during the livestream.

This new Automaton boss is a remnant of a lost civilization, waiting in an underground cavern somewhere in Natlan for challengers!

5.1 Livestream Dates and Summary

Secret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 5.1
Genshin - Version 5.1
Release Date October 09, 2024

Secret Source Constructor was released among other new content on October 9, 2024, in Version 5.1!

Version 5.1 Release Date and Details

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19 Anonymousabout 2 months

no. make a geo pillar, climb, jump to the pillars, attack

18 Anonymous3 months

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