Genshin Impact

Elemental Sigils Item Guide

Genshin Impact - Elemental Sigils Item Guide

Elemental Sigils are Precious Items used as currency in Genshin Impact. Check out all the Elemental Sigils, how to get them, and what to use sigils for here!

List of All Sigils

Elemental Sigils

List of Items
Anemo Sigil ImageAnemo Sigil Geo Sigil ImageGeo Sigil Electro Sigil ImageElectro Sigil
Dendro Sigil ImageDendro Sigil Hydro Sigil ImageHydro Sigil Pyro Sigil ImagePyro Sigil

List of Items and Materials

How to Get Sigils

Treasure Chests and Statue of the Seven

Genshin - Collect Elemental Sigils from Treasure Chests and the Statue of the Seven

Elemental Sigils can be obtained by opening Treasure Chests and upgrading a nation's Statue of the Seven. The Element of the sigil will depend on the nation you're currently on.

Collect Geo Sigils from Crates and Spiraled Rocks

Genshin - Collect Geo Sigils from floating crates and spiraled rocks

You can collect Geo Sigils in Liyue by opening crates floating on water and Spiraled Rocks found on the edges of the mountains.

What to Use Sigils For

Purchase Items in Souvenir Shops

Genshin - Purchase with Elemental Sigils in the Souvenir Shop

Elemental Sigils are used as currency to purchase items in each region's Souvenir Shops. The Souvenir Shops in Inazuma and Sumeru can only be unlocked when the Sacred Sakura Tree and the Tree of Dreams respectively are fully leveled.

List of Shops and Items

Souvenir Shops are marked by a Diamond or Gem icon. The Souvenir Shops for each nation can be found in their respective main cities.

Sigil Shop Location & Items
Genshin - Anemo Sigil Image Anemo Sigil
Genshin - Tile of DecarabianGenshin - Boreal WolfGenshin - Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator ImageGenshin - Memory of Roving Gales ImageGenshin - Agnidus Agate Sliver ImageGenshin - Varunada Lazurite Sliver ImageGenshin - Vajrada Amethyst Sliver ImageGenshin - Shivada Jade Sliver ImageGenshin - Vayuda Turquoise Sliver ImageGenshin - Prithiva Topaz Sliver ImageGenshin - Northlander Sword Billet ImageGenshin - Mora Image
Genshin - Geo Sigil Image Geo Sigil
Genshin - Luminous Sands from Guyun ImageGenshin - Mist Veiled Lead Elixir ImageGenshin - Grain of Aerosiderite ImageGenshin - Memory of Immovable Crystals ImageGenshin - Agnidus Agate Sliver ImageGenshin - Varunada Lazurite Sliver ImageGenshin - Vajrada Amethyst Sliver ImageGenshin - Shivada Jade Sliver ImageGenshin - Vayuda Turquoise Sliver ImageGenshin - Prithiva Topaz Sliver ImageGenshin - Mora ImageGenshin - Northlander Polearm Billet ImageGenshin - Northlander Claymore Billet ImageGenshin - Northlander Catalyst Billet ImageGenshin - Northlander Bow Billet Image
Genshin - Electro Sigil Image Electro Sigil
Genshin Impact - Maple Wood White Kitsune Image Genshin Impact - Maple Wood Tanuki Image Genshin Impact - Camp Barricade: Taking Sides Image Genshin Impact - Camp Bonfire: Glorious Clarity Image Genshin Impact - Simple Otogi Workshop Image Genshin Impact - Scarlet Torii Gate: Way of Restoration Image Genshin Impact - Otogi Wood Granary Cart Image Genshin Impact - The Bamboo Genshin Impact - Ancestral Sword Rack: Iron Sharpens Iron Image Genshin Impact - Shrine Statue: “Seirai Ward” Image Genshin - Mora ImageGenshin - Coral Branch of a Distant Sea ImageGenshin - Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant ImageGenshin - Narukami
Genshin - Dendro Sigil Image Dendro Sigil
Genshin Impact - Light Genshin Impact - Adhigama Wood Open-Air Food Stall Image Genshin Impact - Brightwood Self-Tightening Wine Buckets Image Genshin Impact - Karmaphala Wood Bulk Goods Berth Image Genshin Impact - Hued Vase: Crimson Sands Image Genshin Impact - Hued Vase: Ajilenakh Image Genshin Impact - The Dust Differential Image Genshin Impact - In Drink Genshin Impact - Hued Vase: Eventide Image Genshin Impact - Brightwood Fabric Box Platform Image Genshin - Mora ImageGenshin - Copper Talisman of the Forest Dew ImageGenshin - Oasis GardenGenshin - Echo of Scorching Might Image

Used as Offerings in Trees and Fountain

Genshin - Sacred Sakura TreeSacred Sakura Tree
Genshin - Tree of DreamsTree of Dreams
Genshin - Fountain of LucineFountain of Lucine

Elemental Sigils can be used as offerings to the regional trees such as the Sacred Sakura Tree in Inazuma, the Tree of Dreams in Sumeru, and the Fountain of Lucine in Fontaine!

Offer your sigils to these trees to collect rewards such as Fates, Ascension Materials, Weapon Billets, and access to its city's Souvenir Shop.

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin - Items and Materials Slim Banner

List of Items and Materials

List of Precious Items

List of Items
Masterless Starglitter ImageMasterless Starglitter Masterless Stardust ImageMasterless Stardust Acquaint Fate ImageAcquaint Fate
Anemo Sigil ImageAnemo Sigil Geo Sigil ImageGeo Sigil Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key ImageMondstadt Shrine of Depths Key
Liyue Shrine of Depths Key ImageLiyue Shrine of Depths Key Fragile Resin ImageFragile Resin Intertwined Fate ImageIntertwined Fate
Cake for Traveler ImageCake for Traveler Anemoculus ImageAnemoculus Condensed Resin ImageCondensed Resin
Original Resin ImageOriginal Resin Domain Reliquary - Tier I ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier I Domain Reliquary - Tier II ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier II
Domain Reliquary - Tier III ImageDomain Reliquary - Tier III Geoculus ImageGeoculus Crimson Agate ImageCrimson Agate
Transient Resin ImageTransient Resin Dream Solvent ImageDream Solvent Vial of Adeptal Speed ImageVial of Adeptal Speed
Electro Sigil ImageElectro Sigil Electroculus ImageElectroculus Inazuma Shrine of Depths Key ImageInazuma Shrine of Depths Key
Mask of Memories ImageMask of Memories Silken Print ImageSilken Print Lumenstone Ore ImageLumenstone Ore
Sumeru Shrine of Depths Key ImageSumeru Shrine of Depths Key Dendro Sigil ImageDendro Sigil Dendroculus ImageDendroculus
NatureNature's True Fruit Match Invitation Letter ImageMatch Invitation Letter An Appellative Stroke ImageAn Appellative Stroke
Blank Dynamic Card ImageBlank Dynamic Card Plume of Purifying Light ImagePlume of Purifying Light Hydro Sigil ImageHydro Sigil
Hydroculus ImageHydroculus PaimonPaimon's "Food Fund" Welfare Meal ImageWelfare Meal
Swirling Scene in a Bottle ImageSwirling Scene in a Bottle Spirit Carp ImageSpirit Carp Toy Medal ImageToy Medal
Fantasia Flower ImageFantasia Flower Pyroculus ImagePyroculus Reaffirmed Accord of Appellation ImageReaffirmed Accord of Appellation
Pyro Sigil ImagePyro Sigil Fontaine Shrine of Depths Key ImageFontaine Shrine of Depths Key Natlan Shrine of Depths Key ImageNatlan Shrine of Depths Key
Key Sigil ImageKey Sigil

List of Precious Items

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