Genshin Impact

Electro-Charged Reaction Guide

Genshin Impact - Electro-Charged Reaction Guide

Electro-Charged is an elemental reaction in Genshin Impact triggered when Hydro and Electro are applied to an enemy. See how to trigger Electro-Charged, and the best characters for the reaction here!

What is the Electro-Charged Reaction?

Reaction Between an Enemy with Hydro and Electro

Electro-Charged Elemental Reaction
Genshin - Electro + Hydro Equals Electro-Charged
Effect Deals Electro damage over time.

Electro-Charged is the reaction when an enemy is affected with both Hydro and Electro. It functions as a small damage over time debuff to opponents. The effect can reactivate and extend as long as either element is reapplied.

The damage is considered as Electro damage, and can also bounce to nearby enemies who are already affected with Hydro. However, this extra damage will not apply Electro-Charged to such opponents.

Elemental Reactions Guide and How it Works

Simulatenous Hydro and Electro Status

When an enemy has Electro-Charged, they are briefly considered to be affected by both Hydro and Electro, which means that any third element will trigger a reaction to both elements.

For example, a Dendro attack on an Electro-Charged opponent will trigger both Bloom and Quicken, which allows you to mix Elements and easily defeat opponents with a myriad of reactions!

How to Trigger Electro-Charged

Apply Hydro and Electro

To trigger Electro-Charged, an enemy must have an aura of either Electro or Hydro. Applying the other element will immediately trigger Electro-Charged, and use up its remaining aura through DoTs until the status is removed.

Some enemies like Slimes and bosses like the Oceanid mobs have innate Elemental Auras, so applying the same element as their element is not needed to trigger Electro-Charged.

Rainy Weather Effects

When it rains, the enemy will have persistent Hydro aura, so you may simply use Electro to trigger the reaction. Because all enemies will be affected by the rain, it guarantees that all enemies will arc its effects unless they cannot be affected by Hydro.

Best Characters for Electro-Charged

Fischl and Beidou

Fischl and Beidou are the prototypical examples of Electro characters best for the Electro-Charged talents due to their persistent off-field Electro effect to multiple mobs.

Because Beidou's Elemental Burst has an expensive cost, she needs an energy battery to recover it as fast as possible, which Fischl can easily provide.

If you only need one Electro for such a reaction, Fischl's Electro Application is enough as it is easier to activate on her Elemental Skill.

When to Use Fischl-Beidou in Electro-Charged

Genshin - Checkmark When you need off-field Electro application.
Genshin - Checkmark When the team is solely focused on the Electro-Charged reaction with an Anemo applier and Hydro driver.
Genshin - Checkmark When you want to use Beidou but needs a battery to fund her Elemental Burst.

Raiden Shogun

Genshin - Arcing Electric Surge - Electro-Charged

Raiden Shogun is another candidate for persistent Electro application because of her Elemental Skill. By itself, it deals slightly less damage, but with faster cooldowns and reliability to hit multiple opponents at once.

Her Elemental Burst also allows her to be the on-field Electro driver as long as you have off-field Hydro like Xingqiu.

When to Use Raiden Shogun in Electro-Charged

Genshin - Checkmark When you want to have an Electro Main DPS with consistent on-field application.
Genshin - Checkmark When you want to have an Electro Sub DPS with consistent off-field application.
Genshin - Checkmark When you have a team centered on using multiple Elemental Bursts.

Raiden Shogun Best Builds and Artifacts


Tartaglia's Riptide marks offer consistent Hydro Application that replenishes itself as long as he triggers the effect. This means that the Electro-Charged effect is effectively permanent until he ends his rotation, or the Electro application falls off.

When to Use Tartaglia in Electro-Charged

Genshin - Checkmark When you need a strong on-field Hydro applicator.
Genshin - Checkmark When the team is solely focused on the Electro-Charged reaction with an Anemo applier and Electro applicators.

Tartaglia Rating and Best Builds

Xingqiu or Yelan

Off-field examples for Hydro Application are typically Xingqiu or Yelan, who are especially useful when you have an on-hit carry of another Element who can trigger any other reactions with it, such as Alhaitham, who allows your team to create Bloom cores and trigger Quicken.

When to Use Xingqiu or Yelan in Electro-Charged

Genshin - Checkmark When you need a Hydro Sub-DPS with consistent off-field application.
Genshin - Checkmark When you have an on-fielder who uses Normal Attacks that can also apply elements with them.


Anemo characters are generally recommended for Electro-Charged because of the Viridescent Venerer effect and potential for spreading both elements to multiple enemies with an AoE ability.

Sucrose is one of the best characters for such archetypes as she can also share Elemental Mastery, which directly improves the reaction's damage.

When to Use Sucrose in Electro-Charged

Genshin - Checkmark When you need an Anemo character who can spread Electro and Hydro to mobs.
Genshin - Checkmark When you want to improve Electro-Charged damage through Elemental Mastery sharing.
Genshin - Checkmark When you need a driver for quick-swap comps due to her being a Catalyst user.

Sucrose Rating and Best Builds

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