Genshin Impact

Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide

Genshin - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide

Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste is a World Quest in Genshin Impact given by Salsa in Fontaine. Learn how to unlock the quest, where to find Salsa, and how to complete them in this guide.

How to Unlock Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste

Look for Six Easels All Around Fontaine

Puzzle 1 Puzzle 2 Puzzle 3
Puzzle 4 Puzzle 5 Puzzle 6

Note: Puzzles 1 through 5 can be done in any order. Puzzle 6 is unlocked after all 5 parts have been finished.

Should you happen upon a canvas on an easel during your journey across Fontaine's regions, this is indicative of the start of this quest, so be sure to keep an eye out for a puzzle nearby.

Most of these easels are in Elynas in the Beryl Region, but some of them are in the Belleau and Court of Fontaine Regions. You will meet and speak with Salsa at the exact same locations as the easels.

Check here for the map locations!

Recurring Quest

Do take note that this quest is done 6 times at different locations with different puzzles and objectives. Salsa herself will also be running all over the place and ending up at different locations all throughout Fontaine, not just on one island.

Viewpoints After Each Quest

After each quest, you will get a viewpoint at the easel's initial position, so make sure to grab it!

Fontaine Viewpoints and Location

How to Complete Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste

Puzzle 1 Location and Solution

West of Elynas

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Location 1

The first easel is to the west of the island of Elynas, north of the Teleport Waypoint and near a Beastly Rift. From the waypoint, simply follow the road north until you come across the easel.

Solve the Water Crystal Puzzle

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Hydro Crystal Puzzle 1

You will also see 3 Water Volume Detection Crystals, 2 of which are movable. Start by moving both crystals toward the one in the middle of the road, being sure to collect any Hydrograna surrounding them.

Once you have all 3 crystals near each other, quickly collect any Hydrograna left to create a Hydro ring around you and continuously apply Hydro to all 3 crystals.

Talk to Salsa

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Talk to Salsa

A chest will appear at the end of the puzzle. Open it and Salsa, a young artist who's out for a sketch, will appear.

She will tell you of her conundrum—the Adventurer's Guild placed the 3 crystals with one of them being right in the middle of the road, thus blocking her view, and will ask for your help in removing it.

Move the Middle Crystal

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Move the Hydro Crystal

The final objective is to move the middle crystal anywhere that's not in the middle of the road. Simply pick it up and move it to the side to complete the quest!

Puzzle 2 Location and Solution

Central Elynas

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Location 2

The second easel is located by an old house towards the center of Elynas, near a hot spring with a water volume detecting crystal puzzle. A Pneumousia Lantern will be surrounded by hilichurls, so take the out and hit the lantern to start the puzzle.

Solve the Pneumousia Lantern Puzzle

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Pneumousia Lantern Puzzle

This one is pretty simple, as it will require you to climb several blue platform ramps that will appear or disappear depending on what the Pneumousia Lantern is aligned with.

To solve this, each time you encounter a hiccup in the path up, use an bow user to hit the lantern from a distance and change its alignment to make new platforms appear. Reach the top and grab the chest at the end to speak with Salsa.

Move the Lantern to an Artificial Environment

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Move the Pneumousia Lantern

This time, Salsa will ask you to move the lantern in the middle of the road to a place that looks less natural or artificially sculpted. Pick up the lantern and place it on top of the stone structure by the side of the road.

Puzzle 3 Location and Solution

Southeast of Elynas

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Location 3

The third easel is atop a hill to the southeast of Elynas, where a Hydroculus sits. There will be 4 Pneumousia Relays to the side of the road and several Ousia Blocks nearby.

Solve the Pneumousia Relay Puzzle

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Pneumousia Relay Puzzle

This puzzle is another easy one. Simply pick up an Ousia Block and attack the relays to change their alignments. Pick up the chest on the hill and speak with Salsa.

Move One Relay to the Other Side of the Road

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Move the Pneumousia Relay

Upon further inspection, you will see that there are 3 relays to the right side of the road, and only 1 on the left. Pick one of the relays up and simply move it to the other side and even out the number of relays on each side.

Puzzle 4 Location and Solution

West Slopes of Mont Automnequi

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Location 4

This fourth easel is located in the West Slopes of Mont Automnequi region. A good marker for this when looking for it on the map is the "u" in "Automnequi". You will encounter four Water Volume Detection Crystals, a Hydro Core Totem, and several Hydrograna.

Solve the Water Crystal Puzzle

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Hydro Crystal Puzzle 2

This one needs a little bit of creativity. Two crystals will have the Hydro Core Totem between them, and the two on the other side will have none.

Pick up 3 Hydrograna to create a Hydro Core and plant it in the totem to activate the first two crystals. With the core installed, you are free to wait for and grab three more Hydrograna and place yourself between the last two crystals to activate them.

Move the Crystal to the Flower Trail

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Move the Hydro Crystal 2

After speaking with Salsa, she will point out that the flowers in front of you create a trail, and all but one crystal follows it. Pick up the farthest crystal and place it inside the flower trail to complete the quest!

Puzzle 5 Location and Solution

Northwest of the Court of Fontaine

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Location 5

The fifth easel is located in an open field northwest of the Court of Fontaine, almost right below an aquabus line. Here you will find four Anemo Windmills reminiscent of the ones you've encountered all the way back in Mondstadt.

Solve the Anemo Windmill Puzzle

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Anemo Windmill Puzzle

Use Anemo to turn the windmills and summon Hydro particles that will lead to the next windmill. Collect the particles and repeat the process until you return to the starting point.

Move the Windmill into the Flower Field

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Move the Anemo Windmill

Salsa will then point out that all but one windmill is in the flower field in front of you. Pick the windmill up and put it in the flower field with the rest.

Puzzle 6 Location and Solution

North of the Court of Fontaine

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Location 6

This quest is located to far north of the Court of Fontaine, just in front of the Echoes of the Deep Tides Domain. There will be several Hydro Monuments, Hydrograna, and a Hydro Core Totem.

This is the final part of the quest, and this time, there won't be an easel to find. After all that time under Salsa's tutelage, you're going to have to do this yourself. Do take note that this quest can only be accessed once you've completed the first 5 quests.

Solve the Hydro Monument Puzzle

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Hydro Monument Puzzle

Similar to the the 4th puzzle, pick up 3 Hydrograna to create a Hydro Core and install it in the totem between two monuments to keep them activated.

Once that's done, wait for and pick up 3 more Hydrograna and stand between the two remaining monuments to solve the puzzle.

Lift the Buried Monument

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Lift the Hydro Monumentmode:show

Even without Salsa's aid, you will notice that one of the monuments is buried. Raise it up to match the other momuments. Watch the cutscene between Ubu and Salsa, and that concludes the entire quest line!

Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Information

Genshin Impact - Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Guide - Salsa Quest Denouement

Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste is a Quest Line in Fontaine that can only be unlocked upon solving a puzzle near one of Salsa's easels.

Completing this quest will unlock the Aesthetics of Ugliness achievement!

Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Quest Rewards

All Good Stuff, but Terrible Taste Rewards
Part 1
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x26500
Part 2
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x26500
Part 3
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x26500
Part 4
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x26500
Part 5
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x26500
Part 6
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x26500

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