Genshin Impact

What Are Elite Bosses?

Anemo Hypostasis.png

This is a guide about Elite Bosses, an enemy boss type in Genshin Impact. Learn what Elite Bosses are, their respawn time, and other information about them!

What Are Elite Bosses?

Bosses Encountered in the Field

Elite Bosses.jpg

Elite Bosses are enemies that has a major difficulty spike compared to the enemies you find in the field. In turn, they also offer generous rewards. We highly recommend grouping up to take them down much faster but taking them on alone can also be a fun challenge in its own right.

Consumes Original Resin to Get Rewards

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To obtain the rewards from defeating Elite Bosses, you will need to consume 40 Original Resins. Make sure that your resins are filled before taking on these challenge lest you fail to obtain the rewards.

Respawns Incredibly Fast

Elite bosses also respawns at a fast rate. But due to the nature of Original Resin, fighting them repeatedly may not be the best thing to do.

However, staying in the area will not cause boss to respawn. it is recommended to head to a far distance or do something else if you wish to farm Boss materials or simply wish to fight them again.

Drops Better Loot On Higher World Levels

Elite Bosses will generally drop better loots on higher world levels. Be it character ascension materials or even rare Artifacts! Make sure to only fight bosses for ascension materials early on to avoid wasting Original Resin.

How to Raise Your World Level

List of Elite Bosses

Name and Area Drops
Abyss Herald - Frost FallAbyss Herald - Frost Fall
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Abyss Herald: Wicked TorrentsAbyss Herald: Wicked Torrents
Dainichi Mikoashi & The Serpent's Heart
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Abyss Lector: Fathomless FlamesAbyss Lector: Fathomless Flames
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Abyss Lector: Violet LightningAbyss Lector: Violet Lightning
The Serpent's Heart
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Anemo Hilichurl RogueAnemo Hilichurl Rogue
Girdle of the Sands
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Black Serpent Knight - Rockbreaker AxBlack Serpent Knight - Rockbreaker Ax
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Black Serpent Knight: WindcutterBlack Serpent Knight: Windcutter
The Chasm
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Blazing Axe MitachurlBlazing Axe Mitachurl
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Bolteater Bathysmal VishapBolteater Bathysmal Vishap
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Consecrated Fanged BeastConsecrated Fanged Beast
Girdle of the Sands
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Consecrated Flying SerpentConsecrated Flying Serpent
Desert of Hadramaveth
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Consecrated Horned CrocodileConsecrated Horned Crocodile
Girdle of the Sands
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Consecrated Red VultureConsecrated Red Vulture
Desert of Hadramaveth
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Consecrated ScorpionConsecrated Scorpion
Desert of Hadramaveth
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Crackling Axe MitachurlCrackling Axe Mitachurl
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Cryo Abyss MageCryo Abyss Mage
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Electro Abyss MageElectro Abyss Mage
Kannazuka Island
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Eye of the StormEye of the Storm
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Fatui Cryo Cicin MageFatui Cryo Cicin Mage
Wyrmrest Valley, Snow-Covered Path
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Fatui Electro Cicin MageFatui Electro Cicin Mage
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Fatui Pyro AgentFatui Pyro Agent
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Frostarm LawachurlFrostarm Lawachurl
Snow-Covered Path
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Geovishap HatchlingGeovishap Hatchling
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Hilichurl ChieftainHilichurl Chieftain
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Hydro Abyss MageHydro Abyss Mage
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Hydro Hilichurl RogueHydro Hilichurl Rogue
Girdle of the Sands
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Mirror MaidenMirror Maiden
Mt. Yougou
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Primordial Bathysmal VishapPrimordial Bathysmal Vishap
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Pyro Abyss MagePyro Abyss Mage
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Rimebiter Bathysmal VishapRimebiter Bathysmal Vishap
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Rock Shieldwall MitachurlRock Shieldwall Mitachurl
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Rockfond RifthoundRockfond Rifthound
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Rockfond Rifthound WhelpRockfond Rifthound Whelp
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Ruin CruiserRuin Cruiser
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Ruin DefenderRuin Defender
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Ruin DestroyerRuin Destroyer
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Ruin Drake - EarthguardRuin Drake - Earthguard
Apam Woods
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Ruin Drake - SkywatchRuin Drake - Skywatch
Apam Woods
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Ruin GraderRuin Grader
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Ruin GuardRuin Guard
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Ruin HunterRuin Hunter
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Ruin ScoutRuin Scout
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Shadowy Husk: DefenderShadowy Husk: Defender
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Shadowy Husk: Line BreakerShadowy Husk: Line Breaker
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Shadowy Husk: Standard BearerShadowy Husk: Standard Bearer
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Stonehide LawachurlStonehide Lawachurl
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Thundercraven RifthoundThundercraven Rifthound
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Thundercraven Rifthound WhelpThundercraven Rifthound Whelp
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:
Thunderhelm LawachurlThunderhelm Lawachurl
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Wooden Shield MitachurlWooden Shield Mitachurl
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

Artifact Drops:

List of Weekly Bosses

In addition to Elite Bosses, there are also Weekly Bosses that drops superior Loot but can only be raided once per week. To redeem their rewards, you also need to spend 60 Resins compared to the elite bosses' 40. Below are the list of all Weekly Bosses in the game.

Name and Area Drops
Mt. Hulao
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Sea of Clouds
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Guardian of ApepGuardian of Apep's Oasis
Location coming soon!
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
La SignoraLa Signora
Inazuma City
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Lupus BoreasLupus Boreas
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Raiden ShogunRaiden Shogun
Grand Narukami Shrine
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Scaramouche BossScaramouche Boss
Joururi Workshop
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:
Stormterror DvalinStormterror Dvalin
Stormterror's Lair
Standard Drops:

Item Drops:

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2 Anonymousabout 2 years

I love your website!

1 AngelBDLover 3 years

Update weekly bosses by adding La Signora, please.

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