Genshin Impact

Natlan Interactive Map and Location

Genshin Impact - Natlan Interactive Map and Location Guide

Natlan is the sixth map region ruled by the Pyro Archon in Genshin Impact. See its Interactive Map, how to get there, its puzzles, regional features, characters, quests, and all known info about it here!

Natlan Interactive Map

Regional Interactive Map

Version 5.2 Natlan Areas

Flower-Feather Clan Previews
Masters of the Night-Wind Previews

Two Tribe Locations in 5.2

Version 5.2 introduces the Flower-Feather Clan and Masters of the Night-Wind areas, which were previewed in the 5.2 Special Program!

The Flower-Feather Clan are known for their Qucusaurs and pilot warriors, while the Masters of the Night-Wind can unlock hidden mechanics with their Iktomisaurs!

Ancient City of Ochkanatlan

Genshin Impact - New Area Preview
The third area is the Ochknatlan, an ancient ruin steeped in Abyssal influence, where a ferocious dragon stands guard and will attack anyone who trespasses!

5.2 Livestream Summary

Chests Interactive Map

249 Treasure Chests can be found in Natlan as of Version 5.0.

Natlan Treasure Chest Map and Locations

How to Enter Natlan

West of Sumeru's Desert of Hadramaveth

Natlan is found west of the Desert of Hadramaveth, which is the left-most area of the Teyvat continent bordering Sumeru.

You can immediately enter the region by using the Natlan Teleport Waypoint. You can unlock this simply by completing Mondstadt's Prologue: Act 3 Quest, Song of the Dragon and Freedom.

Teleport Waypoint Missing?

If you have already completed the Mondstadt Archon Quest but the waypoint isn't appearing on your map, you may try relogging or restarting the game.

Natlan Release Date

Release in Version 5.0

Release Date August 28, 2024

Natlan released in Version 5.0 on August 28, 2024, following Version 4.8 in accordance with the regular patch patterns!

This is the same way Inazuma, Sumeru, and Fontaine were released, which came out after a Summer Event with a temporary map.

Version 5.0 Release Date and Details

Natlan's Unique Features


Saurians are creatures of varying elements which are used to explore and solve puzzles in Natlan. While inside the region, players can use the indwelling mechanic to borrow their bodies and walk around the region and use their unique movesets.

Saurian Types and Names


The energy that permeates the entire region, Phlogiston acts like a separate energy system or a stamina bar for the Saurian abilities. It is also used for prolonging the duration of the Natlan characters' exploration mechanics.

Phlogiston of Natlan Guide

Nightsoul Blessing

As a more prominent mechanic than Fontaine's Arkhe system, the Nightsoul Blessing is the major Natlan combat mechanic introduced with Mualani, Kachina, and Kinich. Whenever these characters use their major ability, the Nightsoul Blessing meter will show up left of the character.

It essentially acts as a way to monitor stacks, skill durations, or gauge the limits depending on the character's kit.

Nightsoul's Blessing and Burst Guide

Tablet of Tona

Genshin - Tablet of Tona
The Tablet of Tona is the reward system found in Stadium of the Sacred Flame in Natlan where you can exchange Pyro Sigils for valuable items like the new Borderlands Billet.

There are no prerequisites to unlock the Tablet of Tona.

Tablet of Tona

Other Exploration Guides

Other Natlan Exploration Guides
Genshin - Natlan Daily CommissionsNatlan Daily Commissions Genshin - Natlan Tribal ChroniclesTribal Chronicles (Reputations)
Genshin - Natlan Craftable WeaponsNatlan Craftable Weapons Genshin - Natlan Shrine of DepthsNatlan Shrine of Depths
Genshin - Natlan Local LegendsNatlan Local Legends Genshin - Natlan DomainsNatlan Domains
Genshin - Obsidian FragmentObsidian Fragment and Rings Genshin - Natlan ViewpointsNatlan Viewpoints
Genshin - Righteous ResistanceRighteous Resistance Achievement

Natlan Regional Features


Genshin - Pyroculus

As with every new region comes the map's major collectible, the Pyroculus. As of Version 5.0, you can find 108 Hydroculi in total.

5.0 Pyroculus Locations and How to Use

Natlan Material and Artifact Domains

Domain Domain Drops
Ancient Watchtower
Genshin - Night-WindGenshin - Delirious Decadence of the Sacred Lord ImageGenshin - Blazing Sacrificial Heart
Blazing Ruins
Genshin - Teachings of Conflict ImageGenshin - Teachings of Kindling ImageGenshin - Teachings of Contention Image
Sanctum of Rainbow Spirits
Obsidian Codex ImageScroll of the Hero of Cinder City Image

Natlan Quests

Natlan Archon Quests

Natlan Chapter 5 Archon Quests
Genshin - Archon Quest Chapter 5 Act 1 and 2
Act 1: Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn Act 2: Black Stone Under a White Stone
Act 3: Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors Act 4: The Rainbow Destined to Burn

List of Archon Quests

Natlan World Quests

New World Quests are added after Version 5.0.

Natlan Quest Guides
A Saurian Lover's Ordinary Days A Saurian Returns to the Nest Adventure in the Land of Mists
Beneath the Crystal Rock Between Pledge and Forgettance Charge Forward! Go, go, go!
Come Fly With Me Dancin’ in the Moonlight! Every Aspect of a Warrior
Feeling like Fish Today! Friends of Fire and Water Gifts and Gifts in Return
In the Footsteps of the Chosen of Dragons Lies and Promises Lights, Kamera, Action!
Lost in the Woods Lost Traveler in the Ashen Realm Molting Season
Moment of Awakening Open Your Heart to Me Palace of the Vision Serpent
Peace to the Slumbering Revelations From the Past Ripe for Trouble
Rite of the Bold Sauro-Vet's Dilemma Seeker No Finding
Shadows of the Mountains Special Friends Stand by Me
Stones, Coconuts, and Dragon Traffickers Stride on Rainbows, Split the Waves Tales of Dreams Plucked From Fire
Tepetlisaurus Hide-and-Seek The Case of the Crafting Bench The Chosen One's Promise
The Lone Isle Named Night The Mystery of Tecoloapan Beach The Other Side of the Sky
The Road Ahead To the Night, What is the Night's To the Sky-Road
To Wish Upon a Star Toward Red-Hot Adventure! Tracer No Tracing
Treasures and Collectors Twisted Extension Vaulting the Wall of Morning Mist
Waiting For Seeds to Sprout Weighty Wings

List of World Quests

Natlan Items

Natlan Local Specialties
Genshin Impact - Sprayfeather GillSprayfeather Gill Genshin Impact - Quenepa BerryQuenepa Berry Genshin Impact - Saurian Claw SucculentSaurian Claw Succulent
Genshin - Brilliant ChrysanthemumBrilliant Chrysanthemum Gesnhin - Withering Purpurbloom Withering Purpurbloom Gesnhin - Glowing Hornshroom Glowing Hornshroom
Natlan Materials
Genshin Impact - GrainfruitGrainfruit Genshin Impact - Candlecap MushroomCandlecap Mushroom Genshin Impact - Spinel FruitSpinel Fruit
Genshin - CacahuatlCacahuatl Genshin - Embercore FlowerEmbercore Flower
Other Items
Yellow Obsidian Rings Azure Obsidian Rings Green Obsidian Rings
Iridescent Inscription Fragment Key to Somewhere Red Metal Key
Night Jade Wooden Model Alpaca Strange Saurian Cart Key
Blazing Flint Ore Shiny Shell Broken, Graffiti-Marked Stone

Artifacts in Natlan

Artifact Sets in Natlan
Obsidian Codex Obsidian Codex Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City

Natlan artifacts that interacts with the Nightsoul Blessing mechanic was released as the best-in-slot sets for the Version 5.0 characters.

List of Artifacts and Stats

Natlan Characters

Name Element Weapon Rarity

Several Natlan characters were teased in the Ignition Teaser: A Name Forged in Flames. These characters shows up in the Archon Quest and possibly as playable characters in the region.

Natlan Characters

Natlan Enemies

World Bosses

Boss Location
Genshin - Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain KingGluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King Entrance through a ravine from Yecuemecan Valley
Genshin - Goldflame Qucusaur TyrantGoldflame Qucusaur Tyrant Inside a cave north of Stadium of the Sacred Flame
Genshin - Secret Source Automaton Configuration DeviceSecret Source Automaton: Configuration Device Inside a cave south of the Toyac Springs

Local Legends

Genshin Impact - Natlan Local Legends

As of Version 5.0, ten new Local Legend appears throughout the Natlan map.

Local Legends of Natlan and Locations

Common Enemies

Natlan Enemies
Genshin - Wayob ManifestationWayob Manifestation Genshin - Sauroform TribalSauroform Tribal Warriors Genshin - Avatar of LavaAvatar of Lava
Genshin - Secret Source Automaton: Hunter-SeekerSecret Source Automaton: Hunter-Seeker Gesnhin - Tenebrous MimifloraTenebrous Mimiflora

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Areas and Map Guides

All Interactive Map Guides

Map Guides for Teyvat Nations

List of Region Map Guides
Genshin - Mondstadt Map Guide SlimMondstadt Map Guide Genshin Impact - Liyue Map Guide SlimLiyue Map Guide
Genshin - Inazuma Map Guide SlimInazuma Map Guide Genshin Impact - Sumeru Region SlimSumeru Map Guide
Genshin Impact - Fontaine Region Slim Fontaine Map Guide Genshin - Natlan Region Map Guide Natlan Map Guide

All Nations and Regions

Map Guides for Other Areas

List of Map Guides
Genshin Impact - Enkanomiya Map GuideEnkanomiya Genshin Impact - Archipelago Map GuideGolden Archipelago
Genshin Impact - Dragonspine Map GuideDragonspine Genshin Impact - The Chasm Map GuideThe Chasm
Genshin - Rainforest AreaSumeru Rainforest Genshin - Desert AreaSumeru Desert
Genshin Impact Veluriyam MirageVeluriyam Mirage Genshin Impact Chenyu ValeChenyu Vale
Genshin Impact Simulanka SlimSimulanka Genshin Impact - Nod-Krai Nod-Krai City

Oculi Location Guides

Teyvat Oculus Guides
Genshin - AnemoculusAnemoculus Genshin - Geoculus GuideGeoculus Genshin - Electrocolus GuideElectroculus
Genshin - DendroculusDendroculus Genshin - HydroculusHydroculus Gesnhin - PyroculusPyroculus

Other Oculus Map Guides

Dendroculus Guides
Rainforest Dendroculus All Desert Dendroculus
Hadramaveth Dendroculus Girdle of the Sands Dendroculus
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