Genshin Impact

Prayers for Illumination Artifact Set and Locations

Genshin Impact - Artifacts Guide - Prayers for Illumination mode:show

This is a page for the Prayers for Illumination Artifact Set in Genshin Impact. Read on for comprehensive Artifact Set Bonus information, Individual Artifact Stats, Artifact farming locations, recommended characters, and more!

Prayers for Illumination Set Effects and Rating

Prayers for Illumination Set Bonus

Artifact Set
Prayers for Illumination Set Icon
Prayers for Illumination
1-Piece Effect Affected by Pyro for 40% less time.

Prayers for Illumination Rating

Rank Genshin - C Rank Icon

Just like the other Prayers Set Artifacts, the 1-Piece set bonus provides build versatility allowing you to tailor your character's defenses to specific content such as element-specific Domains, and the Spiral Abyss.

Balance Offense and Elemental Defense

With the right substats, the Prayers Circlets can be easily combined with a 4-Piece Set Bonus creating both offense and defense where necessary.

How to Get Prayers for Illumination

Prayers for Illumination can be obtained from the Bosses or Domains below.


Genshin - Pyro Regisvine ImagePyro Regisvine Genshin - Primo Geovishap ImagePrimo Geovishap Genshin - Pyro Hypostasis ImagePyro Hypostasis
Genshin - Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network ImageAlgorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network Genshin - Iniquitous Baptist ImageIniquitous Baptist Genshin - Emperor of Fire and Iron ImageEmperor of Fire and Iron
Genshin - Legatus Golem ImageLegatus Golem Genshin - Goldflame Qucusaur Tyrant ImageGoldflame Qucusaur Tyrant Genshin - Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King ImageGluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King

Prayers for Illumination Set Information

Prayers for Illumination Set Images

}Tiara of Flame Tiara of Flame

Prayers for Illumination Stats

Pieces Main Stats
Genshin Artifacts - Prayers for Illumination Set Icon Tiara of Flame Image Tiara of Flame HP%
Healing Bonus%
CRIT Rate%
Elemental Mastery

List of Bonus Stats

CRIT DMG Elemental Mastery
Energy Recharge

Effects with a * can both be a set value and a percentage. For Example: ATK +10, ATK+10%

You can get a maximum of 4 bonus substats on any individual artifact piece by enhancing it. The bonus stats you get will be random and will not include the artifact's main stat.

Once a 5-star artifact has 4 substats, every 4 levels of enhancement will upgrade one of the available substats randomly. You can get a total of 4-5 substat upgrades.

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