Genshin Impact

Chronicled Wish 5.3 Banner Guide

Genshin Impact - Chronicled Wish Banner Guide

See which characters and weapons are available in the Liyue Chronicled Wish banner for Version 5.3, an explanation of the wish system, and how to roll in this Chronicled Wish banner guide!

Chronicled Wish Banner Date

Liyue Chronicled Wish in Version 5.3 Phase 2

Genshin - Liyue Chronicled Wish - Version 5.3

Banner Start January 21, 2025
Banner End February 11, 2025

The Liyue Chronicled Wish banner is available on the second phase of Version 5.3, alongside Arlecchino and Clorinde's rerun banners.

Remembrance of Jade and Stone Banner

Chronicled Wish Banner Characters and Weapons for 5.3

Featured Characters in Liyue Chronicled Wish 5.3

The Liyue Chronicled Wish banner for Version 5.3 features seven 5-Star characters, as well as all 4-Star characters from Liyue aside from Lan Yan.

5-star Characters Available in Chronicled Wish Banner 5.3

The following 5-star characters are the featured units to appear in Version 5.3's wish banner.

All 5-Star Character Drops

4-star Characters Available in Chronicled Wish Banner 5.3

The following 4-star characters are the featured units to appear in Version 5.3's wish banner.

Beidou ImageBeidou Ningguang ImageNingguang Xiangling ImageXiangling
Xingqiu ImageXingqiu Chongyun ImageChongyun Xinyan ImageXinyan
Yanfei ImageYanfei Yun Jin ImageYun Jin Yaoyao ImageYaoyao
Gaming ImageGaming

Featured Weapons in Liyue Chronicled Wish 5.3

5-star Characters Available in Chronicled Wish Banner 5.3

The following 5-star weapons are the featured units to appear in Version 5.3's wish banner.

All ★5 Weapon Drops
Primordial Jade Winged-Spear ImagePrimordial Jade Winged-Spear
Memory of Dust ImageMemory of Dust
The Unforged ImageThe Unforged
Summit Shaper ImageSummit Shaper
Primordial Jade Cutter ImagePrimordial Jade Cutter
Polar Star ImagePolar Star
Calamity Queller ImageCalamity Queller
JadefallJadefall's Splendor
AmosAmos' Bow

4-star Characters Available in Chronicled Wish Banner 5.3

The following 4-star weapons are the featured units to appear in Version 5.3's wish banner.

Favonius Sword ImageFavonius Sword The Flute ImageThe Flute Sacrificial Sword ImageSacrificial Sword
LionLion's Roar Favonius Greatsword ImageFavonius Greatsword The Bell ImageThe Bell
Sacrificial Greatsword ImageSacrificial Greatsword Rainslasher ImageRainslasher DragonDragon's Bane
Favonius Lance ImageFavonius Lance Favonius Codex ImageFavonius Codex The Widsith ImageThe Widsith
Sacrificial Fragments ImageSacrificial Fragments Eye of Perception ImageEye of Perception Favonius Warbow ImageFavonius Warbow
The Stringless ImageThe Stringless Sacrificial Bow ImageSacrificial Bow Rust ImageRust
Lithic Spear ImageLithic Spear Lithic Blade ImageLithic Blade

What is the Chronicled Wish Banner?

Banner System with Multiple 5-Star Characters and Weapons

Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Chronicled Wish
Chronicled Wish is a banner system in Genshin Impact where you can pick a character or weapon you wish to obtain from a selection of specific 5-stars. The chance to win your chosen unit when you pull a 5-star is 50%, and will become guaranteed on the next 5-star pull if you failed.

Which 5-Star Units Can be in Chronicled Wish?

Genshin Impact - Ode to the Dawn Breeze

Characters Must Have Been Rerun 3 or More Times

Limited characters must have been featured at least 3 or more times in their exclusive event-wish banners, and have not been featured recently in Character Event Wish and Character Event-Wish 2 banners, to be included in the new banner system.

List of Featured Characters and Weapons Change Every Period

There is a duration period for the banner, and it may run different units each time it is run. This list may change and not even run on select patch updates, so stay tuned on any announcements regarding it!

Pick Your Desired Unit with Chronicled Path

This banner features the Chronicled Path, which is similar to the Epitomized Path system of the weapon banner. Both types of Paths essentially let you choose which 5-star unit you wish to get as the Designated Item.

Unlike in the weapon banner, you will only need 1 Fate Point to be guaranteed in the Chronicled Wish banner. It gives you a 50% chance to win your chosen unit when you pull a 5-star. If you lose, the next 5-star pull is guaranteed to be the desired item.

How does the Chronicled Wish Banner Work?

Choose Your Designated Unit

Genshin Impact - Chronicled Wish Banner Setup
Similar to the Epitomized Path system of the Epitome Invocation banner, players must choose which character or weapon you wish to get as the Designated Item.

50/50 Chance to Get the Designated Item

Pulling a 5-star unit has a 50% chance to be the Designated Item. Failing the 50/50 will give you 1 Fate Point, which essentially means that the next 5-star unit you pull is now guaranteed to be the Designated Item.

After obtaining or changing your chosen Designated Item, or when the version's Chronicled Wish banner ends, the Fate Points will reset.

Unit received can either be a Character or Weapon but not both

Genshin - Chronicled Wish - Only 5-Star Characters if Character is Chosen

If you chose a 5-star character as your Designated Item, then that means that you cannot get any 5-star weapons. Conversely, if you chose a weapon as your Designated Item, you cannot lose your 5-star pull to a character.

Pity System for Chronicled Wish Similar to Character Banner

Fundamentally speaking, the pity to get a 5-star or 4-star unit is generally the same as the Character Event-Wish banners. The difference here is that the "featured" unit is the chosen Designated Item and all of the 4-Star units have an equal chance of appearing..

Genshin - Primogem bullet point Guaranteed pity is 90 wishes to get a 5-star unit.
Genshin - Primogem bullet point 50% chance to get the Designated Item when you pull a 5-star unit.
Genshin - Primogem bullet point If you fail the 50% chance, the next unit is guaranteed to be the Designated Item.
Genshin - Primogem bullet point For every 10 pulls, you are guaranteed to win a 4-star or higher unit.

Pity Count is Carried Over to Next Banner

If the patch's Chronicled Wish ends, the pity count will carry over to the next Chronicled Wish banner. However, as mentioned above, Fate Points still reset.

Pity Count is Not Shared with Other Banners

Unlike Character Event Wish-2, the Chronicled Wish banner does not share its pity count with any other banners.

Pity System in Banners Explained

Uses Intertwined Fates

Intertwined Fate Image Intertwined Fate

The purple Intertwined Fates are the required currency to pull for the Chronicled Wish banner like in the limited Character Event-Wish banners and Epitome Invocation.

Should You Pull on the Chronicled Wish Banner?

Pull for Your Chosen 5-Star Unit

Genshin Impact - Kokomi Thinking
It's recommended to pull on this banner only if there is a 5-Star character or weapon you really want, as the 5-Star units are the only ones with a guarantee.

The Chronicled Wish banner has a smaller pool of 4-Star characters and more limited 4-Star weapons, but there are no featured 4-Stars, meaning there's an equal chance of getting any of them.

Previous Chronicled Wish Banner

Ode to the Dawn Breeze

March 13, 2024 - April 2, 2024
Genshin - Ode to the Dawn Breeze Banner
Featured Characters
Genshin - Jean ImageGenshin - Diluc ImageGenshin - Klee ImageGenshin - Mona ImageGenshin - Albedo ImageGenshin - Eula Image
Featured Weapons
Genshin - Aquila Favonia ImageGenshin - Skyward Blade ImageGenshin - Skyward Pride ImageGenshin - WolfGenshin - Skyward Spine ImageGenshin - Skyward Atlas ImageGenshin - Skyward Harp ImageGenshin - HunterGenshin - Beacon of the Reed Sea Image

Genshin Impact Related Gudes

Genshin - Slim Partial Banner - Gacha

All Gacha (Wish) Guides

List of Gacha (Wish) Guides

Genshin Impact - Gacha Drop Rates and In-App PurchasesGacha Rates and In-App Purchases Genshin Impact - Best Wishes to PullBest Current Wishes to Pull
Pity_BannerPity System Guide Genshin Impact - Epitomized Path - Weapon Wish MechanicEpitomized Path
Genshin - Chronicled WishChronicled Wish Genshin - Capturing Radiance - Chance to Win 50-50Capturing Radiance

List of Current Gachas

All Current Wishes
Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation GachaEpitome Invocation Genshin Impact - Starry NightStarry Night's Whispers
Genshin Impact - Ancient Flame Ablaze GachaAncient Flame Ablaze Genshin Impact - Remembrance of Jade and Stone GachaRemembrance of Jade and Stone
Genshin Impact - BeginnerBeginner's Wish Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation GachaWanderlust Invocation


24 Anonymousabout 2 months

Quick question, I lost my soft pity to Childe when i set my course to Shenhe then I got Shenhe after 30 or 40 pulls will I still be able to get my Ganyu at hard pity or will it still be soft pity?

23 Anonymous2 months

Not only liyue characters iirc, it's just that all liyue characters are boosted

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