Genshin Impact

Free Verse Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Free Verse World Quest Guide

Free Verse is a World Quest introduced in Genshin Impact 4.2. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here in this guide!

How to Unlock Free Verse

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin - Free Verse
Genshin Impact Free Verse No Quest Requirement Aha! Looks like Free Verse is not locked behind any quest!

Teleport to the Waypoint East of Opera Epiclese

Free Verse is a new world quest added in Version 4.2 and will be available immediately after unlocking the Fontaine region.

Fast travel to the waypoint directly east of Opera Epiclese and head down the docks where a child and her two friends are to start the quest.

Free Verse Walkthrough

Try to Understand What Don Quijano and Nana are Saying

Genshin Free Verse - Try to understand what Don Quijano and Nana are saying

Turn around and approach Don Quijano and Nana to start a conversation with them. After a couple of meows and woofs, you'll be able to understand Don Quijano and Nana's words.

They will ask you to be friends with Penny. Aww. Let's go!

Talk to Penny

Genshin Free Verse - Go underwater and see the "children"

Return to Penny with Don Quijano and Nana and talk to her. A ceremony will be held to announce Penny, Paimon, and you as good friends!

Now that you share a bond, Penny would like you to meet the "children".

Go Underwater and See the Children

There are three groups of "children" to visit, and all of them are hiding under huge shells.

The first one is west of the dock. Dive down (or use a waverider) and head west to the marked huge shell.
Now, go back to the dock and head further to the east to find the next group.
The third and final group is near the second one. But wait, it's already open and the "children" are nowhere to be found!

Instead you saw a Fatui insignia. Better tell Penny about this!

Tell Penny About the Situation

Genshin Free Verse - Tell Penny about the situation

Swim back to the dock or use the waypoint again and return to Penny. Tell them about the missing "children" and the Fatui insigna, which is, apparently... from one of their friends?

Discuss the Situation with Don Quijano

Genshin Free Verse - Discuss the situation with Don Quijano

Follow Don Quijano and talk about how to make Penny smile again. He'll suggest to gather all of the "children" so they can sing together.

Follow the Children

Genshin Free Verse - Follow the "children"

Dive back down and follow the glowing school of fishes to your first group of "children".

Save the Troublemaker

Genshin Free Verse - Save the troublemaker

The troublemaker is trapped under a rock. You must use the autocannon on the nearby shipwreck to destroy it. Absorb the abilities of a Xenochromatic Ball Octopus (you can find one nearby) and grab the receiver node inside the shipwreck.

Take it to the autocannon and concentrate the Ball Octopus ability on the node to take control of the autocannon.

Blast the rocks on the other side of the cannon to find the troublemaker.

Save Bighead

Genshin Free Verse - Save "Bighead"

Continue following the "children" until you find one of their friends trapped in a seaweed. Grab the abilities of a Xenochromatic Hunter's Ray and position yourself so that the glowing seaweed nodes are aligned.

Use the Hunter Ray's slicing wave to destroy the nodes in one sweep to free "Bighead".

Capture Lil' Rascal

Genshin Free Verse - Capture "Lil

You'll meet "Lil' Rascal" next. You'll have to catch this group three times to complete the objective. They aren't that fast and your swim boost should be more than enough to catch up to them. They also won't leave the marked area so they're easy to spot.

Save Scaredy-Cat

Genshin Free Verse - Save "Scaredy-Cat"

Follow the "children" again until you find "Scaredy-Cat" trapped in a shipwreck. There are no other ways to get inside, but a key to the cage is kept inside a box at the surface.

Rise to the shore and defeat the Treasure Hoarders above so you can interact with the box. Grab the Rusty Iron Key and use it to free "Scaredy-Cat" and continue.

Return to Penny's Side

Genshin Free Verse - Return to Penny

You're too far from Penny at this point. Fast travel to the waypoint near her and tell her that you've found all the "children".

Enter the Wave

Genshin Free Verse - Enter the wave

Jump into the water again and enter the current until you reach your destination. You can use the Humongous Hat Jellyfish at the end to launch you to the surface!

Talk to Penny

Genshin Free Verse - Talk to Penny

Talk to Penny to witness the beginning of a dream and complete the quest!

Free Verse Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

I Do Believe in Fairies Achievement

You will obtain the I Do Believe in Fairies Achievement after completing the Free Verse World Quest!

Achievement List and Rewards

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1 Anonymous11 months

this quest makes me cry :(

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