Genshin Impact

The Truth of the Battle of Seven Colors Story Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Citlali Story Quest

The Truth of the Battle of Seven Colors is Act 3 of Memories Flowing With Colors Tribal Chronicles, released in Phase 1 of Genshin Impact 5.3. See how to go deeper into the ruins, how to unlock the quest, the complete list of rewards, and all info about it here in this guide!

Story Quest
Citlali's Character Guides
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Memories Flowing With Color Chapter
Genshin - Act 1The Truth of the Battle of Seven Colors Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Citlali Story Quest

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin - The Truth of the Battle of Seven Colors
Complete the previous Tribal Quests
Reach Adventure Rank 40+
Genshin Impact - Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind  Tribal Chronicle Memories Flowing With Color: Act 1
Calling from the Masters of the Night-Wind
Genshin Impact - Legendary “Color”  Tribal Chronicle Memories Flowing With Color: Act 2
Legendary “Color”

To unlock Citlali's Story Quest you just need to reach Adventure Rank 40 and complete the previous two acts of the Tribe Chronicles along with Act 5 of Chapter 5 of the Archon Quests, Incandescent Ode of Resurrection!

List of Tribal Chronicles

Citlali's Story Quest Act 1 Walkthrough

A Commission Catches You in Natlan

As you head into the Masters of the Night-Wind tribe, you spot a gaggle of phony individuals on your way. Question the suspicious Fatui, as well as the Fontanians with them.
At Montluson's request, go to Citlali's home and convince her to help you investigate the mystery surrounding the Battle of Seven Colors. After a series of dialogue, Citlali eventually caves in and agrees to help you.

Please, Great Shaman!

Accompany Citlali for the investigation, and head within the Obsidian Altar on the Masters of Night-Wind tribe. Due to being outsiders, Montluson and his group aren't prohibited from entering the sacred ground, so go to the location with Citlali.
Because of her infamy, the priests and priestess of the tribe are visibly terrified because of Citlali's sudden visit. Exhaust their dialogues, then talk to Biram, who should be on the left side of the totem to progress the quest.
After talking to the priests, meet up with Montluson and the others, and find a member of the Shaman family that the priests have mentioned.
You'll eventually meet Etchemin, a member of a family who had long given up passing Citlali's trials, so they turned to preserving Huitzilin's stories instead. According to him, the Battle of the Seven Colors had taken place in Chicomostoc Cave, presently known as The Valley of Fog located in Xalac Vale.
After hearing this, Montluson insists to visit the place right away, however Citlali disagrees, and has the group reconvene on the next day.
Afterwards, go together with Citlali and board the hot air balloon. The balloon is located on top of a mountain, however you can easily reach the location by indwelling on the nearby Iktomisaurus spiritsconce, and using its elemental skill to summon another hot-air balloon you can use to access the mountaintop.

Seven-Hued Ruins

Adjust your in-game clock to 11:00 - 13:00 the next day, then go to the agreed location in Xalac Vale. Use the nearby Teleport Waypoint, then jump down into the valley to easily get to the location.
Note: The Seven-Hued Ruins is a story domain that has enemies inside, however, you'll only encounter three mobs of enemies, which means you can bring whichever team you like! Citlali plays a huge role solving challenges within the domain, but she'll be loaned as a Trial character for everyone to use.
A brief cutscene plays out as soon as you enter the domain. Then, go deeper into the ruins until you see a doorway blocked by a purple wall, which you can open by simply getting the sphere from the floating mechanism beside it. The sphere makes colored walls passable, provided they have the same color. You'll encounter a bunch of these as you go deeper, so keep this in mind all the time!
Afterwards, continue going deeper into the ruins safely by using Citlali's Nightsoul mechanic. Keep doing this until you see floating, transluscent platforms that should have the same color as the sphere floating around you. Place this sphere into the mechanism to solidify the platforms, then jump on them by one, until you get across.
Head towards the colored wall in front of you, and take the blue sphere from the mechanism. Then, pass through the doorway to get to the next area.
To leave the labyrinth, tread along the yellow platform, and pass through the transluscent wall. The platform eventually becomes forked, but picking whichever side leads to the same outcome, so pick either left or right.
After passing thru the wall, walk a couple of steps forward until you the pink platforms elevate one by one. Use Citlali's Nightsoul mechanic to easily reach the platforms. Another transluscent wall should be waiting for you at the end.
As soon as you pass through, the platforms extends outward and summons a mob of Abyss enemies. Defeat them, then take the pink sphere from mechanism, and pass through the pink wall beside it. Take note that the platform becomes forked again, but pick the one to your right.
After passing through the wall, and falling through, you'll see yet another two passable walls ahead of you. As with the previous ones, left or right doesn't matter but it's important that you pass through them right away, as the platform itself changes colors. Once it becomes pink, the platform becomes transluscent, which causes your character to fall.
As you pass through the wall, the platform inevitably changes to pink, however, there's solid ground beneath it. Defeat the monsters that spawn as soon as you land, then take the yellow sphere from the mechanism to disable to yellow wall ahead.
Continue going forward, until you see a set of platforms that gradually changes color. Take note that the sphere you have is yellow, which means you must avoid the yellow platforms to safely cross the bridge. Reaching the last block should reveal a pathway that leads to the exit out of the spatial realm.
After getting out, wait for the cutscene play out, then defeat Grudoc and his Fatui gang. A brief cutscene plays once more, which sends you and Citlali back to Huitzilin's realm.
Soon after, you'll eventually find the exit out of the Seven-Hued Ruins, where the researcher Allier is anxiously waiting for you. After exhausting all the dialogue options with him, capture Montluson nearby who was caught by Claw.

The Color of Memory

Immediately after capturing Montluson, accompany Citlali back to her dwelling at her behest.
After reaching her basement, go outside together with Citlali, and watch the cutscene about the truth of Huitzlin's secret technique, as well as Citlali's own scroll-weaving. Afterwards, exhaust all the dialogue options with her, to proceed to the next objective.
Then, skip your in-game clock to next day (08:00 - 12:00), and give the woven scroll to Chief Biram in the tribe's Obsidian Totem.
Lastly, explain the situation to Citlali, then obtain a key to her house, afterwards! Doing so also effectively concludes her story quest.

Citlali Story Quest Act 1 Rewards

All Story Quest Rewards

Sub Quest Quest Rewards
A Commission Catches You in Natlan
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x31125
Please, Great Shaman!
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x38100
Seven-Hued Ruins
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x49200
The Color of Memory
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x43100
Genshin - The Cornerstone of Stars and Flames.pngThe Cornerstone of Stars and Flames x1

Citlali Story Quest Act 1 Release Date

Released in Version 5.3

Genshin Impact Version 5.3
Genshin Impact Version 5.3.png
Release Date January 1, 2025

The Truth of the Battle of Seven Colors was released on January 1, 2025 alongside Citlali's own debut banner!

Version 5.3 Release Date and Details

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