Genshin Impact

Klee Rating and Best Builds

Genshin Impact - Klee Rating and Best Builds

Klee is a 5-Star Pyro Catalyst character in Genshin Impact. Her main role is to provide constant Pyro DMG as an on-field DPS. See her best builds, weapon, artifacts, team comp, materials and our rating of this character in this Genshin Impact guide!

Story Quest
Klee's Character Guides
Genshin - Klee Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Klee Story and ProfileLore Fish-Flavored Toast ImageSpecial Dish
Trifolium Chapter
Genshin - Act 1True Treasure Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Klee Rating and Info

Character Information

Genshin - Klee Rating
C Rank Icon
Voice Actors Poonam Basu (EN)
Kuno Misaki (JP)

Tier List Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Exploration
C - - A

Character Tier List | Best Characters

Klee's Stats

Lvl. 20 Base Stats
Lvl. 90 Max Stats
Stat Base Value
Pyro DMG%
Stat Max Value
Pyro DMG%

Base Stat Calculations

Genshin - Albedo Thinking Emoji Stats indicated above are obtained from Klee's base values. These numbers also exclude the character's equipped weapon, artifacts, talents, or other passive effects that are not innate to the character.
Genshin - Faruzan Thinking Emoji All characters start with 5% CRIT Rate, 50% CRIT DMG, 100% Energy Recharge, 0 Elemental Mastery, 0% Healing Bonus, and 0% Elemental DMG bonus before any additional stats are applied. The table above includes such values.
Genshin - Xianyun Thinking Emoji The Level 20 stats indicated for this character are calculated before their first ascension.

Character Stat Rankings

Klee's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

All Ascension Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×420,000
All Talent Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×4,957,500

Klee's Strengths and Weaknesses

• Klee can cover a certain area and deal decent Pyro Damage through her Elemental Skill and Burst.
• Can act as a driver for Pyro reaction teams with her quasi-permanent Pyro application, since all of her attacks can inflict Pyro.
• Klee excels in frontloaded damage, making her a relatively good Pyro DPS for bursting through content.
• Klee's Charged Attack is capable of stunlocking enemies, giving her a safe way to deal damage.
• Klee is locked to dealing frontloaded damage, so her kit cannot sustain high damage for long periods of time.
• Short attack range requires good positioning and shielding.
• Party support skill locked behind Constellations.

Best Builds for Klee

Klee Main DPS Build

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact Sub Stats CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
Sample Teams
Vaporize: Genshin - Klee ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Zhongli ImageGenshin - Kazuha Image

Overload: Genshin - Klee ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Sara ImageGenshin - Chevreuse Image

This Klee Main DPS build focuses on improving her Elemental Reaction DMG. A variation of a 2pc. Crimson Witch set and a 2pc. Artifact set that provides 18% ATK DMG is also a viable, albeit a less damaging option.

Klee Talent Priority

Main DPS Sub DPS/Support
1st Normal Attack Elemental Skill
2nd Elemental Skill Normal Attack
3rd Elemental Burst Elemental Burst

Depending on Klee's Role, you will want to either prioritize her Normal Attacks or Elemental Skill for DMG. Her Elemental Burst deals the least DMG in her kit, so it should be saved for last, especially if she's a support unit.

Best Artifacts for Klee

Klee Artifact Rankings

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
1st Genshin - Crimson Witch of Flames Image Crimson Witch of Flames 2-PC: Pyro DMG Bonus +15%.
4-PC: Increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40%. Increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill increases 2-Piece Set effects by 50% for 10s. Max 3 stacks.
2nd Genshin - Crimson Witch of Flames Image Crimson Witch of Flames 2-PC: Pyro DMG Bonus +15%
Genshin - Gladiator Gladiator's Finale 2-PC: ATK +18%
3rd Genshin - Lavawalker Image Lavawalker 2-PC: Pyro RES increased by 40%.
4-PC: Increased DMG against enemies affected by Pyro by 35%.

Best 4-Star Artifact for Klee

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
Genshin - Martial Artist Image Martial Artist 2-PC: Increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 15%.
4-PC: After using Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 25% for 8s.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

Klee Best Weapons

Klee Weapon Rankings

Weapon Weapon Information
1st Genshin Impact - Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Image Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 33.1%
Skill Effect: Increases Movement SPD by 10%. When in battle, gain an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus every 4s. Max 4 stacks. Lasts until the character falls or leaves combat.
2nd Genshin Impact - Skyward Atlas Image Skyward Atlas Base ATK: 674
Bonus Stat: ATK 33.1%
Skill Effect: Increases Elemental DMG Bonus by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to earn the favor of the clouds, which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s. Dealing 160% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 30s.
3rd Genshin Impact - The Widsith Image The Widsith Base ATK: 510
Bonus Stat: CRIT DMG 55.1%
Skill Effect: When a character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. This can only occur once every 30s. Recitative: ATK is increased by 60%. Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 48%. Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 240.

Best Free-to-Play Weapon for Klee

Weapon Weapon Information
Genshin Impact - Flowing Purity Image Flowing Purity Base ATK: 565
Bonus Stat: ATK 27.6%
Skill Effect: When using an Elemental Skill, All Elemental DMG Bonus will be increased by 8% for 15s, and a Bond of Life worth 24% of Max HP will be granted. This effect can be triggered once every 10s. When the Bond of Life is cleared, every 1,000 HP cleared in the process will provide 2% All Elemental DMG Bonus. Max 12% All Elemental DMG can be gained this way, and lasts 15s.

All Recommended Weapons for Klee

Recommended Weapons How to Get
Battle Pass
Starglitter Exchange
Starglitter Exchange

List of Swords

Klee Best Team Comp

Klee Vaporize Teams

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Bennett Bennett Genshin - Xilonen Xilonen

A standard Vaporize Team for Klee. Kazuha is recommended as he can also collect Klee's mini bombs into one place, on top of his humungous buffs. Do note that Pyro application in this team is quite fast, and may outpace Xingqiu at times.

You can replace your Sub-DPS or Supports with Yelan, Mona, Venti, or Sucrose, but do note that reactions with them would be less consistent as the recommended characters.

Best Team Comps

Klee - Overload Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Sara Sara Genshin - Chevreuse Chevreuse

With Chevreuse, Klee can also now lead Overload teams. Due to her constant Pyro application, Fischl can assist Klee with triggering Overloaded. Sara can also further boost Klee's damage as the team's buffer.

Klee Mono-Pyro Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett

As Klee can have issues with making Elemental Reactions consistent for herself, you can opt to using her raw power with other Pyro Sub DPS like Xiangling, and Kazuha with Swirl.

This team is recommended for shield breaking or if you're having issues in AoE situations.

Klee Burning Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Klee can also function in Burn teams with Dendro units that have good Dendro Application to keep consistent burn ticks on the enemy, as well as providing their own personal damage to help shred down opponents.

Dendro units like Nahida and Emilie are perfect for these, as their kits are able to support and even buff this kind of playstyle.

Klee Sub DPS/Support Team

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Hu Tao Hu Tao Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Klee Klee Genshin - Lyney Lyney Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Support or Sub DPS teams are only recommended if you have her at C2, which decreases enemy DEF. You can then opt for various teams that requires a Pyro support, namely Vaporize, Melt, or Mono-Pyro.

Klee Best Constellations


Constellation and Effects

Klee's Constellations
C1 Chained Reactions
Attacks and Skills have a certain chance to summon sparks that bombard enemies, dealing DMG equal to 120% of Sparks 'n' Splash's DMG.
C2 Explosive Frags
Being hit by Jumpy Dumpty's mines decreases enemy DEF by 23% for 10s.
C3 Exquisite Compound
Increases the Level of Jumpy Dumpty by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 Sparkly Explosion
If Klee leaves the field during the duration of Sparks 'n' Splash, her departure triggers and explosion that deals 555% of her ATK as AoE Pyro DMG.
C5 Nova Burst
Increases the Level of Sparks 'n' Splash by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Blazing Delight
While under the effects of Sparks 'n' Splash, Klee will regenerate 3 Energy for all members of the party (excluding Klee) every 3s.
When Sparks 'n' Splash is used, all party members will gain a 10% Pyro DMG Bonus for 25s.

Best Constellations Rating and Explanation

Rating Constellation Effect / Merits
C1 ★★☆ • Straight DMG increase for main DPS Klee.
C2 ★★★ • Huge DMG increase for Klee.
• The debuff can also be used by her other party members.

C2 for a Unique Debuff

Klee's Defense debuff on enemies is a unique debuff that increases the overall DMG of the party. This also opens her up as a viable sub-DPS and support unit.

Klee Ascension and Talent Materials

Klee Ascension Materials


Klee Talent Level-Up Materials

Daily Domain Drops Enemy Drops Weekly Boss Drops
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Freedom Image Teachings of Freedom
Genshin Impact - Divining Scroll Image Divining Scroll
Lupus Boreas Challenge Reward
Genshin Impact - Ring of Boreas Image Ring of Boreas
Genshin Impact - Guide to Freedom Image Guide to Freedom Genshin Impact - Sealed Scroll Image Sealed Scroll
Genshin Impact - Philosophies of Freedom Image Philosophies of Freedom Genshin Impact - Forbidden Curse Scroll Image Forbidden Curse Scroll

Talent Materials per Level

Klee Talents and How to Use

Normal Attack

Normal Attack: Kaboom!
Throws things that go boom when they hit things! Perform up to 3 explosive attacks, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
Charge Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina and deals AoE Pyro DMG to enemies after a short casting time.
Plunge Attack:
Gathering the power of Pyro, Klee plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all enemies in her path. Deals AoE Pyro DMG upon impact with the ground.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
1-Hit DMG 72.2%
2-Hit DMG 62.4%
3-Hit DMG 89.9%
Charged Attack DMG 157%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 50
Plunge DMG 56.8%
Low/High Plunge DMG 114%/142%

Explosive Charge Attacks

Genshin - Klee - Charged Attack
Charged Attack: Kaboom!

Klee's Passive Talent, Pounding Surprise, has a 50% chance to grant an Explosive Spark from her Normal Attacks. Explosive sparks will not only empower her next Charged Attack but also remove the stamina cost. Be sure to keep an eye out for the glowing flower that appears after her normal attacks as that indicates an Explosive Spark.

Cancel Long Animations

Genshin - Klee - Jump Attack Cancel
Normal Attack Jump Cancel

Klee's Normal Attack chain and Charged Attack have long animations leaving you open to enemy attacks. To mitigate this you can jump or dash to cancel the animation and reposition her to dodge any incoming attacks.

Mine Ore With Explosions

Genshin - Klee - Mine Ore

You can use Klee's attacks to effectively mine ore instead of switching to a claymore user. Just be careful of flammable environments!

Elemental Skill

Jumpy Dumpty
Jumpy Dumpty is tons of boom-bang-fun!
When thrown, Jumpy Dumpty bounces thrice, igniting and dealing AoE Pyro DMG with every bounce.

On the third bounce, the bomb splits into many mines.
The mines will explode upon contact with enemies, or after a short period of time, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.

Starts with 2 charges.
Flavor Text:
Jumpy Dumpty is Klee's good friend! She can't help but introduce him to everyone.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Jumpy Dumpty DMG 95%
Mine DMG 33%
Mine Duration 15.0s
CD 20.0s

Elemental Burst

Sparks 'n' Splash
Klee's Blazing Delight! For the duration of this ability, continuously summons Sparks 'n' Splash to attack nearby enemies, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
Flavor Text:
The knights all believe that Klee must have a lucky star watching over her to have never been hurt by any of her own bombs...

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Sparks 'n' Splash DMG 42.6%
Duration 10.0s
Energy Cost 60

Don't Switch Characters after Elemental Burst

Genshin - Klee Elemental Burst

Klee's Elemental Burst let her summon Sparks 'n' Splash dealing continuous bouts of AoE Pyro DMG. Switching Klee out during her Elemental Burst will cancel it. Therefore, you should only switch characters when her Elemental Burst is finished.

Passive Talent 1

Pounding Surprise
When Jumpy Dumpty and Normal Attacks deal DMG, Klee has a 50% chance to obtain an Explosive Spark. This Explosive Spark is consumed by the next Charged Attack, which costs no Stamina and deals 50% increased DMG.

Passive Talent 2

Sparkling Burst
When Klee's Charged Attack results in a CRIT, all party members gain 2 Elemental Energy.

Passive Talent 3

All of My Treasures!
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.

Find Mondstadt Local Specialties

Genshin - Klee Passive - Mondstadt Local Specialty Map

Klee's Passive Talent “All of My Treasures!” allows the player to see Mondstadt Local Specialties on the mini-map making them much easier to collect. Materials found across the map are essential for Character Ascension, so be sure to use Klee to take advantage of this ability.

How to Get Klee

Pull from Klee's Rerun Banner

Genshin Impact - Sparkling Steps Gacha and Wish Guide
Banner Status Inactive

Klee's rerun banner was available on the Phase 1 of Version 3.8, alongside Eula's rerun banner, starting from July 5, 2023 to July 25, 2023!

Version 3.8 Banners and Patch Notes

Related Banner Guides

Click to view a Banner Guide!
Genshin - Klee BannerBanner Info Genshin - Wishing Sim IconWish Sim Genshin - Best Wish to Pull Icon 2All Wishes

Klee's In-Game Information

Klee Character Profile

Title Fleeing Sunlight
Gender Female
Race Unconfirmed
Height Small Girl
Faction Knights of Favonius
Constellation Trifolium
Birthday July 27
Special Dish Fish-Flavored Toast

Furina Voicelines

Thoughts About Klee

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Albedo ImageAlbedo Indeed, I view Klee as my younger sister. Whenever she gets herself into some explosive sort of trouble, I can only console myself with the fact that her current destructiveness is nothing compared to that of Miss Alice.
Genshin Impact - Amber ImageAmber Klee? She can be a bit cheeky sometimes, but everyone in the Knights of Favonius likes her. Although... I really ought to keep a closer eye on her if I wanna keep her from getting put in confinement by Jean again.
Genshin Impact - Bennett ImageBennett She's a cute kid... but I have to keep my distance. Whenever she plays with me, her bombs always end up going off... It's not so much me I'm worried about, it would just be awful if something happened to Klee. The Knights of Favonius would never forgive me, that's for sure.
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona Every time Klee wants to play with me, I take her somewhere far from the tavern. Alcohol and explosives... yeah, that's a dangerous combination! I mean, do I want to destroy the wine industry of Mondstadt? Yes, but not in that sense!
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean Though it may be said that it is in a child's nature to play, the things Klee plays with are far from toys. I can never take my eye off her.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya Klee. Seems she has failed to elude the Acting Grand Master's investigative skills, despite the pointers I gave her... Haha, I'm kidding, no need to go reporting me or anything.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa Last time little Klee wanted to use my workshop for her experiments, I had to say no, and she was angry at me for the rest of the day. 'sigh' What happened the next day, you ask? She went off happily to play outside of course.
Genshin Impact - Mona ImageMona Ah yes, Alice's daughter. She's in the custody of the Knights of Favonius, and Albedo looks after her too. She's blessed to have Trifolium as her constellation, which represents good luck. I'm slightly envious... 'smirk' Although, if I'd been blessed with good luck, I suppose I never would have had the great honor of running into that old woman, would I...
Genshin Impact - Noelle ImageNoelle I've always been curious as to how she managed to become a fully-fledged knight at such a young age. I actually went to ask her for tips once, but I'd barely started talking to her when she grabbed me by the hand and took me outside the Knights headquarters to play with bombs. I thought it was some kind of training exercise at first, but Jean found us, and we both ended up in solitary confinement...
Genshin Impact - Razor ImageRazor Klee, friend! Friend, but... big hassle.
Genshin Impact - Rosaria ImageRosaria Trouble, and lots of it. Although, it is sort of a cute kind of trouble...
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose Jean has put her in solitary confinement so many times, but every time she's let out it's not long before she's back in trouble. 'Sigh' Something tells me she hasn't done much introspection. I told her I'd make her a bouncing, dancing Jumpy Dumpty that is also safe - but to date there are still a lot of problems with the design.
Genshin Impact - Yoimiya ImageYoimiya Wait, you said there was a kid in Mondstadt who was good at making bombs?... Now, they aren't much different from fireworks. In other words, she might be a genius... Ohh, I'd love to meet her. But isn't it dangerous to let children play with explosives? Don't the people of Mondstadt worry about that?

Klee's Thoughts About Others

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Albedo ImageAlbedo About Albedo
Me and Albedo have a secret code! Whenever he puts a sign on his workshop door saying "Experiment in Progress," that's code for "Come back later, Klee." Albedo's really nice and he's so patient with me, so I don't mind waiting until he's finished with his work.
Genshin Impact - Alice ImageAlice About the Parents
My mom and dad are the famousest travelers in Teyvat! Mom writes the Teyvat Travel Guide, so all the restaurants and hotels in the whole world care what she thinks about them.
Genshin Impact - Amber ImageAmber About Amber
Amber is the best! Baron Bunny is so fluffy and he even explodes! So. Cool.
Genshin Impact - Bennett ImageBennett About Bennett
Bennett is the best! I always find way more treasure if I go adventuring with Bennett! ...But he never finds any. Why is that, anyway?
Genshin Impact - Diluc ImageDiluc About Diluc
He's one of the weird grown-ups. He's so grumpy all the time... Why does he never smile?
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona About Diona
Diona is the best! I like listening to her, last time I heard her say, "I'm gonna destroy the wine industry in this city if it's the last thing I do!" And I'm gonna help her using my bombs! ...I don't know what a wine industry is though. Is it a monster?
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean About Jean
Master Jean is the best! But she's also a little bit scary.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya About Kaeya
Kaeya is the best! He wrote the Favonius Survival Rulebook for me and he always helps me cover it up when I make a big disaster.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa About Lisa
Lisa is the best! She always sneaks me some treats when I visit her at the workshop. ...Huh, I just remembered I was gonna ask her if I could use the workshop to make some new gunpowder. But I totally forgot...
Genshin Impact - Mona ImageMona About Mona
Mona is the best! It's so much fun when she comes to play with me and Albedo. She talks about all these amazing things, and I don't understand most of it but... Ah, I just love it when Mona comes round!
Genshin Impact - Razor ImageRazor About Razor
Razor's one of my best buddies! Whenever a disaster happens, he always knows the best way to fix it and help keep Klee safe. Um, but most of the time I'm the one who caused the disaster.
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose About Sucrose
Sucrose is the best! This one time she asked me if I wanted a Jumpy Dumpty that can run as well as jump. Tee-hee, well duh! Of course I do, I want hundreds of them! I wanna put them on every street, every staircase, and every square in Mondstadt!

Genshin Impact Character Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters

All Characters and Voice Actors

List of All Characters

Characters by Element
Genshin - Pyro Characters Pyro Genshin - Anemo Characters Anemo Genshin - Electro Characters Electro Genshin - Hydro Characters Hydro
Genshin - Dendro Characters Dendro Genshin - Geo CharactersGeo Genshin - Cryo CharactersCryo

Playable Characters

All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lan Yan Lan Yan Lynette Lynette Sayu Sayu
Sucrose Sucrose Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti Wanderer Wanderer
Xianyun Xianyun Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy Ayaka Ayaka
Charlotte Charlotte Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali Diona Diona
Eula Eula Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu Kaeya Kaeya
Layla Layla Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi Rosaria Rosaria
Shenhe Shenhe Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham Baizhu Baizhu
Collei Collei Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh Kinich Kinich
Kirara Kirara Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro)
Yaoyao Yaoyao Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde Cyno Cyno
Dori Dori Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing Lisa Lisa
Ororon Ororon Raiden Raiden Razor Razor Sara Sara
Sethos Sethos Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro) Yae Miko Yae Miko
Albedo Albedo Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou Itto Itto
Kachina Kachina Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang Noelle Noelle
Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin Zhongli Zhongli
Ayato Ayato Barbara Barbara Candace Candace Furina Furina
Kokomi Kokomi Mona Mona Mualani Mualani Neuvillette Neuvillette
Nilou Nilou Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro)
Xingqiu Xingqiu Yelan Yelan Amber Amber Arlecchino Arlecchino
Bennett Bennett Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya Diluc Diluc
Gaming Gaming Hu Tao Hu Tao Klee Klee Lyney Lyney
Mavuika Mavuika Thoma Thoma Traveler (Pyro) Traveler (Pyro) Xiangling Xiangling
Xinyan Xinyan Yanfei Yanfei Yoimiya Yoimiya

Upcoming Characters

All Upcoming Characters
Alice Alice Capitano Capitano Columbina Columbina Dainsleif Dainsleif
Dottore Dottore Iansan Iansan Ifa Ifa Mizuki Mizuki
Pantalone Pantalone Pierro Pierro Pulcinella Pulcinella Sandrone Sandrone
Skirk Skirk Tsaritsa Tsaritsa Varka Varka

Character Lists

Characters by Rarity
5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters
Free Characters
Characters by Weapon Used
Sword Users Claymore Users
Polearm Users Bow Users
Catalyst Users
Characters by Role
Main DPS Characters Sub DPS Characters
Support Characters Healers
Shield Characters Buff Providers
Best for Exploration Local Specialty Passives
Double Reward Passives
Characters by Gender
Male Characters Female Characters
Short Male Characters Short Female Characters
Medium Male Characters Medium Female Characters
Tall Male Characters Tall Female Characters
Characters by Height
Short Characters Medium Characters
Tall Characters


69 Anonymous4 months

Add Bennett, Xingqiu and Xilonen, 85k heavy hit, I don't think she's that bad, and her rage skill also needs to be improved to support her teammates, when the witch guild appears, I hope Myho, will improve her like Diluc, I let her go pick fruits in Mons as a consolation for her

68 Anonymous8 months

what im saying she gotta be s tier 😭 klee was my best dps for the longest time

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