Genshin Impact

How to Transfer Data | Can You Erase Save Data?


This article covers on how to save data between devices and consoles. You can also find out here how to delete your save data if possible.

How to Transfer Save Data

Step Procedure
Log-in with the account you want to use
Once logged in, select "Start Game"

① Log-in with the account you want to use

Using the account you want to use or transfer, log in to the device where you want to transfer the save data to.

② Once logged in, select Start Game

Once you're logged in, all you need to do is start the game and your save data should be transfered and used on this new device.

Save Data Transfer Limitations


Save Data cannot be transferred between Servers

You can't transfer your save data to a different server nor change servers once selected. So be careful when first selecting your server.

For the PS4, server selection is automatic.

Save Data can be transferred between PC and Mobile Devices

Original Device New Device Save Data Transfer
Android / iOS PC Yes
PC Android / iOS Yes
PS4 / Switch PC / Android / iOS No
PS4 Switch No

In Genshin Impact, you can share your save data between PC, Android, and iOS devices. This allows you to play in any of the devices at your convenience.

PS4 and Switch cannot share data with other devices

Your Save Data on the PS4 and the Switch cannot be transferred to PC, Android, or iOS devices.

Data sharing between PS4 and Switch is also not possible

Save Data on the PS4 also cannot be shared to the Switch, and vice versa.

How to Delete Save Data

You can't delete a save data on a device. Once created, you also can't delete the account.

Rerolling requires creating a new account

Since you can't delete your save data or reset it in any way, you have to create a brand new account if you want to re-roll.

How to Reroll

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5 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I love your website!

4 Anonymousalmost 4 years

I accidentally unplug my ps4 while its on loading screen and now I can't open it because it say error -1-4308 does anyone know how to fix it

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