Genshin Impact

Finale of the Deep Galleries Set Effects and Best Characters

Genshin - Finale of the Deep Galleries Artifact Set Effects and Best Characters

The Finale of the Deep Galleries is an Artifact Set from Natlan Artifact Domain in Genshin Impact. Learn more about its Artifact Set effect, best characters, and Artifact location here!

Finale of the Deep Galleries Set Effects

Finale of the Deep Galleries Set Bonus

Artifact Set
Finale of the Deep Galleries Set Icon
Finale of the Deep Galleries
2-Piece Effect Cryo DMG Bonus +15%
4-Piece Effect When the equipping character has 0 Elemental Energy, Normal Attack DMG is increased by 60% and Elemental Burst DMG is increased by 60%. After the equipping character deals Normal Attack DMG, the aforementioned Elemental Burst effect will stop applying for 6s. After the equipping character deals Elemental Burst DMG, the aforementioned Normal Attack effect will stop applying for 6s. This effect can trigger even if the equipping character is off the field.

The Artifact Set information was obtained from a clip from the recent 5.5 Livestream!

Finale of the Deep Galleries Set Effects

Effects Summary
• Cryo DMG Increase.
• Increases the equipping character's Normal Attack DMG or Elemental Burst DMG when they have 0 Elemental Energy.

The 2-piece set bonus of Finale of the Deep Galleries provide a good bonus for Cryo Damage that can be used with any Cryo DPS or sub-DPS.

With 0 Elemental Energy, the 4-piece set significantly increases the equipping characters' Normal Attack and Elemental Burst damage.

The condition needed to trigger the 4-set bonus may be difficult because even off-field characters can still get Energy.

Finale of the Deep Galleries Best Characters

No Characters Can Fully Utilize This Artifact At The Moment

Currently, no characters other than Mavuika can maintain a consistent 0 Elemental Energy and utilize the full passive of this Artifact set. However, Cryo DPS and Sub-DPS can still use the 2-piece set bonus and pair it with another artifact set!

List of All Cryo Characters

How to Get Finale of the Deep Galleries

Located in the New Part of Natlan

Located in a New Part of Natlan.png

Finale of the Deep Galleries will likely be obtained from a new artifact domain located in a new part of Natlan, as a new map will be introduced in Version 5.5.

Along with the Long Night's Oath artifact set, they are the latest additions to the artifact sets.

Natlan Interactive Map and Location

Finale of the Deep Galleries Release Date

Releases in Version 5.5

Genshin Impact Version 5.5
Genshin Impact - Version 5.5 - Day of the Flames Return
Release Date March 26, 2025

Finale of the Deep Galleries is expected to be released along with all the other new content on March 26, 2025, in Version 5.5!

Version 5.5 Release Date and Details

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