Genshin Impact

Melt Reaction Guide

Genshin Impact - Melt Reaction Guide

Melt is a damage-amplifying elemental reaction in Genshin Impact triggered by combining Pyro and Cryo. See how to trigger Melt and the best characters for the reaction here!

What is the Melt Reaction?

Reaction Between an Enemy with Cryo and Pyro

Melt Elemental Reaction
Genshin - Electro + Hydro Equals Melt
Effect Amplifies the damage of the triggering element.
2x damage amp when Pyro is the triggering element
1.5x damage amp when Cryo is the triggering element

Melt is the reaction when an enemy affected by Cryo or Pyro is attacked by the other element. This damage is then amplified multiplicatively, with Pyro being the strongest when it is the trigger for the reaction.

A character's Elemental Mastery increases the damage dealt by a percentage of their current stat on top of the reaction's multiplier. Do note that only the triggerer for the reaction will use their Elemental Mastery stat. The applier won't need to do so.

Elemental Reactions Guide and How it Works

How to Trigger Melt

Apply Cryo or Pyro

Genshin - Melt Reaction How to Trigger

To set up Melt, an enemy must have an aura of either Cryo or Pyro. An enemy is also considered affected by Cryo when it is affected by Frozen, and Pyro by Burning.

Apply the Other Element

Genshin - Melt Cryo Pyro Reaction How to Trigger

After an enemy has Pyro or Cryo, simply attack them with the other element to trigger Melt. This consumes both elemental auras.

Best Characters for Melt


Genshin - Melt

Ganyu can act as both the Melt trigger or an applier for the reaction. If built as a triggerer, she uses her enhanced Charged Attack while your off-fielders apply Pyro or Burning.

When to Use Ganyu in Melt

Genshin - Checkmark If your party is focused on applying strong Pyro or Burning and you need a Cryo trigger.
Genshin - Checkmark If your party is focused on applying off-field Cryo for your Pyro trigger.

Ganyu Rating and Best Build


Genshin - Melt Reaction Wriothesley

Wriothesley applies Cryo periodically that he can reliably be the trigger for Melt especially when using his Elemental Skill form and Special Charged Attacks. As long as you have either Burning or off-field Pyro characters spread, Wriothesley will Melt your enemies.

When to Use Wriothesley in Melt

Genshin - Checkmark When you want to have an Electro Main DPS with consistent on-field application.
Genshin - Checkmark When you want to have an Electro Sub DPS with consistent off-field application.
Genshin - Checkmark When you have a team centered on using multiple Elemental Bursts.

Wriothesley Rating and Best Builds

Xiangling and Bennett

Genshin - Melt Reaction Xiangling and Bennett

There aren't much characters so far in the game who can apply Pyro fast as much as Xiangling with Bennett's help for energy. Because Xiangling's burst will always apply Pyro when it hits an enemy, you can use this combo if you need reliable off-field Pyro application.

When to Use Xiangling and Bennett in Melt

Genshin - Checkmark When you need strong off-field Pyro application.


Burning is another reliable source of Pyro application through the Burning reaction, which is a combination of Dendro and Pyro. As long as Nahida's Elemental Skill mark is on an enemy with any persistent Pyro application, the Burning effect will stick.

An on-field Cryo like Ganyu can then utilize the Burning effect for Melt.

When to Use Nahida in Melt

Genshin - Checkmark When you need an off-field Pyro application through artificial means with Dendro.
Genshin - Checkmark When you want to add more off-field damage instead of just application.

Nahida Best Builds and Weapons

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