Genshin Impact

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide for Version 5.4

Genshin Impact - Spiral Abyss Floor 12 Guide for Version 5.4

Spiral Abyss Floor 12 is the final floor of the Spiral Abyss domain in Genshin Impact. Check out Spiral Abyss Floor 12 in Version 5.4, the best teams and characters, chamber enemies and guides, and the rewards here!

Floor 12 Basic Information

Floor 12 Information and Rewards

Ley Line Disorder First Half - Swirl DMG dealt by the active character increased by 600%.
Second Half - Characters' Charged Attack Cryo DMG increased by 75%.
Enemy Level Lv. 95 - Lv. 100
Star Bounty
(All 9★)
Mora Mora x60,000

Blessing of the Abyssal Moon: Stirring Moon

Blessing Effect
Genshin Impact - Blessing of the Abyssal Moon - Stirring Moon
When a character receives healing, a shockwave will be unleashed at the character's position, dealing True DMG to nearby opponents. This effect can be triggered once every 3s.
Blessing Reset 2025/03/16 04:00 (Server Time)

Floor 12 Recommended Teams and Characters

Best Team Comps For Floor 12

First Half

Swirl - Rainbow
Anemo Image Anemo Pyro Image Pyro Electro Image Electro Hydro Image Hydro
Swirl - Taser
Anemo Image Anemo Hydro Image Hydro Electro Image Electro Electro Image Electro
Swirl - Freeze
Anemo Image Anemo Cryo Image Cryo Hydro Image Hydro Any
Swirl - Vaporize
Anemo Image Anemo Hydro Image Hydro Pyro Image Pyro Any

The first half of Floor 12 buffs Swirl DMG by a large margin, and because the first half chambers favors AoE, it's recommended to run an Anemo Swirl driver like the new character Mizuki or Sucrose.

All first half chambers do not require a specific element unlike previous iterations, so if you don't have an Anemo carry, any PHEC DPS who can utilize a Swirl support like Kazuha or Venti is also recommended.

Second Half

Cryo Melt
Cryo Image Cryo Pyro Image Pyro Pyro Image Pyro Any
Pyro Melt
Pyro Image Pyro Cryo Image Cryo Cryo Image Cryo Any
Cryo Image Cryo Pyro Image Pyro Dendro Image Dendro Any
Cryo Image Cryo Hydro Image Hydro Cryo Image Cryo Anemo Image Anemo

The second half specifically buffs Cryo characters who use Charged Attacks, specifically Wriothesley and Ganyu. As such, you can run either Melt or Freeze comps, with Melt being more recommended due to the Solitary Suanni.

If you don't have Cryo charged attack-focused DPS, you'll have to brute force it without the buff, but you have to slot-in at least one Cryo to Freeze the Solitary Suanni.

Best Characters to Use

First Half

Sample Teams
Genshin - Mizuki Icon Mizuki Genshin - Furina Icon Furina Genshin - Ororon Icon Ororon Genshin - Mavuika Icon Mavuika
Genshin - Neuvillette Icon Neuvillette Genshin - Furina Icon Furina Genshin - Baizhu Icon Baizhu Genshin - Kazuha Icon Kazuha
Other Recommendations
Main DPS
Hu Tao Image Arlecchino Image Ayato Image Xiao Image Wanderer Image Sucrose Image Heizou Image
Mona Image Yelan Image Nilou Image Albedo Image Chiori Image Yae Miko Image Nahida Image Venti Image Xiangling Image Xingqiu Image Beidou Image Rosaria Image
Kokomi Image Sigewinne Image Xilonen Image Baizhu Image Shenhe Image Xianyun Image Thoma Image Chevreuse Image Shinobu Image Layla Image Charlotte Image Faruzan Image
Traveler (Anemo) Image Lynette Image Kaeya Image Collei Image Lisa Image Noelle Image Kachina Image Traveler (Pyro) Image Xiangling Image

Second Half

Sample Teams
Genshin - Wriothesley Icon Wriothesley Genshin - Bennett Icon Bennett Genshin - Xiangling Icon Xiangling Genshin - Emilie Icon Emilie
Genshin - Mavuika Icon Mavuika Genshin - Citlali Icon Citlali Genshin - Bennett Icon Bennett Genshin - Xilonen Icon Xilonen
Other Recommendations
Main DPS
Hu Tao Image Arlecchino Image Itto Image Navia Image Kinich Image Ganyu Image Ayaka Image Eula Image Gaming Image Freminet Image
Dehya Image Albedo Image Chiori Image Nahida Image Ganyu Image Citlali Image Thoma Image Chongyun Image Rosaria Image
Xilonen Image Jean Image Thoma Image Chevreuse Image Gorou Image Yun Jin Image Kirara Image Diona Image Layla Image Mika Image Charlotte Image Faruzan Image
Traveler (Pyro) Image Barbara Image Kachina Image Collei Image Kaeya Image Lynette Image

Floor 12 - Chamber 1 Guide

Chamber Information

Challenge Defeat 9 Opponents
Defeat 5 Opponents
Goal ★Remaining challenge time longer than 180 sec.
★Remaining challenge time longer than 300 sec.
★Remaining challenge time longer than 420 sec.

Floor 12 - Chamber 1 First Half

Floor 12-1-1 Enemies

Wave 1
Genshin - Eremite - Desert Clearwater ImageEremite - Desert Clearwater x1 Genshin - Eremite - Sunfrost ImageEremite - Sunfrost x1 Genshin - Eremite - Daythunder ImageEremite - Daythunder x1
Wave 2
Genshin - Eremite - Desert Clearwater ImageEremite - Desert Clearwater x1 Genshin - Eremite - Sunfrost ImageEremite - Sunfrost x1 Genshin - Eremite - Daythunder ImageEremite - Daythunder x1
Wave 3
Genshin - Eremite - Desert Clearwater ImageEremite - Desert Clearwater x1 Genshin - Eremite - Sunfrost ImageEremite - Sunfrost x1 Genshin - Eremite - Daythunder ImageEremite - Daythunder x1

Floor 12-1-1 Strategy

Three repeating waves of Eremite Elites whose elements can also Freeze you. Make sure to keep your distance or use crowd control abilities like pull-in swirls to make this chamber a breeze.

Floor 12 - Chamber 1 Second Half

Floor 12-1-2 Enemies

Wave 1 Wave 2
Genshin - Ruin Guard ImageRuin Guard x1 Genshin - Ruin Grader ImageRuin Grader x1
Wave 3 Wave 4
Genshin - Ruin Guard ImageRuin Guard x1 Genshin - Ruin Grader ImageRuin Grader x1
Wave 5
Genshin - Ruin Guard ImageRuin Guard x1

Floor 12-1-2 Strategy

This chamber is a series of single-target waves consisting of Ruin Guards and Graders. With five waves in total, it requires a strong single-target DPS if you wish to end this level within 7 minutes left.

Remember to hit the Ruin Guards' weaknesses if it's giving you problems in terms of interruptions.

Floor 12 - Chamber 2 Guide

Chamber Information

Challenge Defeat 22 Opponents
Defeat 1 Opponents
Goal ★Remaining challenge time longer than 180 sec.
★Remaining challenge time longer than 300 sec.
★Remaining challenge time longer than 420 sec.

Floor 12 - Chamber 2 First Half

Floor 12-2-1 Enemies

Spawning Waves
Genshin - Hydro Hilichurl Rogue ImageHydro Hilichurl Rogue x4 Genshin - Blazing Axe Mitachurl ImageBlazing Axe Mitachurl x3
Genshin - Crackling Axe Mitachurl ImageCrackling Axe Mitachurl x3 Genshin - Hilichurl Berserker ImageHilichurl Berserker x12

Floor 12-2-1 Strategy

This chamber is heavy on AoE with multiple enemies spawning in different directions. Pull-in characters like Kazuha, Venti, and Sucrose, or AoE characters like Mizuki and Neuvillette will thrive here.

The enemies themselves are straightforward. Although the Hydro Hilichurl Rogue is resistant to Hydro, it shouldn't matter that much if you can combine Electro-Charged, Vaporize, Swirl, or Melt.

Floor 12 - Chamber 2 Second Half

Floor 12-2-2 Enemies

Boss Fight
Genshin - Experimental Field Generator ImageExperimental Field Generator x1

Floor 12-2-2 Strategy

The Experimental Field Generator is a regular stationary boss fight, which also gives you an advantage as it can make all characters do Plunge Attacks. You can also use this height buff to dodge its pulsing attacks.

Unless you're using this mechanic for your benefit, you can use Pneuma attacks to disable it.

Floor 12 - Chamber 3 Guide

Chamber Information

Challenge Defeat 4 Opponents
Defeat 1 Opponent
Goal ★Remaining challenge time longer than 180 sec.
★Remaining challenge time longer than 300 sec.
★Remaining challenge time longer than 420 sec.

Floor 12 - Chamber 3 First Half

Floor 12-3-1 Enemies

Wave 1 Wave 2
Genshin - Ruin Drake - Earthguard ImageRuin Drake - Earthguard x2 Genshin - Ruin Drake - Earthguard ImageRuin Drake - Earthguard x2

Floor 12-3-1 Strategy

Two waves consisting of Ruin Drakes that are mere damage sponges you need to defeat. Unlike the first chambers, Swirl isn't that strong here as there aren't much enemies to benefit from it unless you're using Mizuki. If you need to switch comps specifically for this chamber you may reset.

Floor 12 - Chamber 3 Second Half

Floor 12-3-2 Enemies

Boss Fight
Genshin - Solitary Suanni ImageSolitary Suanni x1

Floor 12-3-2 Strategy

The Solitary Suanni specifically wants to be Frozen when it imbues itself with Hydro and starts preparing a dangerous attack. Freeze the Suanni with any Cryo attacks during this phase then use Melt or a blunt attack like Geo, Claymores, or Shatter to disable it.

Floor 12 Clear Rewards

Chamber's Bounty

Chamber 1
Mora Mora x25,000
Chamber 2
Mora Mora x25,000
Chamber 3
Mora Mora x25,000

The Chamber's Bounty is the set of rewards you receive simply for clearing a Chamber for the first time. This can only be received once.

Star's Bounty

Mora Mora x15,000
Mora Mora x20,000
Mora Mora x25,000

The Star's Bounty can only be received if you clear the star requirements displayed during the challenge. Each Chamber has 3 stars each with 1 prize for every 3 earned. These can also only be received once.

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Spiral Abyss Floor Guides

Spiral Abyss Floors
Genshin - Spiral Abyss Floor 1 IconFloor 1 Genshin - Spiral Abyss Floor 2 IconFloor 2 Genshin - Spiral Abyss Floor 3 IconFloor 3 Genshin - Spiral Abyss Floor 4 IconFloor 4
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108 Anonymous18 days

Its of course hard for newbies, stop sayin abyss for whales

107 Anonymousabout 2 months

Actually, it's quite doable. I have been able to 36*s the spiral abyss since version 4.5. I started in version 3.0. With a well invested f2p account, you can do it.

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