Genshin Impact

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif | Prologue: Chapter 1: Act 4 Archon Quest Guide

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper: Dainsleif

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif is a World Quest and is the prologue to the Archon Quest Chapter 1: Act 4 in Genshin Impact. See how to unlock this quest, its walkthrough, and all the rewards of this quest here in this guide!

How to Unlock Bough Keeper: Dainsleif

Unlock by completing Chapter 1 Act 3

Genshin - Chapter 1 Act 3 Archon Quest

How to Unlock Reach Adventure Rank 28+
Complete A New Star Approaches

Complete Prerequisite Quests

Unlock Bough Keeper: Dainsleif by completing A New Star Approaches! A New Star Approaches is the third act of the Chapter 1 Archon Quest.

A New Star Approaches Quest Guide

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif Walkthrough

Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Talk to Katheryne in Mondstadt

Katheryne will tell you about a blond stranger wearing unusual clothes who just arrived recently. After your discussion about the description of the stranger, she will then, tell you to ask Lawrence to know more.

Ask Lawrence About the Stranger

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Ask Lawrence About the Strange
Lawrence is the guard stationed by the city gate. He will tell you that he'd been tailing the stranger for awhile, until he's lost sight of him and gave up. Lawrence will then tell you to ask Wagner, the Blacksmith, as he'd also seen the stranger stop by his smithy.

Ask Wagner About the Stranger

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Ask Wagner About the Stranger
Wagner tells you that the blond stranger had indeed stopped by, but only to ask him about materials he's unfamiliar of. After brief discussion about the matter, he then redirects you the Tavern.

Ask Charles About the Stranger

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Ask Charles About the Stranger
Finally, Charles will tell you that the Stranger, as per Diluc's words, is quite the connoisseur. He advises you to wait on the second floor, as he's expecting for the stranger to stop by again that night.

Go to the Second Floor of the Tavern

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Go to the Second Floor of the Tavern
On Charles' suggestion, go to the second floor and seat by the railing to get a good view of the incoming patrons. Eventually, Paimon will tell you that the stranger has come. Go to the first floor of the tavern and find the stranger.

Go to the First Floor of the Tavern

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Go to the First Floor of the Tavern
Once in the first floor, approach the stranger from behind. After a series of attempts of getting his attention, he will eventually introduce himself as Dainsleif.

Talk about a number of things including your journey and the Abyss Order. Afterwards, head over to the location he mentioned.

Enter the Temple of the Falcon

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Enter the Temple of the Falcon
Go to the Temple of the Falcon and enter the ruins. Few paces in, Dainsleif will tell you that the scent of the Abyss is getting stronger. Continue exploring until you've defeated all monsters you encounter.

Talk to Dainsleif

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Talk to Dainsleif
After defeating the Pyro Abyss Mage and the Hydro Abyss Mage, talk to Dainsleif. He will tell you that the Abyss Herald may have already left. Go to Wolvendom next.

Look for Clues in Wolvendom

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Look for Clues in Wolvendom
After briefly talking to Dainsleif in Wolvendom, look for clues related to the Abyss Order in Wolvendom. The first clue is on the northeast of Wolvendom, few paces away from the edge of a cliff. The second is one is located east of Wolvendom, nearby a Hilichurl camp.

Talk to Dainsleif

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Talk to Dainsleif
Once you've obtained all clues, talk to Dainsleif at Wolvendom and discuss your next move. Go to the Stormterror's Lair next.

Go Deeper Into Stormterror's Lair

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Go Deeper Into Stormterror
Dainsleif will you about the brief history of Stormterror's Lair and will tell you to go deeper into the ruins, specifically towards the Light Actuators. You can use the Teleport Waypoint north of the lair to easily go to it.

Defeat All the Opponents

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Defeat All the Opponents
Upon arriving at the location, defeal all the opponents surrounding the Light Actuator. Bring a shielder or a healer with you, as there will be plenty of mobs here!

Talk to Dainsleif

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Talk to Dainsleif
Talk to Dainsleif about the clues left and how you may have missed the Abyss Heralds. In the middle of your discussion, you felt something familiar on the cliff right across your position. Go on that cliff.

Catch Up to Dainsleif

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Catch Up to Dainsleif
Use the wind current directly beside the cliff to propel you upwards. Open your glider once you're standing on the current and follow Dainsleif.

Go and Examine the Dandelion

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper Dainsleif Quest Guide Walkthrough - Go and Examine the Dandelion
Halfway your conversation, Dainsleif will notice the footprints of a Ruin Guard and a flower. Go and examine the Dandelion with him.

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif Information

Prologue to Archon Quest Chapter 1: Act 4

Genshin Impact Bough Keeper: Dainsleif Information - Prologue to Archon Quest Chapter 1: Act 4

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif is a world quest preluding the fourth act of the first chapter of the Archon Quests. The Chapter 1: Act 4 Archon Quest is We Will be Reunited.

List of Archon Quests

Quest Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 1.3
Genshin Impact - Version 1.3 - All That Glitters
Release Date February 03, 2021

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif quest was released the same time as Version 1.3, last February 3, 2021!

Version 1.3 Patch Notes

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Quest Rewards
Genshin - Primogem Image Primogem x60 Genshin - Mora Image Mora x38100 Genshin - Hero Hero's Wit x4
Genshin - Mystic Enhancement Ore Image Mystic Enhancement Ore x7 Genshin - Guide to Freedom Image Guide to Freedom x1 Genshin - Guide to Resistance Image Guide to Resistance x1
Genshin - Guide to Ballad Image Guide to Ballad x1

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Bough Keeper: Dainsleif Image

List of All Archon Quests

Other Chapter I: Act IV - Prelude Guides

All Chapter I: Act IV - Prelude Quests
1 Bough Keeper: Dainsleif

Complete Story Walkthrough

Genshin - Story Walkthrough Banner

Prologue Chapter
1 The Outlander Who Caught the Wind 2 For a Tomorrow Without Tears
3 The Song of the Dragon and Freedom
Chapter 1
1 Of The Land Amidsth Monoliths 2 Farewell, the Archaic Lord
3 A New Star Approaches - Prelude: Bough Keeper: Dainsleif
4 We Will Be Reunited
Chapter 2
0 Prologue: Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves 1 The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia
2 Stillness, Sublimination of Shadow 3 Omnipresence Over Mortals
4 Requiem of the Echoing Depths
Interlude Chapter
1 The Crane Returns on the Wind 2 Perilous Trail
3 Inversion of Genesis
Chapter 3
1 Through Mists of Smoke and Forests Dark 2 The Morn a Thousand Roses Brings
3 Dreams, Emptiness, and Deception 4 King Deshret and the Three Magi
5 Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises 6 Caribert
List of Temples
Temple of the Falcon Temple of the Wolf
Temple of the Lion


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