Genshin Impact

Kinich's Deal Story Quest Guide

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Kinich Story Quest

Kinich's Deal is Act 1 of Kinich's Story Quest released in Phase 2 of Genshin Impact 5.0. See how to unlock, how to Light the Pillars of the Sacred Flame, the complete list of rewards, and all info about it here in this guide!

Story Quest
Kinich's Character Guides
Genshin - Kinich Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials Saurian HunterSpecial Dish
Yupanqui's Turnfire Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Kinich's Deal Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Kinich Story Quest

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Genshin - Kinich
Complete the previous Tribal Quests
Reach Adventure Rank 40+
Genshin Impact - A Mysterious Visitor From Huitztlan  Tribal Chronicle Yupanqui's Turnfire: Act 1
A Mysterious Visitor From Huitztlan
Genshin Impact - A Hero Yupanqui's Turnfire: Act 2
A Hero's Rite

To unlock Kinich's Story Quest you just need to reach Adventure Rank 40 and complete the previous two acts of the Tribe Chronicles along with Act 1 of Natlan's Archon Quest, Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame.

List of Tribal Chronicles

Kinich's Story Quest Act 1 Walkthrough

Kinich's Deal

Go to the Teleport Waypoint on the south side of the Scions of the Canopy and head into the tribe's platform entrance to find Kinich and start the quest.
Go back to Elder Trinidad's home on the north side of the tribe, past the Scions Reputation NPC Aclla.
After talking to Elder Trinidad, meet back with Kinich and Wayna, who will be just south of Aclla.
Head back to the south end of the tribe, near the Yumkasaur nests, to talk to Kinich again.

I, Flame Bearer

Move the time to the next day between 08:00 and 12:00 and go to the Scions of the Canopy tribe's lower platform to the left, until you find the kids Toba and Huni and talk to them.
After talking to Toba and Huni, head further in the direction of the town center, where you will meet Thiago.
Head to the ruins east of the Scions of the Canopy Tribe, on the north side of Teticpac Peak. There you will have another, short cutscene with Thiago.
Defeat the Rifthounds found in the ruins to trigger the next cutscene.
Once the cutscene is done, step away from the mural until you get to the photo taking spot highlighted in gold. Interact with the prompt to enter photo-taking mode and snap a picture!
After taking the photo, head west to the river and cross the wooden bridge to find Thiago.
Go to the Teleport Waypoint south of the Scions of the Canopy tribe and head down the wooden walkway where you will find Matthias the Treasure Hoarder.
When Matthias runs away, you can indwell a Yumkasaur and use the coilgrass sigils that appear to catch up to him!
After a few more cutscenes, you'll reunite with Kinich. Head to the south side of the Scions of the Canopy, near the nests of Yumkasaurs, to continue talking to him.
Move the time forward until it's between 08:00 to 12:00 the next day and head to the underground Teleport Waypoint in Teticpac Peak where Kinich will be waiting somewhere behind you.
Defeat the Rifthounds that appear after the cutscene! In this part of the quest, you can use a Trial Kinich in battle.
Once you defeat the Rifthounds, a final cutscene will play out and end the subquest.

The Last Turnfire Night

Once you've settled your grievances with Enjou, wait til the next day (18:00 - 20:00) to officially and formally start the Turnfire Night ceremony.
After skipping to the following day, go to Elder Trinidad's home in the Scions of the Canopy. After talking to him head to the Turnfire Night venue. Keep in mind that you cannot change your party after going through this checkpoint, so make sure to bring a team with Pyro with you.
After heading to the venue, prepare to begin to the ceremony. Kinich will give you a map of the 9 Pillars you need to light, as you'll have to go through them in order. Afterwards, obtain the kindling to officially start the Turnfire Night Ritual.
To Light the PIllars of the Sacred Flame, you need to indwell on the nearby Yumkasaurus spiritsconce or use Kinich's ability to go from one pillar to another. There are a total of 9 Pillars, and you have to go through them in order, otherwise you'll have to redo the challenge.
From the first Pillar, immediately grapple on the first Coilgrass Sigil to your left to move to the second pillar. Do the same with the next sigil you see to reach the third pillar.
To reach the fourth pillar, you'll have to grapple on two Coilgrass Sigils. Remember to grapple on them in order, otherwise there's a chance that you'll miss lighting up the fourth pillar.
From the fourth pillar, grapple on the next two sigils to reach the fifth pillar. Kinich will remark that you're over halfway the ritual, so keep in this mind if you've lost count.
To reach the sixth pillar, grapple on the sigil next to the fifth pillar. From there, you can grapple onto the next two Coilgrass Sigils to reach the seventh pillar immediately.
Lastly, grapple on the last sigil you see to reach the eigth pillar. Doing so also reveals the path that leads to the last pillar you need to light. Simply walk towards the last pillar to complete the challenge!
After lighting all the Sacred Flame Pillars, go to the cave where the Mountain King slumbers, located underground, just past the canyon below the 9th pillar.
As you go deeper inside, you'll automatically light the braziers along the way, however you'll gonna have to Cleanse the Abyssal Power to light the last 6 braziers. You can cleanse the Abyssal Power, by indwelling on the spiritsconce, and hitting the purple orbs with the nearby Flamegranates.
After cleansing all abyssal power, step on the floating orange platform at the end, and using Kinich's ability or the Yumkasaur's, grapple on all the Sigils around the altar to light up the last torches. There are a total of 6 torches around the altar, so simply go around them one-by-one.
Once all torches have been lit up, a cutscene will play that effectively leads to battling a variant of the Gluttonous Yumkasaur Mountain King. Although, you don't have to completely defeat this boss, as another cutscene plays out after depleting its HP down to 10%.
Following the events from the Turnfire Night ritual, consult Chief Wayna about what happened after the ceremony. Then, find Kinich and talk to him to conclude his story quest!

Kinich Story Quest Act 1 Rewards

All Story Quest Rewards

Sub Quest Quest Rewards
Kinich's Deal
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x35125
I, Flame Bearer
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x49750
The Last Turnfire Night
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x43100

Kinich Story Quest Act 1 Release Date

Released in Version 5.0

Genshin Impact Version 5.0
Genshin - Version 5.0
Release Date September 17, 2024

Kinich's Deal was released on September 17, 2024 alongside Kinich's own debut banner! Keep in mind, however, that the first two required acts of Yupanqui's Turnfire was released earlier, on August 28, 2024!

Version 5.0 Release Date and Details

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