Genshin Impact

Cyno Story Quest Lupus Aureus Act 2 Guide

Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Lupus Aureus Act 2 Guide

Oathkeeper is Cyno's Act 2 Story Quest of the Lupus Aureus Chapter, released in Phase 2 of Genshin Impact 4.6. See how to unlock the story quest, what the Temple of Silence is, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here!

Story Quest
Cyno's Character Guides
Genshin - Cyno Builds and RatingBuild Guide Duel Soul ImageSpecial Dish
Lupus Aureus Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Sands of Solitude Genshin - Act 2Oathkeeper Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Cyno Story Quest Act 2

Complete the Prerequisites

Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest

How to Unlock
Complete Story Quest Act 1 - Sands of Solitude
Complete Archon Quest Chapter 3 Act 5 - Akasha Pulse, the Kalpa Flame Rises
Reach Adventure Rank: 40+

To unlock Act 2 of the Lupus Aureus Chapter, use one Story Key and complete the first act of Cyno Story Quest as well as the Archon Quest Chapter 3 Act 5! Do not forget to accept the quest thru your Journal to start Cyno's Story Quest!

Story Key Required

A Story Key is usually needed to unlock a Story Quest. Like most characters, Cyno will need Story Keys to unlock her quest.

To get 1 Story Key, you need to do 8 Daily Commissions and be at Adventure Rank 26. Since there are only 4 Commissions in a day, you will need a minimum of 2 days to get 1 Story Key.

List of Story Quests

Cyno's Story Quest Act 2 Walkthrough

The Mysterious Letter

1 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - The Mysterious Letter 1
Go back to The Akademiya in Sumeru City using the nearby Teleport Waypoint. Once there, Cyno welcomes you then tells you about the new case he's currently working on.
2 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - The Mysterious Letter 2
Follow Cyno inside the Akademiya, where you spot the retired Spantamad Sage, Cyrus, talking about the threat he's received. After careful deliberation with Cyno, find the Matra Aarav, who should be inside the House of Daena.
3 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - The Mysterious Letter 3
Once Aarav leaves, Cyno apprehends a person who's been tailing your group right after entering the House of Daena. The person, who turns out to be Urraca, is a 16-yr-old student in the Rtawahist Darshan. He's also confirmed to have penned the extortion letter Cyrus received.
4 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - The Mysterious Letter 4
Then, go to the 2nd floor of Lambad's Tavern which you can easily access by using the nearby Waypoint. As you eat with the group, Kaveh overhears your conversation, and exchanges pleasantries with the Sage.

After Repose

1 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - After Repose 1
Wait until the next day (14:00 - 00:00), then go to the Camping site to the east side of Gandharva Ville. The site is located couple of steps away from the Statue of Seven.
2 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - After Repose 2
There isn't much going on aside from watching Traveler, Cyno, Tighnari, and Collei set up their camp, and spend time with each other, so simply wait for them to sleep by the end of the day.
3 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - After Repose 3
The whole group then wakes up to the voice of Kaveh and Alhaitham, who present their discovery about the extortion letter Cyrus received, and how it's deeply connected to the Temple of Silence. Afterwards, go to Cyrus' home in Sumeru City.
4 Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Act 2 - After Repose 4
After learning Cyno's lead from Zaha Hadi, return to the Akademiya where Alhaitham and Kaveh are waiting. The pair shares more about their discovery, and how Naphis confirms that the Temple of Silence presently stationed in the Akademiya, is fake.

Footprints Sunken Beneath the Sands

Go to the entrance to Caravan Ribat where a cutscene will immediately be triggered.
After the conversation in Caravan Ribat, head to the Statue of the Seven in Aaru Village for another cutscene.
Head to the larger oasis south of Dar al-Shifa and continue searching for clues. Once there, approach the group of tents on the far side of the oasis.[/mid]
Follow the mysterious person to the next location. [/mid]
After the cutscene revealing the hidden temple, simply enter the mysterious area to continue. [/mid]
After another cutscene inside the temple, continue heading straight ahead until you come across a large room with a pyramid-shaped bookcase in the center. Go around this bookcase to trigger the next cutscene.[/mid]
Talk to Sethos on one side of the doors and Tighnari and Cyno on the other side while you wait. Afterwards will be a lengthy audience with Bamoun.[/mid]

Sage of Sages

Adjust the time to 20:00 to continue.
From your position in the pyramid-bookcase room, head right to a hallway with lower floors and go to the left.
Go back to the pyramid-bookcase room and turn right again, into a room with a large Hermanubis statue. Go up the large steps to the left to talk to Sethos.
Head back the way you came from and towards they bookcase room again for the next cutscene.
Turn the in-game clock to the next day at 20:00 to 00:00.
From the pyramid-bookcase room, head right into a hallway full of weapons. To get to the ceremonial hall, go right through a door at the end of this hallway and then left into the first door you see.
Participate in the first bout. You will be using a trial version of the Dendro Traveler and fighting a Grounded Hydroshroom and a Grounded Geoshroom.
Participate in the second bout with a trial Tighnari. You will have to defeat two Primal Constructs to proceed.
The third bout is a cutscene between Cyno and Sethos.

The Dead Past is the Living Present

Teleport back to the Akademiya and enter the building, heading towards the House of Daena.
After talking to Cyrus and Naphis, head left to where Faruzan and Collei are.
Once the cutscene is done, enter the House of Daena and look for Alhaitham and Kaveh at the nearest table.
Go to Puspa Cafe for the next cutscene.
Once you've left Puspa Cafe, teleport to the waypoint closest to the Sanctuary of Surasthana and head up the nearest pathway.
After the cutscene use trial Cyno to approach Cyrus and have one last conversation to end the quest!

Cyno Story Quest Act 2 Rewards

All Story Quest Rewards

Sub Quest Quest Rewards
The Mysterious Letter
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x35125
After Repose
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x35125
Footprints Sunken Beneath the Sands
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x43100
Sage of Sages
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x43100
The Dead Past is the Living Present
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x35125

Cyno Story Quest Act 2 Information

Cyno Story Quest Details

Genshin Impact - Cyno Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Quest Information

Join Cyno unravel the secrets of the covert Temple of Silence, an ancient order founded by the Sage, Hermanubis, King Deshret's chosen familiar!

Cyno Best Builds and Artifacts

Cyno Story Quest Release Date

Released on Phase 2 of Version 4.6

Genshin Impact Version 4.6
Genshin Impact - Version 4.6 Two Worlds Aflame the Crimson Night Fades
Release Date April 24, 2024

Cyno's Act 2 Story Quest is released on May 14, 2024, the same time as Phase 2 of Version 4.6!

Version 4.6 Release Date and Banners

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1 Anonymous10 months

Has anyone’s cyno story quest not shown up, like I’ve done his first story quest and the sumeru world quest but it’s not showing up for me?

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