Genshin Impact

Iansan Best Builds and Teams

Genshin Impact - Iansan Best Builds and Teams

Iansan is a 4-star Electro Polearm user that best functions as an Electro Support in Genshin Impact. See her best builds, artifacts and weapons, teams, kit, and all known info about her here!

Iansan Character Profile

Character Information

Genshin - Iansan Rating
Voice Actors Katrina Salisbury (EN)
Ohashi Ayaka (JP)

Iansan's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

All Ascension Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×420,000
All Talent Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×4,957,500

Iansan's Local Specialty is likely to be part of the new Natlan area releasing in Version 5.5.

Iansan Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 5.5
Genshin Impact - Version 5.5 - Day of the Flames Return
Release Date March 26, 2025

As confirmed from the Version 5.5 Livestream, Iansan will be released as part of the 5.5 version update, which is set for March 26, 2025.

Version 5.5 Release Date and Details

Iansan Best Builds

Build for Maximum ATK and Energy Recharge

Iansan's ATK buff can be increased solely by her ATK stat, which means prioritizing it is a must if you want to get the best mileage with Iansan and her buffs.

Energy Recharge is taken for convenience so that Iansan can reliably burst off-cooldown. Iansan is expected to have similar energy requirements to Bennett and Xilonen.

Electro Buffer Support

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: Energy Recharge or ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: ATK%
Genshin - CircletCirclet: ATK%
Artifact Sub Stats Energy Recharge, ATK%
Sample Teams
Hyper: Genshin - Iansan ImageGenshin - Furina ImageGenshin - Xianyun ImageGenshin - Varesa Image

Hyper: Genshin - Iansan ImageGenshin - Citlali ImageGenshin - Xilonen ImageGenshin - Mavuika Image

When building Iansan as a support, you either pick the specialized Cinder City set for Natlan characters, or run Noblesse Oblige as a generalist option.

Using a combination of ATK and Energy Recharge weapons and artifact main stats allows Iansan to have formidable buffs with more convenient uptime on it.

Stat Value Recommendations

Stat Recommended Value
Energy Recharge 200%+
Energy Recharge w/ Electro Teammate 160%+
ATK 2500 or above

Due to Iansan being a buffer support that requires her Elemental Burst to be up at nearly all times, we first hit the minimum Energy Recharge she needs to reliably Burst off-cooldown, then boost her ATK as high as possible for better buffs.

Take note that Iansan needs less Energy Recharge when paired with another Electro teammate, going from the initial minimum of 200% all the way down to 160%.

Iansan Best Artifacts

Iansan Uses Supportive Buffer Sets

For Iansan, playing her as a buffer means taking advantage of 4-pc. sets such as Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City or Noblesse Oblige, depending on whichever is needed or lacking in the team.

Otherwise, you can use 2-pc. ATK or ER combinations while working towards one of the 4-pc. sets.

Iansan Artifact Rankings

Electro Buffer Support

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
Best Genshin - Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City Image Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City 2-PC: When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, the equipping character regenerates 6 Elemental Energy.
4-PC: After the equipping character triggers a reaction, all nearby party members gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for the involved Elemental Types for 15s. If the equipping character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state when triggering this effect, all party members gain an additional 28% Elemental DMG bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the reaction for 20s.
2nd Genshin - Noblesse Oblige Image Noblesse Oblige 2-PC: Elemental Burst DMG +20%.
4-PC: Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members' ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.
3rd Genshin - Gladiator Gladiator's Finale 2-PC: ATK +18%.
Genshin - Shimenawa Shimenawa's Reminiscence 2-PC: ATK +18%.

Alternative 4-Star Artifact

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
Genshin - The Exile Image The Exile 2-PC: Energy Recharge +20%
4-PC: Using an Elemental Burst regenerates 2 Energy for all party members (excluding the wearer) every 2s for 6s. This effect cannot stack.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

Iansan Best Weapons

Use ER or ATK Weapons for Iansan

Iansan's weapon choices are more flexible, favoring weapons such as Engulfing Lightning or Calamity Queller for their main stats and helpful effects.

Otherwise, she can also make use of the Tamayuratei no Ohanashi event weapon, or opt for the standard Favonius Lance or Prototype Starglitter.

Iansan Weapon Rankings

Weapon Weapon Information
1st Genshin Impact - Engulfing Lightning Image Engulfing Lightning Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 55.1%
Skill Effect: ATK increased by 28% of Energy Recharge over the base 100%. You can gain a maximum bonus of 80% ATK. Gain 30% Energy Recharge for 12s after using an Elemental Burst.
2nd Genshin Impact - Calamity Queller Image Calamity Queller Base ATK: 741
Bonus Stat: ATK 16.5%
Skill Effect: Gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus. Obtain Consummation for 20s after using an Elemental Skill, causing ATK to increase by 3.2% per second. This ATK increase has a maximum of 6 stacks. When the character equipped with this weapon is not on the field, Consummation's ATK increase is doubled.
3rd Genshin Impact - Favonius Lance Image Favonius Lance Base ATK: 565
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 30.6%
Skill Effect: CRIT Hits have a 60% chance to generate a small amount of Elemental Particles, which will regenerate 6 Energy for the character. Can only occur once every 12s.

Best Free-to-Play Weapons for Iansan

Weapon Weapon Information
Genshin Impact - Tamayuratei no Ohanashi Image Tamayuratei no Ohanashi Base ATK: 565
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 30.6%
Skill Effect: Increase ATK by 20% and Movement SPD by 10% for 10s when using an Elemental Skill.
Genshin Impact - Prototype Starglitter Image Prototype Starglitter Base ATK: 510
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 45.9%
Skill Effect: After using an Elemental Skill, increases Normal and Charged Attack DMG by 8% for 12s. Max 2 stacks.

All Recommended Weapons for Iansan

Recommended Weapons How to Get
Inazuma Fishing Association

Iansan Best Team Comps

Universal Buffer Support

Iansan's main strength when teambuilding is being able to provide substantial ATK buffs to her team, which benefits most DPS units in the game.

On that end, she can slot into a near-endless variety of teams so long as the main receiver of her buffs is a DPS character whose damage also scales off ATK and CRIT.

Iansan Buffer Support Teams

Support Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Mavuika Mavuika Genshin - Citlali Citlali Genshin - Xilonen Xilonen
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Varesa Varesa Genshin - Furina Furina Genshin - Xianyun Xianyun
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Kinich Kinich Genshin - Mavuika Mavuika Genshin - Thoma Thoma

Iansan generally works best when used as a raw buffer unit rather than for any Electro reaction potential she brings.

In these teams, Iansan is mainly focused on amplifying the damage of the Main DPS while keeping her own abilities up with enough investment into both ATK and Energy Recharge.

Iansan Aggravate Teams

Support Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Varesa Varesa Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Baizhu Baizhu
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Clorinde Clorinde Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Baizhu Baizhu

Due to being an Electro unit, Iansan is an eligible member for most Dendro-related teams, especially if the main damage dealer can benefit off Iansan's ATK buffs.

Iansan Overload Teams

Support Main DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Mavuika Mavuika Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Chevreuse Chevreuse
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Sara Sara Genshin - Chevreuse Chevreuse

Iansan can also slot into Overload teams with the correct carries, as her ATK buffs are generally helpful for the usual DPS units that are present in Overload.

Iansan Electro-Charge Teams

Support Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Ayato Ayato Genshin - Ororon Ororon Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia Genshin - Ororon Ororon Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose

As an Electro unit, Iansan is also able to facilitate Electro-Charge procs with her Elemental Skill, but still mostly serves as a buffer in these teams.

Iansan Superconduct Teams

Support Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Mika Mika
Genshin - Iansan Iansan Genshin - Freminet Freminet Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Mika Mika

Due to Iansan's buffs being ATK-based, she can specifically aid Superconduct teams as most of their carries scale off the ATK stat.

Iansan Ascension and Talent Materials

Iansan Ascension Materials

Below are the ascension materials needed for Iansan, excluding the Local Specialty.

Iansan's Local Specialty will likely be part of the new Natlan region coming out in Version 5.5.

Mora ImageMora ×20,000
Mora ImageMora ×40,000
Mora ImageMora ×60,000
Mora ImageMora ×80,000
Mora ImageMora ×100,000
Mora ImageMora ×120,000

Iansan Talent Level-Up Materials

Below are the talent materials needed for Iansan:

Daily Domain Drops Enemy Drops Weekly Boss Drops
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Contention Image Teachings of Contention
Sauroform Tribal Warriors
Genshin Impact - Sentry Sentry's Wooden Whistle
The Knave Boss Challenge Reward
Genshin Impact - Denial and Judgment Image Denial and Judgment
Genshin Impact - Guide to Contention Image Guide to Contention Genshin Impact - Warrior Warrior's Metal Whistle
Genshin Impact - Philosophies of Contention Image Philosophies of Contention Genshin Impact - Saurian-Crowned Warrior Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle

Talent Materials per Level

Iansan Kit and How to Use

How to Buff With Iansan

Genshin - Iansan Buffs

When buffing with Iansan, her Nightsoul Points are directly responsible for how effective her ATK buffs are, with the points only being increased via movement from other party members during her Elemental Burst.

With this, trigger Iansan's Elemental Burst, then switch to another party member that frequently moves around the battlefield to increase her Nightsoul Points and potentially gain maximum buffs from Iansan.

Elemental Skill Dashes Forward and Strikes

Iansan's Elemental Skill allows her to dash forward and strike the ground near the enemy, dealing AoE Electro DMG.

This seems to be used as a general damage tool and as a way to regain Elemental Energy with the amount of particles generated.

Can Be Held to Sprint At Great Speeds

Similar to most Natlan characters, Iansan is able to use a portion of her kit for general traversal, using up Nightsoul Points and then Phlogiston if it is available.

As a Collective of Plenty member, Iansan can hold her Elemental Skill to sprint across terrain, breaking obstacles in her path, perform leaping jumps, and tread across water.

Elemental Burst Provides Attack Boost

Iansan strikes the area around her, dealing AoE Electro DMG and summoning a Kinetic Energy Scale that follows the active character around.

For the duration of her Elemental Burst, this Kinetic Energy Scale raises the active character's ATK by a portion of Iansan's own ATK.

Gives Stronger Buffs With More Nightsoul Points

Iansan's Elemental Burst scales not only on her ATK, but also the amount of Nightsoul Points she has since her ATK buff's potency is based on how high her Nightsoul gauge is.

Rewards Frequency in Movement

Iansan gains Nightsoul Points through the movement of other active characters that is not her, meaning fast-moving DPS characters such as Mavuika or Kinich can take advantage of this for bigger buffs.

Vertical scaling characters such as Gaming and Xiao can also contribute to Iansan's Nightsoul Point acquisition, making her quite flexible for team comps.

Passive Talent Provides Healing Through Nightsoul Bursts

Iansan's "Warming Up Effect" allows her to regenerate the active character's HP over a period of time when a Nightsoul Burst is triggered, allowing her to provide some healing to the team.

How to Get Iansan

Pull From Version 5.5 Phase 1 Banners

Version 5.5 Phase 1 Banners
Genshin Impact - The Crane Soars Skyward GachaThe Crane Soars Skyward Genshin Impact - Cornucopia of Contention GachaCornucopia of Contention

Iansan will be available as a rated-up 4-star character in both Varesa's debut banner and Xianyun's rerun banner during Phase 1 of Version 5.5, which will run from March 26, 2025 until April 15, 2025.

Version 5.5 Banners

Iansan In-Game Information

Iansan Character Profile

Nation Natlan
Title Tempered in Molten Stone
Gender Female
Race Human
Height Small Girl
Faction Collective of Plenty
Constellation Carnotaurus
Birthday August 8
Special Dish Gold-Standard Healthy Meal

Well Known Fitness Trainer in Natlan

Genshin - Iansan in the Travail Trailer

Iansan is known to be a hard-nosed trainer in Natlan who pushes her student's boundaries, trying to unlock their true potential and strength. This is also the reason why some people are afraid to train with her.

Hailing from the Collective of Plenty

Genshin - Who is Iansan

Iansan's tribe in Natlan is the Collective of Plenty and revealed to be a fitness instructor. The tribe is noted to be located by the volcano west of the region.

All Fires Fuel the Flame Interlude Quest

Featured in the Natlan Trailer Teaser

Iansan appears in another teaser trailer, Ignition, among other Natlan characters and the Harbinger, Il Capitano. Iansan can be seen briefly in the teaser following the Xilonen scene!

Other Natlan Characters Teased

Natlan Characters
Genshin - KinichKinich Genshin - MualaniMualani Genshin - KachinaKachina
Genshin - CitlaliCitlali Genshin - ChascaChasca Genshin - OroronOroron
Genshin - MavuikaMavuika Genshin - IansanIansan Genshin - XilonenXilonen

Natlan Release Date and Map Guide

First Revealed in the Storyline Preview

Iansan was first introduced in the Storyline Preview, Travail, alongside other characters from various nations!

Characters Seen in the Preview

List of Characters
Genshin - Diluc Icon from the Storyline PreviewDiluc Genshin - Ningguang Icon from the Storyline PreviewNingguang Genshin - Ayaka Icon from the Storyline PreviewAyaka
Genshin - CynoCyno Genshin Impact - Lyney IconLyney Genshin Impact - Lynette IconLynette
Genshin - IansanIansan Genshin - Harbinger Pulcinella IconPulcinella Genshin - Dainsleif IconDainsleif

All the characters in the video that have been released are playable characters, so it's likely the other characters seen in the video will be playable as well!

Iansan Voice Actors

Genshin - Iansan Voice Actors

Iansan is voiced by Katrina Salisbury in English, and Ohashi Ayaka (大橋彩香) in Japanese!

Voice Actors List for All Languages

Thoughts About Iansan

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Chasca ImageChasca I've always felt that training oneself and training others are two very different skillsets. Very few people have them both, but Iansan has them in spades.
I, for one, am not very good at teaching other people. Whenever I'm trying to demonstrate something to the flying squad, I spend forever trying to explain some basic, boring detail that seems intuitive to me... only to have everyone ask, ''What's intuitive about that!?''
If only Iansan could tutor them, I bet we'd have twice as many candidates pass the flying trials each year... Shame that her training program doesn't include flying.
Genshin Impact - Citlali ImageCitlali I don't know her that well, but I do know light novels... Someone who's that powerful despite her size must have some kind of power-up that she uses to shoot up to seven feet tall and fight with 200% strength.
Genshin Impact - Kachina ImageKachina Before, when I wanted to become stronger, I asked lansan to train me. She had me do all sorts of high-intensity workouts, and I often only managed to get through them by pushing myself to the limit. Luckily, she always knew just the right amount of training for me, so I still had just enough. energy to make my way home after each session... I'm really grateful to her.
Genshin Impact - Kinich ImageKinich Kinich: I've taken jobs from her before. More of a long-term collaboration, really... She makes fitness meals for her personal-training students, with everything measured out to the exact calorie. To keep this up, she needs a steady supply of fruits that meet her strict quality. standards and size requirements. A single bruise or bug bite, and she'll reject the entire batch. Most people find this impossible to work with, but I've got a good eye for these things... plus a reliable means of disposal for fruits that don't make the grade.
Ajaw: Wait, what? ... THAT'S what you make my juice from!?
Genshin Impact - Mavuika ImageMavuika Being Targeted: A lot of people underestimated lansan during her first few Pilgrimages after receiving her Ancient Name, and singled her out during the team stage as an easy target. Even though she never lost, the constant challengers drained her stamina and affected her ranking, which only made people more likely to target her...
Proving Yourself: My advice to her was this - people are less likely to mess with someone whose strength is undeniable, so all she needed to do was to prove it. Well, she decided to do just that... by challenging me in the arena, hahaha. Yeah, I definitely didn't see that coming! In the end, she put up quite the fight, and no one underestimated her again..
Genshin Impact - Mualani ImageMualani Iansan is the pride of the Collective of Plenty and all of Natlan. She's been part of so many Pilgrimages, and is still unbeaten to this day! I registered for her training class, actually, paid the tuition fee and everything. I just haven't started because, uh... I've been too busy to train... Okay, fine. I'll admit... When I saw what looked like when she finished her training, I heard a voice inside me say, "Hey, you belong in the water. Stay dry on land for too long, and you'll wind up stranded there." Sometimes, you've just gotta listen to your heart!
Genshin Impact - Ororon ImageOroron Iansan is a famous sports coach, and well... All I can say is, I'm grateful the Pyro Archon didn't send her after me. I may have an advantage when it comes to height, but I'm pretty sure she can outrun me... Oh, the smoke-cloud trick? Heh, after you use it a bunch, people start to see it coming.
Genshin Impact - Xilonen ImageXilonen I once helped the Collective of Plenty make a couple sets of super heavy weight plates and dumbbells.
When it was time for the goods to be picked up, Iansan came with a group from the tribe to inspect the finished products. She picked up and checked every single weight before placing them one by one into a cart. After lifting all those weights, she was barely winded, and her face was only a little red.
To be honest, I'm a little jealous of them. Not only are they really strong, but they've also got a way with plants...

Iansan's Thoughts About Others

We'll update this section once more information is available!

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters

All Characters and Voice Actors

List of All Characters

Characters by Element
Genshin - Pyro Characters Pyro Genshin - Anemo Characters Anemo Genshin - Electro Characters Electro Genshin - Hydro Characters Hydro
Genshin - Dendro Characters Dendro Genshin - Geo CharactersGeo Genshin - Cryo CharactersCryo

Playable Characters

All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lan Yan Lan Yan Lynette Lynette Mizuki Mizuki
Sayu Sayu Sucrose Sucrose Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti
Wanderer Wanderer Xianyun Xianyun Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy
Ayaka Ayaka Charlotte Charlotte Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali
Diona Diona Eula Eula Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu
Kaeya Kaeya Layla Layla Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi
Rosaria Rosaria Shenhe Shenhe Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham
Baizhu Baizhu Collei Collei Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh
Kinich Kinich Kirara Kirara Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari
Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro) Yaoyao Yaoyao Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde
Cyno Cyno Dori Dori Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing
Lisa Lisa Ororon Ororon Raiden Raiden Razor Razor
Sara Sara Sethos Sethos Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro)
Yae Miko Yae Miko Albedo Albedo Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou
Itto Itto Kachina Kachina Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang
Noelle Noelle Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin
Zhongli Zhongli Ayato Ayato Barbara Barbara Candace Candace
Furina Furina Kokomi Kokomi Mona Mona Mualani Mualani
Neuvillette Neuvillette Nilou Nilou Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia
Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro) Xingqiu Xingqiu Yelan Yelan Amber Amber
Arlecchino Arlecchino Bennett Bennett Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya
Diluc Diluc Gaming Gaming Hu Tao Hu Tao Klee Klee
Lyney Lyney Mavuika Mavuika Thoma Thoma Traveler (Pyro) Traveler (Pyro)
Xiangling Xiangling Xinyan Xinyan Yanfei Yanfei Yoimiya Yoimiya

Upcoming Characters

All Upcoming Characters
Alice Alice Capitano Capitano Columbina Columbina Dainsleif Dainsleif
Dottore Dottore Iansan Iansan Ifa Ifa Pantalone Pantalone
Pierro Pierro Pulcinella Pulcinella Sandrone Sandrone Skirk Skirk
Tsaritsa Tsaritsa Varesa Varesa Varka Varka

Character Lists

Characters by Rarity
5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters
Free Characters
Characters by Weapon Used
Sword Users Claymore Users
Polearm Users Bow Users
Catalyst Users
Characters by Role
Main DPS Characters Sub DPS Characters
Support Characters Healers
Shield Characters Buff Providers
Best for Exploration Local Specialty Passives
Double Reward Passives
Characters by Gender
Male Characters Female Characters
Short Male Characters Short Female Characters
Medium Male Characters Medium Female Characters
Tall Male Characters Tall Female Characters
Characters by Height
Short Characters Medium Characters
Tall Characters


27 8i33 days


26 Anonymous20 days

Xilonen, Mualani, Cyno (his Quickbloom are faster than another chars):

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