Genshin Impact

Hydro Tulpa Location and Boss Guide

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Hydro Tulpa Location and Boss Guide

Hydro Tulpa is a world boss found in Beryl Region, Fontaine in Genshin Impact Version 4.2. Check out how to get to the Hydro Tulpa's location and its entrance location, drops, weakness, and attack patterns in this guide!

Hydro Tulpa Location

Located Northwest of Elynas

Hydro Tulpa is located inside a cave in Beryl Region, northwest of the Elynas mountain ridge. The cave entrance is located in Chemin de L'Espoir, east of the boss icon in the map.

How to Get to Hydro Tulpa

Swim North to the Cave Entrance

You can reach the Hydro Tulpa by traveling northeast of the Statue of Seven in the Liffey Region, along the banks above Elynas. Use the teleport waypoint nearby then walk up until you reach the shore.

To locate the cave entrance, swim a little bit to the right of the boss icon in the map. Then, dive down until you see an opening near large underwater vegetation.

Swim Until You Get to the Ruins

Keep on swimming until you reach the area where you will transition into walking. Keep heading up until you reach a clearing.

Hydro Tulpa Spawns at the Middle of the Area

Hydro Tulpa will spawn at the middle of the area when you get close to it. Be sure to be prepared in dealing with this boss!

Unlock the Teleport Waypoint Nearby

Before taking on Hydro Tulpa, unlock the teleport waypoint by the area's entrance. You will see it first before entering the area where the boss fight happens, so don't worry about missing it.

How to Beat the Hydro Tulpa

Destroy Half-Tulpas with Elemental Reactions

Half-Tulpas will spawn around the area. This will empower Hydro Tulpa when it decides to absorb it. Be sure to run around and destroy them with Elemental Reactions to deny this boss the powerups it needs!

Elemental Reactions Guide

Bring A Shield Character

To attack the Hydro Tulpa more frequently and consistently, it is recommended to bring a character with a shield or increased resistance to interruption from enemy attacks.

Defeat the Hydro Tulpa in Co-Op Mode

Are you missing specific characters, or have you not built a full party yet? Teaming up with others from our Co-Op boards is a great way to quickly beat the Hydro Tulpa and other bosses.

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Best Teams to Defeat Hydro Tulpa

Recommended Teams to Use

Hyperbloom Team
Alhaitham Image Alhaitham Nahida Image Nahida Shinobu Image Shinobu Baizhu Image Baizhu
Burgeon Team
Hu Tao Image Hu Tao Nahida Image Nahida Xiangling Image Xiangling Zhongli Image Zhongli
Vaporize Team
Yoimiya Image Yoimiya Yun Jin Image Yun Jin Bennett Image Bennett Zhongli Image Zhongli

It is important to note that the Hydro Tulpa is immune to any Hydro damage since the open world boss itself is considered as a Hydro enemy life form!

Best Characters by Role

Main DPS
Genshin - Alhaitham ImageGenshin - Cyno ImageGenshin - Diluc ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Lyney ImageGenshin - Nahida ImageGenshin - Yae Miko ImageGenshin - Yanfei ImageGenshin - Yoimiya Image
Genshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Nahida ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Shinobu ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Yun Jin Image
Genshin - Baizhu ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Shinobu ImageGenshin - Thoma ImageGenshin - Yaoyao ImageGenshin - Zhongli Image

Hydro Tulpa Item Drops

All Hydro Tulpa Item Drops

Drop Level
Any Lv.
Lv. 40+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 75+
Lv. 30+

Hydro Tulpa Artifact Drops

Artifact Set Drops
Adventurer Adventurer Berserker Berserker The Exile The Exile
Gladiator Gladiator's Finale Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe Prayers for Destiny Prayers for Destiny

Used to Ascend Furina and Sigewinne

Boss Reward Characters
Genshin Impact - Water That Failed to Transcend Water That Failed to Transcend
Sigewinne Furina

The Hydro Tulpa's boss drop, Water that Failed to Transcend, is used to ascend Furina and Sigewinne, to the next level! To reach the final ascension level, each character requires a total of 46 Hydro Tulpa drops.

Hydro Tulpa Attack Patterns

Hydro Tulpa Moves
Dive Move Water Spear Throw Sword Double Slash
Hammer Swing and Slam Absorb Half-Tulpas Summon Triple Spear
Half-Tulpa Moves
Half-Tulpa Slam Half-Tulpa Bubble Attack

Dive Move

While moving throughout the fight, Hydro Tulpa will dive underwater and emerge close to your last location. It will usually follow this up with its attack moves. Keep running around or dash away to avoid damage.

Water Spear Throw

Hydro Tulpa raises its hand and summons a water spear that it will throw at you. It can do this three times. You can again run around or dash away to avoid damage.

Sword Double Slash

Hydro Tulpa summons a water sword that combos from an upward slash into a sweeping slash. It will usually do this move when you're close to it, so keep your distance to avoid damage.

Hammer Swing and Slam

Hydro Tulpa summons a water hammer. It will then use this weapon to do a double upswing followed by a downward slam. You can again run around or dash away to avoid damage.

Absorb Half-Tulpas

Whenever there are Half-Tulpas nearby, Hydro Tulpa will absorb them. This move will cause it to grow not just in size but also in power and range. Destroy the Half-Tulpas to disrupt this move.

Summon Triple Spear

Hydro Tulpa winds up, summoning an area of effect hydro attacks. It will create three water spears above it that will slam the ground one-by-one. Try to avoid AoE damage and when possible, use this opportunity to destroy any Half-Tulpa that is in the area.

Half-Tulpa Moves

Half-Tulpa Bubble Attack

Half-Tulpas will wind up then do a water attack targeted at you.

Half-Tulpa Slam

When you're close enough, Half-Tulpas will raise it's water fist before slamming it to the ground.

Hydro Tulpa Information

World Boss in Fontaine added in 4.2

Genshin - Hydro Tulpa
Hydro Tulpa is a gigantic humanoid monster formed out of many water droplets. This boss is available in Update 4.2.

Hydro Tulpa Release Date

Genshin Impact Version 4.2
Genshin - Version 4.2
Release Date November 8, 2023

The Hydro Tulpa is a field boss released in Version 4.2, on November 8, 2023!

Version 4.2 Release Date and Banners

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1 Anonymousover 1 year

I found an excellent in depth guide for this boss:

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