Genshin Impact

Xiangling Rating and Best Builds

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
◆ Upcoming: Version 5.6

Genshin Impact - Xiangling Rating and Best Builds

Xiangling is a 4-star Pyro Polearm user that best functions as a Pyro Sub-DPS in Genshin Impact. See Xiangling's best builds, artifacts and weapons, materials, kit, and all known info about her here!

Story Quest
Xiangling's Character Guides
Genshin - Xiangling Builds and RatingBuild Guide Wanmin RestaurantSpecial Dish
Trulla Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Xiangling Rating and Info

Character Information

Genshin - Xiangling Rating
SS Rank Icon
Voice Actors Jackie Lastra (EN)
Ozawa Ari (JP)

Tier List Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Exploration
- SS - C

Despite Xiangling being one of the starter characters that came out with Genshin Impact, it can be argued that only a few Pyro units have been able to go toe to toe with her when it comes to the many weapon options she has, the simplicity and ease of use, and the near-unbeatable amounts of Pyro application and damage that she can output without needing to be on-field for more than 3 seconds. This not only makes her a robust and simple unit in a game with growing mechanics, but makes her efficient and effective as Xiangling only needs to be invested into once and can be slotted into any and every team afterwards.

When comparing Xiangling to other Pyro DPS units, one advantage that Xiangling has over the others is that she does not have to be On-Field to perform, meaning her supportive capability skyrockets, and her damage ceilings far surpass the other Pyro Sub-DPS units by virtue of her Pyronado's long duration. In high-level content, this makes her a highly sought after Pyro teammate, and makes her viable in nearly every situation where the enemy is not resistant or immune to Pyro.
5.1 Tier List

Character Tier List | Best Characters

Xiangling's Stats

Lvl. 20 Base Stats
Lvl. 90 Max Stats
Stat Base Value
Elemental Mastery
Stat Max Value
Elemental Mastery

Base Stat Calculations

Genshin - Albedo Thinking Emoji Stats indicated above are obtained from Xiangling's base values. These numbers also exclude the character's equipped weapon, artifacts, talents, or other passive effects that are not innate to the character.
Genshin - Faruzan Thinking Emoji All characters start with 5% CRIT Rate, 50% CRIT DMG, 100% Energy Recharge, 0 Elemental Mastery, 0% Healing Bonus, and 0% Elemental DMG bonus before any additional stats are applied. The table above includes such values.
Genshin - Xianyun Thinking Emoji The Level 20 stats indicated for this character are calculated before their first ascension.

Character Stat Rankings

Xiangling's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

All Ascension Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×420,000
All Talent Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×4,957,500

Xiangling's Strengths and Weaknesses

• High AoE Elemental Burst DMG.
• Elemental Burst has strong Pyro application on enemies.
• Elemental Burst retains its DMG buffs even after switching out.
• High Elemental Burst energy cost.
• Elemental Skill does not deal consistent Pyro DMG.
• Elemental Skill's attacks can be difficult to manage.

Best Builds for Xiangling

Sub-DPS Builds for Xiangling

When building Xiangling as a Sub-DPS, her preferred stats can be incredibly situational, with ER and EM requirements varying depending on who she is paired with.

As a rule of thumb, focus on getting her ER stats to around 200%, then invest into CRIT and ATK, potentially picking up any EM substats along the way.

Pyro Sub DPS

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: ATK% or Elemental Mastery
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact Sub Stats Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%, Elemental Mastery
Sample Teams
Rainbow: Genshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Bennett Image

Vaporize: Genshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Bennett Image

This Sub-DPS build for Xiangling focuses on increasing the DMG she provides with her Elemental Burst. Elemental Mastery Main Stats should only be considered if Xiangling will be triggering Elemental Reactions. Generally, ATK% for the Sands piece will be the better choice.

Burst Sub-DPS

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: Energy Recharge
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact Sub Stats CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, Energy Recharge, ATK%
Sample Teams
Rainbow: Genshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Tartaglia ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Bennett Image

Vaporize: Genshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Bennett Image

Compared to the Pyro Sub-DPS build, this one is more suited for Xiangling if she needs more Energy Recharge to reliably have her Elemental Burst ready after cooldown. This build is best used for teams where there isn't much Pyro Energy Particles to go around like in solo Pyro Team comps.

Xiangling's Talent Priority

1st 2nd 3rd
Elemental Burst Elemental Skill Normal Attack

Xiangling's primary role as a Sub-DPS is to deal damage with her Elemental Burst, so it needs to be prioritized first with her Elemental Skill at 2nd. Her Normal Attack is left for last unless you need her to act as a Main DPS.

Best Artifacts for Xiangling

Build For Xiangling's Energy Recharge

When it comes to Artifact Sets for Xiangling, 4-pc. Emblem of Severed Fate stands out as the premier choice due to how much Energy Recharge you build and how much it can contribute to her damage.

If that is currently off the table, then Crimson Witch of Flames and Noblesse Oblige works as decent alternatives, with the former buffing her Pyro DMG and the latter buffing her Burst DMG, both of which are welcome benefits.

Xiangling Artifact Rankings

Pyro Sub-DPS

Rating Set Bonus
Best Emblem of Severed Fate • Energy Recharge +20%.
• Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way.
Second Best Crimson Witch of Flames • Pyro DMG Bonus +15%.
• Increases Overloaded, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40%. Increases Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill increases 2-Piece Set effects by 50% for 10s. Max 3 stacks.
Third Best Noblesse Oblige • Elemental Burst DMG +20%.
• Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members' ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.

Alternative Artifact Set

Set Bonus
The Exile • Energy Recharge +20%
• Using an Elemental Burst regenerates 2 Energy for all party members (excluding the wearer) every 2s for 6s. This effect cannot stack.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

Xiangling Best Weapons

Pick ER or CRIT Weapons for Xiangling

Right off the bat, Xiangling can make use of any polearm in the game as she can utilize nearly any stat aside from HP and DEF. However, there is a clear advantage in picking Energy Recharge weapons and CRIT weapons for her.

Engulfing Lightning and The Catch are able to provide DMG benefits to her while lowering her Energy Recharge requirements, whereas Staff of the Scarlet Sands and Staff of Homa can increase her DMG and even out her CRIT stats.

Xiangling Artifact Rankings

Weapon Weapon Information
1st Genshin Impact - Engulfing Lightning Image Engulfing Lightning Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 55.1%
Skill Effect: ATK increased by 28% of Energy Recharge over the base 100%. You can gain a maximum bonus of 80% ATK. Gain 30% Energy Recharge for 12s after using an Elemental Burst.
2nd Genshin Impact - Staff of the Scarlet Sands Image Staff of the Scarlet Sands Base ATK: 542
Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 44.1%
Skill Effect: The equipping character gains 52% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 28% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.
3rd Genshin Impact - Staff of Homa Image Staff of Homa Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: CRIT DMG 66.2%
Skill Effect: HP increased by 20%. Additionally, provides an ATK Bonus based on 0.8% of the wielder’s Max HP. When the wielder's HP is less than 50%, this ATK Bonus is increased by an additional 1% of Max HP.

Best Free-to-Play Weapon for Xiangling

Weapon Weapon Information
Genshin Impact - The Catch Image The Catch Base ATK: 510
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 45.9%
Skill Effect: Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 16% and Elemental Burst CRIT Rate by 6%.

All Recommended Weapons for Xiangling

Recommended Weapons How to Get
Inazuma Fishing Association
Battle Pass
Battle Pass
Starglitter Exchange
Starglitter Exchange

List of Polearms

Xiangling Best Team Comps

Xiangling is a Universal Unit

As opposed to the units that need to be placed in specific team comps to really shine, Xiangling remains a flexible pick in any team comp, being most common in Vaporize teams with Bennett.

Xiangling's job in most teams is to either be the enabler for their DPS units' elemental reactions by applying Pyro to the enemy, or being the trigger for elemental reactions with her Elemental Burst's damage scaling.

Xiangling Team Comps

Xiangling Bennett-Duo Teams

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Arlecchino Arlecchino Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Tartaglia Tartaglia Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Navia Navia Genshin - Yelan Yelan Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Xiangling is often paired with Bennett due to his ability to enhance nearly all aspects of her kit, allowing her the chance to forego stats such as ATK and Energy Recharge in exchange for more CRIT and Elemental Mastery.

These two are then slotted into teams together, with Vaporize teams being the more common choice due to Xiangling's Off-Field Pyro Application in tandem with the Hydro DPS raw damage.

Xiangling Overvape Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose

Xiangling can also be placed in Overvape teams together, most often paired with an On-Field DPS like Raiden Shogun, or with two other Sub-DPS units like Xingqiu and Fischl for a quickswap team.

These teams excel at triggering multiple elemental reactions due to the strong Off-Field presence of the units involved, and can even be paired with an Anemo Driver to enhance the damage.

Xiangling Melt Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Wriothesley Wriothesley Genshin - Furina Furina Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Wriothesley Wriothesley Genshin - Rosaria Rosaria Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose

Xiangling's Off-Field Pyro Application makes her a prime candidate for any form of a Melt team, serving as either the trigger for Reverse Melt by applying Pyro first, or being the Main Melt unit.

Xiangling Burning Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Arlecchino Arlecchino Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Alhaitham Alhaitham Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Thoma Thoma

With the addition of Dendro units like Nahida and Emilie, Xiangling can be used as a Burning team trigger in addition to already having good damage.

Being able to apply Burning results in the enemy having less downtime between damage as they will always be taking damage from the Burn while also taking damage from Xiangling's abilities.

Xiangling Best Constellations


Constellation and Effects

Xiangling's Constellations
C1 Crispy Outside, Tender Inside
Enemies hit by Guoba's attacks have their Pyro RES reduced by 15% for 6s.
C2 Oil Meets Fire
The last attack in a Normal Attack sequence applies the Implode status onto the enemy for 2s. An explosion will occur once this duration ends, dealing 75% of Xiangling's ATK as AoE Pyro DMG.
C3 Deepfry
Increases the Level of Pyronado by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 Slowbake
Pyronado's duration is increased by 40%.
C5 Guoba Mad
Increases the Level of Guoba Attack by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Condensed Pyronado
For the duration of Pyronado, all party members receive a 15% Pyro DMG Bonus.

Best Constellations Rating and Explanation

Rating Constellation Effect / Merits
C1 ★★☆ • Pyro Resistance reduction on enemies substantially increases her DMG and any other Pyro character.
C4 ★★★ • Pyronado lasting longer simply equals to more Pyro based reactions and more damage.

C4 Is for a better all around Sub-DPS

Pyronado is the tool that makes Xiangling an overall amazing Sub-DPS character. Pyronado having amazing consistency in applying Pyro on enemies is what makes Elemental Reaction team comps very strong, so extending its duration is a huge boost to party DMG.

Xiangling Ascension and Talent Materials

Xiangling Ascension Materials

Below are the Ascension Materials needed for Xiangling:

Mora ImageMora ×20,000
Mora ImageMora ×40,000
Mora ImageMora ×60,000
Mora ImageMora ×80,000
Mora ImageMora ×100,000
Mora ImageMora ×120,000

Xiangling Talent Level-Up Materials

Below are the Talent Materials needed for Xiangling:

Daily Domain Drops Enemy Drops Weekly Boss Drops
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Diligence Image Teachings of Diligence
Genshin Impact - Slime Condensate Image Slime Condensate
Dvalin Challenge Reward
Genshin Impact - Dvalin Dvalin's Claw
Genshin Impact - Guide to Diligence Image Guide to Diligence Genshin Impact - Slime Secretions Image Slime Secretions
Genshin Impact - Philosophies of Diligence Image Philosophies of Diligence Genshin Impact - Slime Concentrate Image Slime Concentrate

Talent Materials per Level

Xiangling Talents and How to Use

Normal Attack

Normal Attack: Dough-Fu
Performs up to five consecutive spear strikes.
Charge Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to enemies along the way.
Plunge Attack:
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging enemies along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
1-Hit DMG 42.1%
2-Hit DMG 42.1%
3-Hit DMG 26.1%+26.1%
4-Hit DMG 14.1%*4
5-Hit DMG 71.0%
Charged Attack DMG 122%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 25.0
Plunge DMG 63.9%
Low/High Plunge DMG 128%/160%

Versatile and Fast Normal Attack

Xiangling Auto Attacks

Xiangling has one of the fastest Normal Attacks in the game, which allows you to pull off different combos and attack variations. Due to this, Xiangling has high mobility and is great at evading. In Constellation Level 2, the final hit of her Normal Attack will apply Pyro DMG.

Elemental Skill

Guoba Attack
Summons Guoba the Panda. Guoba continuously breathes fire at the enemy, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
Flavor Text:
Guoba loves to eat spicy food. Problem is, his stomach can't handle something this spicy.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Flame DMG 111%
CD 12.0s

Use Guoba for Combat and Exploration

Gouba Fire Breath
Xiangling's Elemental Skill summons Guoba, a small bear that spits fire. Melt and Vaporize are very strong reactions that can deal high amounts of damage. With this in mind, you should switch into Hydro or Cryo characters after summoning Guoba.

Chili Pepper Increases Damage

Chili Pepper Gouba
Once Xiangling reaches Ascension 4, Gouba will leave a Chili Pepper after disappearing. Picking up the Chili Pepper will increase the character's attack damage by 10%! Though small, this is nevertheless an excellent addition to Xiangling's toolkit as a sub DPS.

Elemental Burst

Displaying her mastery over both fire and polearms, Xiangling sends a Pyronado whirling around her.
The Pyronado will move with your character for so long as the ability persists, dealing Pyro DMG to all enemies in its path.
Flavor Text:
There will never be enough heat. Never.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
1-Hit Swing DMG 72.0%
2-Hit Swing DMG 88.0%
3-Hit Swing DMG 110%
Pyronado DMG 112%
Duration 10.0s
CD 20.0s
Energy Cost 80

Elemental Burst is very effective against mobs

Xiangling Ulti

Xiangling's Elemental Burst, the Pyronado, launches a fire ring that spins around her for a number of seconds. This is very effective against enemy mobs, and a great way to set up quick Elemental Reactions like Melt, Vaporize, and Overload.

Passive Talent 1

Increases the flame range of Guoba by 20%.

Passive Talent 2

Beware, It's Super Hot!
When Guoba Attack's effect ends, Guoba leaves a chili pepper on the spot where it disappeared. Picking up a chili pepper increases ATK by 10% for 10s.

Passive Talent 3

Chef de Cuisine
When Xiangling cooks an ATK-boosting dish perfectly, she has a 12% chance to receive double the product.

Passive lets you cook more ATK-boosting food

Xiangling Passive

Attack food is best made by Xiangling. When she cooks ATK boosting food, she has as 12% chance of cooking two of the same dish.

How to Get Xiangling

Pull from Any Active Banner

All Current Wish Banners
Genshin Impact - Epitome Invocation GachaEpitome Invocation Genshin Impact - Romaritime Meluserenity GachaRomaritime Meluserenity
Genshin Impact - DawnDawn's Drifting Reverie Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation GachaWanderlust Invocation

Xiangling is available at a normal rate on all Standard Wish Banners except Beginner's Wish. This means you can get her from Wanderlust Invocation, Epitome Invocation, and the current Character Event Wishes.

She was last featured as a rate-up 4-star in the character banners for Phase 1 of Version 5.4 from February 12, 2025 to March 4, 2025. She was featured in Sigewinne rerun banner and Yumemizuki Mizuki's debut banner.

Genshin Impact 5.4 Banners and Characters

Beat Floor 3 of the Spiral Abyss

Genshin - Xiangling People
Players can get a free copy of Xiangling by simply completing Floor 3, Chamber 3 of the Spiral Abyss! Players do not need to full 3 star the chamber, so going in without a fully ascended level 90 character is not needed.

The Spiral Abyss can be unlocked once the player reaches Adventure Rank 20!

Spiral Abyss Guide

Bought From the Starglitter Exchange

Months Characters and Weapons
Genshin - Fischl Genshin - Xiangling

Blackcliff Weapon Series
Genshin - Blackcliff Longsword Genshin - Blackcliff Pole Genshin - Blackcliff Slasher Genshin - Blackcliff Agate Genshin - Blackcliff Warbow
Genshin - Beidou Genshin - Noelle

Royal Weapon Series
Genshin - Royal Spear Genshin - Royal Longsword Genshin - Royal Greatsword Genshin - Royal Grimoire Genshin - Royal Bow
Genshin - Ningguang Genshin - Xingqiu

Blackcliff Weapon Series
Genshin - Blackcliff Longsword Genshin - Blackcliff Pole Genshin - Blackcliff Slasher Genshin - Blackcliff Agate Genshin - Blackcliff Warbow
Genshin - Razor Genshin - Amber

Royal Weapon Series
Genshin - Royal Spear Genshin - Royal Longsword Genshin - Royal Greatsword Genshin - Royal Grimoire Genshin - Royal Bow
Genshin - Bennett Genshin - Lisa

Blackcliff Weapon Series
Genshin - Blackcliff Longsword Genshin - Blackcliff Pole Genshin - Blackcliff Slasher Genshin - Blackcliff Agate Genshin - Blackcliff Warbow
Genshin - Barbara Genshin - Kaeya

Royal Weapon Series
Genshin - Royal Spear Genshin - Royal Longsword Genshin - Royal Greatsword Genshin - Royal Grimoire Genshin - Royal Bow

As a 4-star character, Xiangling has a chance to appear in the Starglitter Exchange every month. She can be traded for 34 Masterless Starglitter.

Masterless Starglitter Shop

Xiangling's In-Game Information

Xiangling Character Profile

Title Exquisite Delicacy
Gender Female
Race Human
Height Medium Girl
Faction Wanmin Restaurant
Constellation Trulla
Birthday November 2
Special Dish Wanmin Restaurant's Boiled Fish

Character Thoughts on Xiangling

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Beidou ImageBeidou Culinary Skills: When we're out on the open ocean, the one thing we do all miss is Xiangling's cooking. When spirits are low, just thinking of her fried jueyun chili, bursting with flavor... It gives everyone just that little extra kick.
Food Tasting: Xiangling huh? She sometimes uses some... interesting ingredients in her dishes to bring about some, ah... intriguing flavors. Though... there's no way she can improve without having someone to taste-test - a role that I am more than happy to fill. .
Genshin Impact - Chongyun ImageChongyun Xiangling's cooking is universally praised, but I personally don't touch any of her spicy dishes. Why? Oh, you know — just, uh... personal preference, that's all. I mean, come on, Mushroom Slime Stew... Does that sound appetizing to you?
Genshin Impact - Diona ImageDiona Xiangling once gave me a "so-awful-it-goes-with-nothing" food combination she came up with, saying how it tasted absolutely terrible, blah blah blah... It didn't work, no use at all. All my little cat ears heard that night was "One more cup of that good stuff!" 'sigh'<
Genshin Impact - Gaming ImageGaming Pretty much everything Chef Xiangling cooks is a winner, but my favorite has to be her Black-Back Perch Stew. I always try to rinse off the molten lava sauce before each bite, but I'm still like "ss, ah, ss, ah" trying to cool my mouth down, hahaha! Worth every bite though, and they do generous portions - you can see why it's Wanmin's signature dish. I'll be back for my next fix soon!
Genshin Impact - Ganyu ImageGanyu Xiangling is a celebrity! Um, but... I try to avoid her restaurant. Just... because. No reason. ...Okay, fine. It's not a big secret anyway. It's because you can smell her cooking all the way from the other end of the street. And once you get a whiff, I mean, that's it. You're gone. Next thing you know, you're ordering your second, maybe third round... You just can't control it. Even though I only eat the vegetarian dishes, I don't know what it is. But that is not a road I want to go down again... Not after...
Genshin Impact - Hu Tao ImageHu Tao Xiangling's a riot! Only a little ''boo'' and she jumps, she's so easy to scare! Being in the industry that I am, I just love these kinds of people the most. Gotta keep it in check, though, in case Guoba ends up toasting me instead.
Genshin Impact - Keqing ImageKeqing Yeah, the up-and-coming chef from Wanmin Restaurant... I get that she's gifted and everything, I just think her cooking can be a bit hit-or-miss. I was all ready to hire her for a small banquet once, and give her full control over the menu... but the amount of lizard and slime in her sample dishes quickly turned me off that idea!
Genshin Impact - Ningguang ImageNingguang That girl from Wanmin Restaurant... Her suspicion towards me is always written all over her face... Hehe, I wonder what face she would make if only she knew how much I helped finance that restaurant...
Genshin Impact - Xianyun ImageXianyun One happened to mention the Supreme Cuisine Machine in conversation with Xiangling once, but one was rather taken aback when she responded by saying that a dish is inauthentic unless it is prepared by hand... Hmph, are one's devices not also the work of one's hands? Inauthentic indeed... A contest is in order! ...Although, her mastery of Liyue cuisine is indeed impressive... Yes — the contest shall have to wait until one has made a few improvements to the device...
Genshin Impact - Xingqiu ImageXingqiu When you first spot Xiangling out and about, the first thing you should do is check the look on her face. Especially when she's just coming back from collecting new ingredients — the more excited she looks, the more dangerous it is to approach. Because if she sees you, she'll force you to taste-test her latest concoction... I usually get Chongyun to handle these situations, hehe...
Genshin Impact - Xinyan ImageXinyan I have dinner at the Wanmin Restaurant often. If Xiangling's got some time one her hands, we'll chat till it's real late. Eh? You wanna know what I order? See... I actually eat everything she makes. It's never the same thing, and the flavor's different each time, too. Ooh, she's the rock star of the culinary world, he is!
Genshin Impact - Yaoyao ImageYaoyao Xiangling hasn't been, um... looking for strange ingredients lately, has she? She gave me a real fright last time. She said she was about to try some raw octopus from the Sea of Clouds. One of these days, she'll give herself an upset stomach — then what's she gonna do? 'Cause she definitely doesn't like taking Dr. Baizhu's medicine... Anyway, I got Master to try and talk some sense into her, too. Who knows what dangerous thing she'll be trying to eat next... *sigh*
Genshin Impact - Yelan ImageYelan Ah, Xiangling, the lovely little chef. Her ingredients are always top quality, easily as good as Liuli Pavilion and Xinyue Kiosk. Sometimes I go to her for dried Jueyun Chilis... She doesn't seem to understand why I eat them in the way that I do, and I don't feel like trying to explain it to her, either. It's just a family tradition.

Genshin Impact Character Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters

All Characters and Voice Actors

List of All Characters

Characters by Element
Genshin - Pyro Characters Pyro Genshin - Anemo Characters Anemo Genshin - Electro Characters Electro Genshin - Hydro Characters Hydro
Genshin - Dendro Characters Dendro Genshin - Geo CharactersGeo Genshin - Cryo CharactersCryo

Playable Characters

All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lan Yan Lan Yan Lynette Lynette Mizuki Mizuki
Sayu Sayu Sucrose Sucrose Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti
Wanderer Wanderer Xianyun Xianyun Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy
Ayaka Ayaka Charlotte Charlotte Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali
Diona Diona Eula Eula Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu
Kaeya Kaeya Layla Layla Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi
Rosaria Rosaria Shenhe Shenhe Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham
Baizhu Baizhu Collei Collei Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh
Kinich Kinich Kirara Kirara Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari
Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro) Yaoyao Yaoyao Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde
Cyno Cyno Dori Dori Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing
Lisa Lisa Ororon Ororon Raiden Raiden Razor Razor
Sara Sara Sethos Sethos Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro)
Yae Miko Yae Miko Albedo Albedo Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou
Itto Itto Kachina Kachina Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang
Noelle Noelle Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin
Zhongli Zhongli Ayato Ayato Barbara Barbara Candace Candace
Furina Furina Kokomi Kokomi Mona Mona Mualani Mualani
Neuvillette Neuvillette Nilou Nilou Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia
Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro) Xingqiu Xingqiu Yelan Yelan Amber Amber
Arlecchino Arlecchino Bennett Bennett Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya
Diluc Diluc Gaming Gaming Hu Tao Hu Tao Klee Klee
Lyney Lyney Mavuika Mavuika Thoma Thoma Traveler (Pyro) Traveler (Pyro)
Xiangling Xiangling Xinyan Xinyan Yanfei Yanfei Yoimiya Yoimiya

Upcoming Characters

All Upcoming Characters
Alice Alice Capitano Capitano Columbina Columbina Dainsleif Dainsleif
Dottore Dottore Iansan Iansan Ifa Ifa Pantalone Pantalone
Pierro Pierro Pulcinella Pulcinella Sandrone Sandrone Skirk Skirk
Tsaritsa Tsaritsa Varesa Varesa Varka Varka

Character Lists

Characters by Rarity
5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters
Free Characters
Characters by Weapon Used
Sword Users Claymore Users
Polearm Users Bow Users
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70 Anonymous21 days

Main DPS not available? People seem to forget C6 Bennett exists

69 Anonymous5 months

If they include her on echoes of envisage (which I'm sure they'll do for every character), she'll need to be 90. Whether that'll be worth putting a trailing flaming fart behind her while she's running is up to you.

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