Genshin Impact

Icewind Suite Coppelia and Coppelius Boss Location Guide

Genshin Impact - Icewind Suite Coppelia and Coppelius Boss Location Guide
Icewind Suite is a world boss found in the Court of Fontaine in Genshin Impact 4.0. See where to find it, how to choose between Dirge of Coppelia and Nemesis of Coppelius, the boss drops, and how to fight it here!

Icewind Suite Location

Located Near the Fountain of Lucine

The Icewind Suite is located near the Fountain of Lucine in the Court of Fontaine Region. To get there, you can take the Aquabus from Court of Fontaine all the way to Marcotte Station.

Fontaine Map Guide

How to Fight the Icewind Suite

Choose Between Dirge of Coppelia or Nemesis of Coppelius

Genshin - Speak with Maillardet to Determine the Arkhe
To begin fighting the Icewind Suite, you must first speak with Clockwork Meka Engineer, Maillardet. Speaking with him will let you determine whether you will challenge either Dirge of Coppelia or Nemesis of Coppelius!

Dirge of Coppelia is Ousia-aligned, while Nemesis of Coppelius is Pneuma-aligned. This determines both their weakness and unique boss drops.

Pneuma and Ousia Explained

How to Beat Icewind Suite

Use Pneuma Against Dirge of Coppelia

When Icewind Suite Coppelia halts at the center and creates Anemo Whirlwinds with Coppelius, attacking her with Pneuma-imbued attacks will incapacitate her.

The only playable Pneuma users so far in 4.0 is Lyney and Hydro Traveler.

Use Ousia Against Nemesis of Coppelius

In a similar fashion with Coppelia, when Icewind Suite Coppelius halts at the center and be exposed, attacking him with Ousia-imbued attacks will incapacitate him.

The only playable Ousia user so far in 4.0 is Lynette.

Watch Out for Dual Attacks

Genshin - Icewind Suite - Bring a Shielder

When fighting, Coppelia and Coppelius tend to separate with one staying at the center of the stage and the other circling around. Attacks will come from both sides, so its best to have a shielder or keep an eye on both robots to dodge on time!

List of All Shield Characters

Best Team for Icewind Suite

Recommended Party Against Coppelia and Coppelius

Best Team for Dirge of Coppelia
Lyney Image Lyney Xiangling Image Xiangling Bennett Image Bennett Zhongli Image Zhongli
Best Team for Nemesis of Coppelius
Hu Tao Image Hu Tao Xiangling Image Xiangling Lynette Image Lynette Zhongli Image Zhongli

Use Pyro DPS Teams Against Either Icewind Suite Versions

Both Dirge of Coppelia and Nemesis of Coppelius use Cryo and Anemo attacks in tandem with each other! Coppelius uses Cryo and thus is weaker to Pyro, while Coppelia uses Anemo.

Bring Pneumosia Characters Against Icewind Suite

Lyney can incapacitate Dirge of Coppelia with his Pneuma charged attacks, while Lynette can use her Elemental Skill to apply Ousia to the Nemesis of Coppelius. Pyro is particularly effective against both Coppelia and Coppelius.

Hyperbloom Team for Both Icewind Suite Versions

Hyperbloom Team
Raiden Image Raiden Kokomi Image Kokomi Nahida Image Nahida Zhongli Image Zhongli

It's possible to beat Icewind Suite without triggering the Pneumosia mechanic and stunning them. In terms of pure damage, a Hyperbloom team can be a good choice against both Coppelia and Coppelius.

Best Free-to-Play Team

Free to Play Team
Xiangling Image Xiangling Traveler (Hydro) Image Traveler (Hydro) Lynette Image Lynette Noelle Image Noelle

Best Characters by Role

Main DPS
Genshin - Alhaitham ImageGenshin - Diluc ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Lyney ImageGenshin - Yanfei ImageGenshin - Yoimiya Image
Genshin - Beidou ImageGenshin - Fischl ImageGenshin - Nahida ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Xiangling ImageGenshin - Xingqiu Image
Genshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Dori ImageGenshin - Noelle ImageGenshin - Thoma ImageGenshin - Traveler (Hydro) ImageGenshin - Zhongli Image

Defeat the Icewind Suite in Co-Op Mode

Are you missing specific characters, or have you not built a full party yet? Teaming up with others from our Co-Op boards is a great way to quickly beat the Icewind Suite and other bosses.

Genshin Co-Op Boards
Genshin - Friend Request BoardFriend Request Board Genshin - Co-Op BoardCo-Op Board Genshin - Supporting castBoardSupporting Cast Board

Icewind Suite Attack Patterns

Dirge of Coppelia - Cryo Spin

Coppelius spins around Coppelia leaving Cryo spikes in his wake, and spins Coppelia around while holding her waist, dealing additional Cryo damage in the same small AoE that can be easily avoided.

Dirge of Coppelia - Cryo Bullets

Coppelia spins around her partner, directed by Coppelius' hand which throws out Cryo bullets in a horizontal arc as he spins with her. Sprint to dodge the barrage of cryo bullets!

Dirge of Coppelia - Cryo Cane Attack

Coppelia spins around her partner again, this time Coppelius takes out his cane and taps it on the ground to summon a line of Cryo spikes that deal Cryo DMG in a straight line that you can dodge by moving aside.

Dirge of Coppelia - Anemo Spikes and Coppelia's Solo

Coppelia summons anemo spikes that continuously deal Anemo DMG and can Swirl other elements. Coppelia performs a series of spins with Coppelius that deals both Anemo and Cryo DMG.

At the end of the spin, Coppelius will be sent to the edge of the arena where he will continue circling and attack with Cryo Blades once and then meet Coppelia again in the middle. This is also the time when Coppelia can become vulnerable to Pneuma attacks.

Nemesis of Coppelius - Anemo Shots

Coppelius twirls Coppelia around and releases balls of Anemo DMG that travel at a slight horizontal curve, and can be avoided by staying at a distance and tracking their movement.

Nemesis of Coppelius - Anemo Drop Twirl

Coppelius throws Coppelia into the air as she spins, dropping at a certain distance and dealing AoE Anemo DMG and then spinning some more to deal Anemo DMG within reach of her flared-out skirt. The area where she's about to drop will be lit up so you can easily avoid it!

Nemesis of Coppelius - Sweeping Anemo Spin

Coppelius takes Coppelia by the hand and spins her in a low, but wide, sweeping circle, dealing Anemo DMG to everything in their path.

Nemesis of Coppelius - Cryo Spikes and Coppelius' Solo

Coppelius summons cryo spikes that continuously deal Cryo DMG and sends Coppelia spinning to the edge of the arena before summoning a Cryo Shield. This is also the time when Coppelius can become vulnerable to Ousia attacks.

Coppelia will continue circling around and attack with Anemo Blades before spinning back towards Coppelius, where they will twirl together and deal Cryo DMG in a series of spins.

Icewind Suite Item Drops

Coppelia and Coppelius Give Different Boss Drops

Icewind Suite Formation Unique Boss Rewards
Dirge of Coppelia
Genshin - Artificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelia ImageGenshin - Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone ImageGenshin - Vayuda Turquoise Chunk ImageGenshin - Vayuda Turquoise Fragment ImageGenshin - Vayuda Turquoise Sliver Image
Nemesis of Coppelius
Genshin - Artificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelius ImageGenshin - Shivada Jade Gemstone ImageGenshin - Shivada Jade Chunk ImageGenshin - Shivada Jade Fragment ImageGenshin - Shivada Jade Sliver Image

The Ley Line Blossom rewards that appears after completing this challenge will reward the respective item drop based on the Arkhe-type you have chosen, which means you can either get the Ousia-aligned (blue) drop or the Pneuma-aligned (white) drop.

All Icewind Suite Item Drops

Drop Level
Lv. 30+
Lv. 30+
Lv. 75+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 40+
Any Lv.
Lv. 75+
Lv. 60+
Lv. 40+
Any Lv.

Icewind Suite Artifact Drops

Artifact Set Drops
Berserker Berserker Instructor Instructor The Exile The Exile
Lucky Dog Lucky Dog Gladiator Gladiator's Finale Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe
Prayers to Springtime Prayers to Springtime

Used to Ascend Characters

Boss Reward Characters
Genshin - Artificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelia Image Dirge of Coppelia
Genshin - Lynette ImageGenshin - Chiori Image
Genshin - Artificed Spare Clockwork Component - Coppelius Image Nemesis of Coppelius
Genshin - Navia ImageGenshin - Freminet Image

You can use the Icewind Suite - Coppelia item drop to level up Lynette and the Icewind Suite - Coppelius item drop to level up Navia and Freminet! To reach the final ascension level, each character requires a total of 46 Artificed Spare Clockwork Components.

New and Upcoming Playable Characters

Icewind Suite Information

Artificed Dancers of Fontaine

Genshin Impact - Fontaine Icewind Suite

The Icewind Suite Duo were Clockwork Mekas initially created for performance arts by Fontaine Mechanics. A mechanic by the name of Maillardet modified them to be suited for combat for his research.

Clockwork Meka Enemy Guide

Icewind Suite Release Date in Version 4.0

Genshin Impact Version 4.0
Genshin - Version 4.0
Release Date August 16, 2023

Icewind Suite was released on August 16, 2023 in Version 4.0, along with other Fontaine contents!

Version 4.0 Release Date and Patch Notes

Genshin Impact Related Guides

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Genshin Impact - Bosses
List of Bosses

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3 Anonymousover 1 year

guides for bosses are not updated, dungeons are not updated...

2 Anonymousover 1 year

whats the best team comp to fight them easily?

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