Genshin Impact

Emilie Rating and Best Builds

Genshin Impact - Emilie Rating and Best Builds

Emilie is a 5-star Dendro Polearm user in Genshin Impact 4.8 that best functions as a Burning Sub-DPS! See her best weapons and artifacts, kit, materials, and our rating of this character in this guide!

Story Quest
Emilie's Character Guides
Genshin - Emilie Builds and RatingBuild Guide Ascension MaterialMaterials A Fragrant Feast of Flavors ImageSpecial Dish
Pomum de Ambra Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Floral Debt, Blood Due Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Emilie Rating and Info

Character Information

Genshin - Emilie Rating
S Rank Icon
Voice Actors Amber Aviles (EN)
Hikasa Yoko (JP)

Tier List Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Exploration
- S - C

Character Tier List | Best Characters

Emilie's Stats

Lvl. 20 Base Stats
Lvl. 90 Max Stats
Stat Base Value
Stat Max Value

Base Stat Calculations

Genshin - Albedo Thinking Emoji Stats indicated above are obtained from Emilie's base values. These numbers also exclude the character's equipped weapon, artifacts, talents, or other passive effects that are not innate to the character.
Genshin - Faruzan Thinking Emoji All characters start with 5% CRIT Rate, 50% CRIT DMG, 100% Energy Recharge, 0 Elemental Mastery, 0% Healing Bonus, and 0% Elemental DMG bonus before any additional stats are applied. The table above includes such values.
Genshin - Xianyun Thinking Emoji The Level 20 stats indicated for this character are calculated before their first ascension.

Character Stat Rankings

Emilie's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

All Ascension Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×420,000
All Talent Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×4,957,500

Emilie Ascension and Talent Materials

Emilie Strengths and Weaknesses

• Elemental Skill has great single-target Dendro Application that has more than 100% uptime to keep an enemy burning indefinitely.
• The special attacks from one of Emilie's ascension passives are an incredibly potent source of Dendro damage in her kit.
• 85% Pyro RES in Burning Teams with Emilie allows them to thrive even in areas where they would normally take plenty of self-damage.
• Non-burning teams lack the same damage potential that Emilie provides otherwise, locking her best DPS potential to within Burning Teams.
• Elemental Skill can only target one opponent at a time, lowering her effectiveness especially in multi-target scenarios with multiple Elite enemies.

Emilie Best Builds

Burning Dendro Sub-DPS

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Substats ATK%, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Energy Recharge

Emilie should build to prioritize ATK due to her synergy with 4-pc. Unfinished Reverie, as well as her weapon options helping her personal damage.

This synergy and priority on her ATK and likely CRIT comes from her kit and passives contributing to her personal damage, as well as Unfinished Reverie's set bonuses contributing to the burning reaction and ATK.

Dendro Sub-DPS

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Dendro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Substats ATK%, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, Energy Recharge

For non-burning teams, Emilie can make use of the 4-pc. Deepwood Memories set to support her team with off-field Dendro damage and Dendro resistance shred.

She should still opt to run stats and substats that can improve her personal damage as she will be contributing a significant amount towards the team's damage.

Emilie Talent Priority

1st 2nd 3rd
Elemental Skill Elemental Burst Normal Attack

Emilie's Elemental Skill deserves top priority as it is her main damage source when functioning as an off-field damage dealer in the team.

You can then follow this up with by Leveling her to 90, as it directly impacts Transformative Elemental Reaction damage. Afterwards, level her Elemental Burst for extra emergency damage, lastly followed by her Normal Attack.

Emilie Best Artifacts

Unfinished Reverie or Deepwood Memories

Emilie's kit makes her a perfect candidate to wield the 4-pc. Unfinished Reverie set due to its pure off-field Burning reaction synergy, making the set tailor-fit for her.

Other options include 4-pc. Deepwood Memories for non-burning teams as a solid choice, and 4-pc. Golden Troupe as an easier to farm and more resin efficient option for a boost to her Lumidouce Case damage.

Best Artifacts Ranked

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
1st Genshin - Unfinished Reverie Image Unfinished Reverie 2-PC: ATK+18%
4-PC: After leaving combat for 3s, DMG dealt increases by 50%. In combat, if no Burning opponents are nearby for more than 6s, this DMG Bonus will decrease by 10% per second until it reaches 0%. When a Burning opponent exists, it will increase by 10% instead until it reaches 50%. This effect still triggers if the equipping character is off-field.
2nd Genshin - Deepwood Memories Image Deepwood Memories 2-PC: Dendro DMG Bonus +15%
4-PC: After Elemental Skills or Bursts hit opponents, the targets' Dendro RES will be decreased by 30% for 8s. This effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
3rd Genshin - Golden Troupe Image Golden Troupe 2-PC: Elemental Skill DMG +20%
4-PC: Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 25%. Additionally when not on the field, Elemental Skill DMG will be further increased by 25%. This effect will be cleared 2s after taking the field.

Best 4-Star Artifact for Emilie

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
Genshin - Gambler Image Gambler 2-PC: Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 20%.
4-PC: Defeating an enemy has a 100% chance to remove Elemental Skill CD. Can only occur once every 15s.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

Emilie Best Weapons

Lumidouce Elegy and General Weapons

Lumidouce Elegy is Emilie's best-in-slot due to its complete synergy with her kit, followed by general purpose Polearms that provide ATK, EM, or even Energy Recharge and CRIT with easily satisfied passives.

To this end, weapons like the Primordial Jade Winged-Spear and Deathmatch work for Emilie due to them being unconditionally powerful options for her.

Best Weapons for Dendro Sub-DPS

Weapon Weapon Information
1st Genshin Impact - Lumidouce Elegy Image Lumidouce Elegy Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 33.1%
Skill Effect: ATK increased by 15%. After the equipping character triggers Burning on an opponent or deals Dendro DMG to Burning opponents, the DMG dealt is increased by 18%. This effect lasts for 8s, max 2 stacks. When 2 stacks are reached or when the duration is refreshed at 2 stacks, restore 12 Energy. Energy can be restored this way once every 12s. The 2 aforementioned effects can be triggered even when the character is off-field.
2nd Genshin Impact - Calamity Queller Image Calamity Queller Base ATK: 741
Bonus Stat: ATK 16.5%
Skill Effect: Gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus. Obtain Consummation for 20s after using an Elemental Skill, causing ATK to increase by 3.2% per second. This ATK increase has a maximum of 6 stacks. When the character equipped with this weapon is not on the field, Consummation's ATK increase is doubled.
3rd Genshin Impact - Staff of the Scarlet Sands Image Staff of the Scarlet Sands Base ATK: 542
Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 44.1%
Skill Effect: The equipping character gains 52% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. When an Elemental Skill hits opponents, the Dream of the Scarlet Sands effect will be gained for 10s: The equipping character will gain 28% of their Elemental Mastery as bonus ATK. Max 3 stacks.

Best Free-to-Play Weapons for Emilie

Weapon Weapon Information
Genshin Impact - Missive Windspear Image Missive Windspear Base ATK: 510
Bonus Stat: ATK 41.3%
Skill Effect: Within 10s after an Elemental Reaction is triggered, ATK is increased by 12% and Elemental Mastery is increased by 48.
Genshin Impact - Kitain Cross Spear Image Kitain Cross Spear Base ATK: 565
Bonus Stat: Elemental Mastery 110
Skill Effect: Increases Elemental Skill DMG by 6%. After Elemental Skill hits an opponent, the character loses 3 Energy but regenerates 3 Energy every 2s for the next 6s. This effect can occur once every 10s. Can be triggered even when the character is not on the field.

All Recommended Weapons for Emilie

Recommended Weapons How to Get
Battle Pass
Starglitter Exchange

List of Polearm Weapons

Emilie Team Comps

Emilie is Best in Burning Teams

Emilie's kit revolves around the Burning reaction, and most of her damage potential will come when she functions in a team that is centered around Burning.

However, Emilie can also function in non-burning teams as a working alternative due to her consistent Dendro application and damage, making her a viable candidate for Bloom and Hyperbloom teams.

Emilie Team Comps

Emilie Burn Melt Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Ganyu Ganyu Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Wriothesley Wriothesley Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Burn Melt teams offer the most benefits for Emilie's damage due to her 2nd passive talent that increases DMG to burning opponents.

It also offers the most benefits for her Lumidouce Case as it collects scents which strengthens her off-field damage even more, and keeps up the burning reactions against enemies so that the Cryo DPS can constantly melt them.

Emilie Burning Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Kinich Kinich Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Arlecchino Arlecchino Genshin - Xiangling Xiangling Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Burning teams are a solid choice for Emilie, being able to supplement the team's Pyro DMG with consistent Burn ticks and formidable buffed Dendro damage.

This is also one of the few teams that allows her Lumidouce Case to collect scents and reach its full potential as an off-field Damage source.

Emilie Quicken Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Cyno Cyno Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Baizhu Baizhu
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Clorinde Clorinde Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha

Emilie can also slot into Quicken teams as a Dendro unit, being able to support the team with her own off-field Damage.

Her presence can also help keep up a consistent Dendro aura on opponents that can easily be refreshed.

Emilie Hyperbloom Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS/
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Alhaitham Alhaitham Genshin - Shinobu Shinobu Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Kokomi Kokomi

Emilie's Dendro application allows her to function in Hyperbloom teams due to being able to help supplement the Dendro application needed to generate bloom cores at a rapid pace.

Emilie Bloom Team

Sub-DPS Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Emilie Emilie Genshin - Nahida Nahida Genshin - Nilou Nilou Genshin - Kokomi Kokomi

Emilie can also slot into normal Bloom teams due to her reliable and refreshable Lumidouce Cases, allowing for more consistent bloom triggers and off-field dendro application.

Emilie Constellations

Pomum de Ambra

Constellation and Effects

Emilie's Constellations
C1 Light Fragrance Leaching
Increases the DMG dealt by Fragrance Extraction and her Passive Talent's Cleardew Cologne "Lingering Fragrance" by 20%. The latter requires unlocking said Passive Talent first.
Additionally, when nearby party members trigger the Burning reaction on opponents or deal Dendro DMG to Burning opponents, they will generate an additional Scent. This effect can be triggered once every 2.9s.
C2 Lakelight Top Note
When Fragrance Extraction, Aromatic Explication, or Cleardew Cologne produced by the Passive Talent "Lingering Fragrance" (the last of which requires Passive Talent Activation) hits opponents, those opponents' Dendro RES is decreased by 30% for 10s.
C3 Exquisite Essence
Increases the Level of Fragrance Extraction by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 Lumidouce Heart Note
Aromatic Explication's duration is increased by 2s. The interval between opponents being selected as the target for Scented Dew is decreased by 0.3s.
C5 Puredew Aroma
Increases the Level of Aromatic Explication by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Marcotte Sillage
When using Fragrance Extraction or Aromatic Explication, Emilie will gain Abiding Fragrance for 5s. While this is active, after Emilie uses Normal or Charged Attacks, she will generate 1 Scent, and her Normal and Charged Attack DMG will be converted into Dendro DMG that cannot be overridden, and the DMG dealt will be increased by 300% of Emilie's ATK.
The Abiding Fragrance effect will be removed after 4 Scents are created this way or after its duration expires. Abiding Fragrance can be triggered once every 12s.

Best Constellation Rating and Explanation

Rating Constellation Effect / Merits
C1 ★★★ • Outright 20% DMG increase to her main source of damage.
• Generates scents faster, therefore leveling her Lumidouce Case faster and allowing it to trigger more Cleardew Cologne attacks.
C2 ★★★ • Allows Emilie's main damaging abilities to shred Dendro RES by 30%, allowing her to forego 4-pc. Deepwood Memories in non-burning teams or to stack Dendro Shred with it.

C1 is her Best Value

C1 is a good stopping point for Emilie due to the unconditional 20% damage increase as well as the faster Scent generation.

The faster Scent generation will be responsible for allowing the damage of her Lumidouce Case to max out much faster and pull off more frequent Cleardew Colognes.

Emilie Materials

Emilie Ascension Materials

Below are the ascension materials needed for Emilie:

Mora ImageMora ×20,000
Mora ImageMora ×40,000
Mora ImageMora ×60,000
Mora ImageMora ×80,000
Mora ImageMora ×100,000
Mora ImageMora ×120,000

Emilie Talent Level-Up Materials

Below are the talent materials needed for Emilie:

Daily Domain Drops Enemy Drops Weekly Boss Drops
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Order Image Teachings of Order
Clockwork Meka
Genshin Impact - Meshing Gear Image Meshing Gear
The Knave Boss Challenge Reward
Genshin Impact - Silken Feather Image Silken Feather
Genshin Impact - Guide to Order Image Guide to Order Genshin Impact - Mechanical Spur Gear Image Mechanical Spur Gear
Genshin Impact - Philosophies of Order Image Philosophies of Order Genshin Impact - Artificed Dynamic Gear Image Artificed Dynamic Gear

Talent Materials per Level

Emilie Talents and How to Use

Normal Attack

Normal Attack: Shadow-Hunting Spear (Custom)
Performs up to 4 consecutive spear strikes.
Charge Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward slash.
Plunge Attack:
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Polearm Flourishes

Emilie's Basic Attack combos allow her to get hands-on with her attacks if need be during combat.

Elemental Skill

Fragrance Extraction
Creates a Lumidouce Case that deals AoE Dendro DMG.
Lumidouce Case
• Fires Puffs of Puredew at nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Dendro DMG.
• When nearby opponents are affected by Burning, they will give off Scents at intervals, and 1 Scent can be created this way every 2s. The Lumidouce Case collects nearby Scents. The Lumidouce Case will level up after gathering 2 of them, after which it will fire 1 extra Puff of Puredew when firing, while the DMG dealt by and DMG AOE of the above attack will also be increased.
• 1 Lumidouce Case created by Emilie herself can exist at any one time. The Case starts at Level 1 and can go up to Level 2. If the Case does not collect any Scents for 8s while it is on the field, it will go back to Level 1.
Arkhe: Pneuma
At intervals, after Emilie creates a Lumidouce Case this way, a Spiritbreath Thorn will descend in front of her and pierce her opponent, dealing Pneuma-aligned Dendro DMG.

Burning Sub-DPS with her Elemental Skill

Emilie's kit revolves around the constant application of Dendro and the damage it deals in the process. Her Elemental Skill lets her summon a Lumidouce Case that deals Dendro damage to nearby enemies.

Her Lumidouce Case persists even after she leaves the field, making her perfect to be an off-field Dendro Sub-DPS, as her Elemental Skill will be responsible for most of her kit's damage.

Made for Burning Reaction

The nuance of this ability comes from the Burning reaction, as it increases the damage dealt by Emilie's Lumidouce Case.

This incentivizes running Emilie in a Burning team comp, as the constant re-application of Burning can be enough to shred down opponents.

Elemental Burst

Aromatic Exoplication
Guiding the fragrances collected within the Case, Emilie converts them into pure Dendro energy, creating a Level 3 Lumidouce Case and stowing existing Cases away.
While it exists, the Level 3 Lumidouce Case will not gather nearby Scents, but it will continuously cause Scented Dew to descend, attacking opponents within range and dealing Dendro DMG. During this time, 1 drop of Scented Dew will descend every 0.3 seconds, and 1 opponent can become the target every 0.7 seconds.
When the duration ends, a Level 1 Lumidouce Case will be recreated. If a Lumidouce Case was stowed away when using Aromatic Explication, then the Case that was stowed away will be deployed instead, and its duration will be reset. While Aromatic Explication is active, the Elemental Skill "Fragrance Extraction" will not create a Lumidouce Case.

Elemental Burst Powers Lumidouce Case

Emilie's Elemental Burst powers up the Lumidouce Case by taking it to Level 3, allowing it to increase both its Dendro Application frequency and damage.

With that in mind, use her burst when you need the boost in damage and application to her Elemental Skill.

Refreshes Elemental Skill

Her Elemental Burst also works similarly to a character like Fischl, similarly refreshing her Skill's duration and allowing her to continue the Dendro Application's uptime.

However, it also has the added benefit of summoning a new Lumidouce Case when her Elemental Burst's case runs out, providing more Quality-of-Life in an off-field playstyle.

Passive Talent 1

Lingering Fragrance
Each time it collects 2 Scents, the Level 2 Lumidouce Case will consume Scents and release Cleardew Cologne that deals AoE Dendro DMG equal to 600% of Emilie's ATK to opponents. This DMG is not considered Elemental Skill DMG.

Quick Dendro Damage

This talent allows the Lumidouce Case to become even deadlier every time it collects two scents from Burning opponents, incentivizing her Burning Sub-DPS playstyle.

Passive Talent 2

Emilie deals increased DMG to Burning opponents based on her ATK, with every 1,000 ATK increasing DMG dealt by 15%. The maximum DMG bonus that can be gained this way is 36%.

Solid Dendro Damage in Burn Comps

Emilie can quickly become a powerhouse if placed in a Burning Team, being able to outright increase her own damage by 36% so long as the enemies are burning, and her having more than 2,500 ATK.

Passive Talent 3

Headspace Capture
When the Lumidouce Case created by Emilie is on the field, all party members gain 85% Pyro RES against Burning DMG.

Passive Reduces Burning Damage

Having Emilie's Lumidouce Case on the field reduces all Burning Damage taken by the team, which only further supports her Burning Reaction Sub-DPS playstyle.

How to Get Emilie

Pull from the Version 4.8 Phase 2 Banners

Genshin Impact - Ambrosial Essence Gacha and Wish Guide
Banner Status Inactive

Emilie was available in Phase 2 of Version 4.8, running from August 6, 2024 to August 27, 2024. Running alongside her debut banner was Yelan's rerun banner!

In addition, the 4-stars Razor, Xiangling, and Yanfei are also receiving rate-ups during this banner period.

Genshin Impact 4.8 Banners and Characters

Emilie In-Game Information

Emilie Character Profile

Title A Thousand Scents Traced
Gender Female
Race Human
Height Medium Girl
Faction Court of Fontaine
Constellation Pomum de Ambra
Birthday September 22
Special Dish A Fragrant Feast of Flavors

Renowned Perfumer

Genshin - Emilie Outfit

Emilie seems to be an alchemist of sorts focusing on Fragrances within the Court of Fontaine, with plenty of people appearing to recognize her expertise and profession.

This is even reflected in her official attire, with a fragrant potion in hand and an overall potion-masteresque outfit.

Mentioned by Several Fontainians

Genshin - Mentioned in Lyney and Lynette Voicelines
Emilie seems to be a prominent figure in Fontaine, as different factions within Fontaine all seem to have an opinion regarding her, with people like Lyney, Lynette, Chevreuse, and even Wriothesley expressing their thoughts on Emilie.

Emilie Voice Actors

Genshin - Emilie VA

It was announced that Emilie's EN Voice Actor is Amber Aviles, while their JP Voice Actor is Hikasa Yoko!

Thoughts About Emilie

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Lynette ImageLynette Her perfume products are so popular that you have to get in line before the break of dawn to have a chance at snapping any up. However, I'm far too sensitive to the smell of perfume, and it's really rude to sneeze... so I have to take the long way around.
Genshin Impact - Lyney ImageLyney Have you ever gotten a whiff of the perfumes she makes? I quite liked them and was thinking to buy myself a bottle... But Lynette's tail indicated that she didn't share my opinion, so that was the end of that!
Genshin Impact - Wriothesley ImageWriothesley The Fortress of Meropide doesn't need her services. Yet some things are best preserved the way they are, warts and all, so people don't make the same mistakes twice... I say warts, but yeah. I mean the smell.
Genshin Impact - Charlotte ImageCharlotte Emilie makes the best perfume in the whole Court of Fontaine. She introduced me to this amazing one the other day that works as an insect repellent, anti-perspirant, and deodorant all in one! It's a total life-saver. for someone like me who spends so much time zooming around all over the place. I actually sprayed some on my wrist today... Go on, take a whiff, it's heavenly!
Genshin Impact - Chevreuse ImageChevreuse Emilie is a good friend. Her expert knowledge of chemistry has been a great help to me many times when analyzing evidence or tracking down a killer. She helps us discover information that no one else can see, like what type of perfume a suspect wore or what type of flowers they sent as a gift. She can even determine the places they've been right down to the very dirt they've stepped in... Plus, she's never been wrong.
Genshin Impact - Chiori ImageChiori Emilie's perfumes are very popular. We have a business agreement where I ask her to deliver small quantities of perfume she's working on to Chioriya Boutique. I let Eloffe secretly spray the perfume in the fitting room, and then I'll let her know any feedback I get from the customers. Even after all this time, I've never once had a customer ever say that my fitting room smelled strange. In fact, they usually come one after another to ask where they can buy the fragrance. Out of curiosity, I always buy a bottle when she brings them to sell in her shop. I have to say that such fragrances which can always bring a sense of refreshment are truly works of art.
Genshin Impact - Clorinde ImageClorinde I've heard that she's a perfumer. I've also heard a little about her true profession. I' saw her out on the street once. She was stroking a little dog, and had a gentle smile on her face. We nodded at each other, then each went our separate ways.

Emilie Release Date

Released in Version 4.8 Phase 2

Genshin Impact Version 4.8 Phase 2
Genshin - Version 4.8
Release Date August 6, 2024

Emilie was released in her own featured banner as part of Version 4.8's Phase 2 on August 6, 2024!

Version 4.8 Release Date and Characters

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters

All Characters and Voice Actors

List of All Characters

Characters by Element
Genshin - Pyro Characters Pyro Genshin - Anemo Characters Anemo Genshin - Electro Characters Electro Genshin - Hydro Characters Hydro
Genshin - Dendro Characters Dendro Genshin - Geo CharactersGeo Genshin - Cryo CharactersCryo

Playable Characters

All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lan Yan Lan Yan Lynette Lynette Sayu Sayu
Sucrose Sucrose Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti Wanderer Wanderer
Xianyun Xianyun Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy Ayaka Ayaka
Charlotte Charlotte Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali Diona Diona
Eula Eula Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu Kaeya Kaeya
Layla Layla Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi Rosaria Rosaria
Shenhe Shenhe Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham Baizhu Baizhu
Collei Collei Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh Kinich Kinich
Kirara Kirara Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro)
Yaoyao Yaoyao Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde Cyno Cyno
Dori Dori Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing Lisa Lisa
Ororon Ororon Raiden Raiden Razor Razor Sara Sara
Sethos Sethos Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro) Yae Miko Yae Miko
Albedo Albedo Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou Itto Itto
Kachina Kachina Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang Noelle Noelle
Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin Zhongli Zhongli
Ayato Ayato Barbara Barbara Candace Candace Furina Furina
Kokomi Kokomi Mona Mona Mualani Mualani Neuvillette Neuvillette
Nilou Nilou Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro)
Xingqiu Xingqiu Yelan Yelan Amber Amber Arlecchino Arlecchino
Bennett Bennett Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya Diluc Diluc
Gaming Gaming Hu Tao Hu Tao Klee Klee Lyney Lyney
Mavuika Mavuika Thoma Thoma Traveler (Pyro) Traveler (Pyro) Xiangling Xiangling
Xinyan Xinyan Yanfei Yanfei Yoimiya Yoimiya

Upcoming Characters

All Upcoming Characters
Alice Alice Capitano Capitano Columbina Columbina Dainsleif Dainsleif
Dottore Dottore Iansan Iansan Ifa Ifa Mizuki Mizuki
Pantalone Pantalone Pierro Pierro Pulcinella Pulcinella Sandrone Sandrone
Skirk Skirk Tsaritsa Tsaritsa Varka Varka

Character Lists

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Free Characters
Characters by Weapon Used
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Polearm Users Bow Users
Catalyst Users
Characters by Role
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Support Characters Healers
Shield Characters Buff Providers
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Double Reward Passives
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Short Male Characters Short Female Characters
Medium Male Characters Medium Female Characters
Tall Male Characters Tall Female Characters
Characters by Height
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66 Anonymouabout 18 hours

still worst

64 Anonymous3 months

Everyone saying she and burning are bad went real quiet ever since Kinich dropped, LMAO

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