Genshin Impact

Eula Rating and Best Builds

Genshin Impact - Eula Rating and Best Build

Eula is an 5-Star Cryo Claymore character in Genshin Impact. Her main role is to DPS with her Elemental Burst to deal Physical Damage. See her best builds, weapon, artifacts, team comps, materials and our rating of this character in this guide!

Story Quest
Eula's Character Guides
Genshin - Eula Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Eula Story and ProfileLore Stormcrest Pie ImageSpecial Dish
Aphros Delos Chapter
Genshin - Act 1The Spindrift Shall Never Return to the Sea Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Eula Rating and Info

Character Information

Genshin - Eula Rating
B Rank Icon
Voice Actors Suzie Yeung (EN)
Sato Rina (JP)

Tier List Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Exploration
B - - C

Character Tier List | Best Characters

Eula's Stats

Lvl. 20 Base Stats
Lvl. 90 Max Stats
Stat Base Value
Stat Max Value

Base Stat Calculations

Genshin - Albedo Thinking Emoji Stats indicated above are obtained from Eula's base values. These numbers also exclude the character's equipped weapon, artifacts, talents, or other passive effects that are not innate to the character.
Genshin - Faruzan Thinking Emoji All characters start with 5% CRIT Rate, 50% CRIT DMG, 100% Energy Recharge, 0 Elemental Mastery, 0% Healing Bonus, and 0% Elemental DMG bonus before any additional stats are applied. The table above includes such values.
Genshin - Xianyun Thinking Emoji The Level 20 stats indicated for this character are calculated before their first ascension.

Character Stat Rankings

Eula's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

All Ascension Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×420,000
All Talent Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×4,957,500

Eula Strengths and Weaknesses

• Eula's Grimheart mechanic prevents her from getting interrupted, allowing you to forego a shielder.
• Incredibly high scalings and decent AoE range on her Elemental Burst, giving her the opportunity to one-shot content.
• Elemental Skill deals reduce enemy's Physical and Cyro Resistance, and stacks with an Elemental Reaction like Superconduct.
• Huge damage loss if her Elemental Burst misses or doesn't crit.
• High Energy Cost for her Elemental Burst.
• Long Cooldown on her Elemental Skill (Hold).
• Physical Damage Teams face a lot of challenges to be able to clear out content, which makes Eula a Niche character and requires significant investment and planning.

Eula Best Builds

Eula Main DPS Builds

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Physical DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact Sub Stats Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT Rate, ATK%
Sample Teams
Superconduct: Genshin - Eula ImageGenshin - Mika ImageGenshin - Raiden ImageGenshin - Zhongli Image

Shatter: Genshin - Eula ImageGenshin - Rosaria ImageGenshin - Sucrose ImageGenshin - Yelan Image

The Pale Flame build for Eula is synergistic for activating the artifact set bonus, as she can get a total of 50% Physical DMG and 18% ATK with this set alone.

Alternatively, Eula can run a mix of Pale Flame and Bloodstained Chivalry at a similar effect. Depending on your substats, this can outperform 4-piece Pale Flame.

Eula Talent Priority

1st 2nd 3rd
Elemental Burst Normal Attack Elemental Skill

A huge chunk of Eula's Damage comes from her Elemental Burst and should be the talent to level up first. This is followed by his Normal Attack and Elemental Skill, which should also be prioritized as a Main DPS.

Eula Best Artifacts

Eula Artifact Rankings

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
1st Genshin - Pale Flame Image Pale Flame 2-PC: Physical DMG +25%
4-PC: When an Elemental skill hits an opponent, ATK is increased by 9% for 7s. This effect stacks up to 2 times and can be triggered once every 0.3s. Once 2 stacks are reached, 2-set effect is doubled.
2nd Genshin - Pale Flame Image Pale Flame 2-PC: Physical DMG +25%.
Genshin - Bloodstained Chivalry Image Bloodstained Chivalry 2-PC: Physical DMG +25%.
3rd Genshin - Pale Flame Image Pale Flame 2-PC: Physical DMG +25%.
Genshin - Emblem of Severed Fate Image Emblem of Severed Fate 2-PC: Energy Recharge +20%.

Alternative 4-Star Artifact

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
Genshin - Martial Artist Image Martial Artist 2-PC: Increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 15%.
4-PC: After using Elemental Skill, increases Normal Attack and Charged Attack DMG by 25% for 8s.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

Eula Best Weapons

Eula Weapon Rankings

Weapon Weapon Information
1st Genshin Impact - Song of Broken Pines Image Song of Broken Pines Base ATK: 741
Bonus Stat: Physical DMG 20.7%
Skill Effect: Increases ATK by 16%. When Normal or Charged Attacks hit opponents, the character gains a Sigil of Whispers (once every 0.3s). When you reach 4 Sigils, all will be consumed and all nearby party members will get increased Normal ATK SPD by 12% and ATK by 20% for 12s. Once this triggers, you gain no Sigils for 20s. Buffs of the same type won’t stack. The same buffs from the Millennial Movement series does not stack.
2nd Genshin Impact - Beacon of the Reed Sea Image Beacon of the Reed Sea Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 33.1%
Skill Effect: After the character's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, their ATK will be increased by 20% for 8s. After the character takes DMG, their ATK will be increased by 20% for 8s. The 2 aforementioned effects can be triggered even when the character is not on the field. Additionally, when not protected by a shield, the character's Max HP will be increased by 32%.
3rd Genshin Impact - Serpent Spine Image Serpent Spine Base ATK: 510
Bonus Stat: CRIT Rate 27.6%
Skill Effect: Every 4s a character is on the field, they will deal 6% more DMG and take 3% more DMG. This effect has a maximum of 5 stacks and will not be reset if the character leaves the field, but will be reduced by 1 stack when the character takes DMG.

Best Free-to-Play Weapon for Eula

Weapon Weapon Information
Genshin Impact - Prototype Archaic Image Prototype Archaic Base ATK: 565
Bonus Stat: ATK 27.6%
Skill Effect: On hit, Normal or Charge Attacks have a 50% chance to deal an additional 240% ATK DMG to enemies with a small AoE. Can only occur once every 15s.

All Recommended Weapons for Eula

Recommended Weapons How to Get
Battle Pass
Starglitter Exchange
Starglitter Exchange

List of Claymores

Eula Best Team Comps

Eula Superconduct Teams

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Support
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Mika Mika Genshin - Zhongli Zhongli
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Mika Mika Genshin - Diona Diona
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Bennett Bennett Genshin - Mika Mika
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Raiden Raiden Genshin - Lisa Lisa Genshin - Diona Diona
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Fischl Fischl Genshin - Mika Mika Genshin - Lan Yan Lan Yan

Superconduct is one of the best ways to maximize Eula's Physical DMG, taking her Cryo vision into consideration. By pairing her up with Electro units that constantly apply Electro on opponents, each and every one of Eula's strikes will be amplified.

Among all of the characters you can pair Eula with, Mika is hands-down one of your best options. Not only can he provide support through healing and recharging Eula's energy, but his talents also synergize perfectly with Eula's Physical prowess.

Cryo Element and Reactions Guide

Eula Shatter Teams

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Support
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Yelan Yelan Genshin - Rosaria Rosaria Genshin - Sucrose Sucrose
Genshin - Eula Eula Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu Genshin - Chongyun Chongyun Genshin - Diona Diona

A Shatter party can make for easy opportunities for additional damage as a Cryo Claymore user. You can have either Yelan or Xingqiu providing Hydro applications for constant Freeze reactions, or Chongyun to keep up your Cryo fusion.

Rosaria is a good alternative for setting up Cryo for reactions due to her Elemental Burst, while Sucrose can increase the DMG caused by Shatter due to her Elemental Mastery buffing capabilties.

Best Team Comp | Party Building Guide

Eula Best Constellations

Aphros Delos

Constellation and Effects

Eula's Constellations
C1 Tidal Illusion
Every time Icetide Vortex's Grimheart stacks are consumed, Eula's Physical DMG is increased by 30% for 6s.
Each stack consumed will increase the duration of this effect by 6s up to a maximum of 18s.
C2 Lady of Seafoam
Decreases the CD of Icetide Vortex's Holding Mode, rendering it identical to Tapping CD.
C3 Lawrence Pedigree
Increases the Level of Glacial Illumination by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 The Obstinacy of One's Inferiors
Lightfall Swords deal 25% increased DMG against opponents with less than 50% HP.
C5 Chivalric Quality
Increases the Level of Icetide Vortex by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Noble Obligation
Lightfall Swords created by Glacial Illumination start with 5 stacks of energy.
Normal Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts have a 50% chance to grant the Lightfall Sword an additional stack of energy.

Best Constellations Rating and Explanation

Rating Constellation Effect / Merits
C1 ★★★ • Large increase to Eula's Physical DMG every time Elemental Skill(hold) is used.
C3 ★★☆ • Straight DMG increase to her Elemental Burst.

C1 Is a Good Stopping Point

Since Eula is primarily a Physical DMG character, unlocking C1 provides a huge overall boost to her DMG. Reaching C3 with her is also beneficial if you count the fact that most of her damage comes from her Burst.

Eula Ascension and Talent Materials

Eula Ascension Materials

Mora ImageMora ×20,000
Mora ImageMora ×40,000
Mora ImageMora ×60,000
Mora ImageMora ×80,000
Mora ImageMora ×100,000
Mora ImageMora ×120,000

Eula Talent Level-Up Materials

Daily Domain Drops Enemy Drops Weekly Boss Drops
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Resistance Image Teachings of Resistance
Genshin Impact - Damaged Mask Image Damaged Mask
Azhdaha Challenge Reward
Genshin Impact - Dragon Lord Dragon Lord's Crown
Genshin Impact - Guide to Resistance Image Guide to Resistance Genshin Impact - Stained Mask Image Stained Mask
Genshin Impact - Philosophies of Resistance Image Philosophies of Resistance Genshin Impact - Ominous Mask Image Ominous Mask

Talent Materials per Level

Eula Talents and How to Use

Normal Attack

Normal Attack: Favonius Bladework - Edel
Perform up to 5 consecutive strikes.
Charge Attack
Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes.
At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.
Plunge Attack:
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
1-Hit DMG 89.7%
2-Hit DMG 93.6%
3-Hit DMG 56.8%+56.8%
4-Hit DMG 112.6%
5-Hit DMG 71.8%+71.8%
Charged Attack Spinning DMG 68.8%
Charged Attack Final DMG 124%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost 40.0/s
Max Duration 5.0s
Plunge DMG 74.6%
Low/High Plunge DMG 149% / 186%

Physical Attack Specialist

Genshin - Eula
Normal Attack: Favonious Bladework - Edel

Compared to other Claymore users, Eula's Normal Attacks are quicker. This allows her to deal damage quickly while making her more agile and mobile during combat.

Elemental Skill

Icetide Vortex
Sharp frost, swift blade.

Slashes swiftly, dealing Cryo DMG. When it hits an opponent, Eula gains a stack of Grimheart that stacks up to 2 times. These stacks can only be gained once every 0.3s.
Hold Attack:
Wielding her sword, Eula consumes all the stacks of Grimheart and lashes forward, dealing AoE Cryo DMG to opponents in front of her.
If Grimheart stacks are consumed, surrounding opponents will have their Physical RES and Cryo RES decreased.
Each consumed stack of Grimheart will be converted into an Icewhirl Brand that deals Cryo DMG to nearby opponents.
Increases Eula's resistance to interruption and DEF.
Flavor Text:
“So the waves roiled, swallowing the crown of the nobles. And ever after did each drop amidst the icy waves reflect a golden crown, each and every droplet of the spray shining with its light.”

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Press DMG 146%
Hold DMG 246%
Icewhirl Brand DMG 96%
DEF Bonus 30% Per Stack
Grimheart Duration 18.0s
Physical RES Decrease 16%
Cryo RES Decrease 16%
RES Decrease Duration 7.0s
Press CD 4.0s
CD (hold) 10.0s

Weave her Elemental Skill

Genshin - Eula
Elemental Skill: Icetide Vortex

Eula's Elemental Skill, Icetide Vortex, can be pressed or charged, providing more options in combat. Pressing her Skill deals Cryo DMG, and gives her a stack of Grimheart. This increases her DEF and RES to interruption, allowing her to continue attacking without the risk of getting knocked down.

Holding her skill, on the other hand, consumes Grimheart and deals Cryo DMG to nearby enemies. This also lowers their Physical and Cryo RES, helping you deal more DMG.

Tip to Combo Elemental Skill

Genshin - Eula Elemental Skill Combo
To fully utilize Eula's Elemental Skill, follow this combo!

Elemental Skill - Normal Attack Combo
1 Start by Tapping her Elemental Skill to stack the first Grimheart.
2 Use her Normal Attacks.
3 Tap her Elemental Skill when it's back to stack the second Grimheart.
4 Continue using her Normal Attack.
5 Hold her Elemental Skill to deal AoE Physical DMG!

Elemental Burst

Glacial Illumination
Brandishes her greatsword, dealing Cryo DMG to nearby opponents and creating a Lightfall Sword that follows her around for a duration of up to 7s. While present, the Lightfall Sword increases Eula's resistance to interruption. When Eula's own Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst deal DMG to opponents, they will charge the Lightfall Sword, which gain an energy stack once every 0.1s.
Once its duration ends, the Lightfall sword will descend and explode violently, dealing Physical DMG to nearby opponents.
This DMG scales on the number of energy stacks the Lightfall Sword has accumulated.
If Eula leaves the field, the Lightfall Sword will explode immediately.
Flavor Text:
It is easy to sink. But even so, she desires to freeze this oncoming tide.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Skill DMG 246%
Lightfall Sword Base DMG 367.0%
DMG Per Stack 75.0%
Maximum Stacks 30
CD 20.0s
Energy Cost 80

Elemental Burst gives Backload Damage

Genshin - Eula
Elemental Burst: Glacial Illumination

Eula's Elemental Burst, Glacial Illumination, is her main burst damage source. Upon dealing DMG using her Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Burst will charge her Lightfall Sword and explode once the duration ends. Her Elemental Burst also increases her Physical DMG, allowing her to deal even more damage to enemies

Note that if you cast Eula's Elemental Burst and switch to another character, the Lightfall Sword will immediately explode.

Passive Talent 1

Roiling Rime
If 2 stacks of Grimheart are consumed upon unleashing the Holding Mode of Icetide Vortex, a Shattered Lightfall Sword will be created that will explode immediately, dealing 50% of the basic Physical DMG dealt by a Lightfall Sword created by Glacial Illumination.

Passive Talent 2

Wellspring of War-Lust
When Glacial Illumination is cast, the CD of Icetide Vortex is reset and Eula gains 1 stack of Grimheart.

Passive Talent 3

Aristocratic Introspection
When Eula crafts Character Talent Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product.

How to Get Eula

Pull from Eula's Rerun Banner

Genshin Impact - Born of Ocean Swell Gacha and Wish Guide
Banner Status Inactive

Eula's previous rerun banner was available on the Phase 1 of Version 3.8, alongside Klee's rerun banner, starting from July 5, 2023 to July 25, 2023!

Version 3.8 Banners and Patch Notes

Related Wish Banner Guides

Click to view a Banner Guide!
Genshin - Eula Banner InfoBanner Info Genshin - Wishing Sim IconWish Sim Genshin - Best Wish to Pull Icon 2All Wishes

Eula's In-Game Information

Eula Character Profile

Title Dance of the Shimmering Wave
Gender Female
Race Human
Height Tall Girl
Faction Knights of Favonius
Constellation Aphros Delos
Birthday October 25
Special Dish Stormcrest Pie

Character Thoughts on Eula

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Amber ImageAmber Eula is a great friend of mine! You just need to get used to her sense of humor and you'll get along fine! The only reason she's misunderstood by so many people is her family name. How can I get them to see her for who she really is?
Genshin Impact - Diluc ImageDiluc Ah yes... I've heard about her. She has her own convictions. Her determination to liberate herself from the shackles of her clan is praiseworthy. But, she's... joined the Knights of Favonius.
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean Eula? Um... Please, do not hold her unfortunate background against her. The Knights of Favonius evaluate each person impartially. Eula has a clear sense of right and wrong and is more talented than most. The controversial statements that she makes from time to time are just a product of her personality. For instance, she always mentions wanting to challenge me, but I do not mind.
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose The role of a scout is a hazardous one, and Ms. Eula throws herself into danger all too easily. So, I made a reconnaissance device fore her, so that she wouldn't have to infiltrate enemy camps herself. But Ms. Eula has such an imposing manner, she really puts me on edge, and... I was so nervous that I accidentally left out a few important details while explaining how to use it... As a result, there was an accident... Ah, what should I do... I hope she won't hold a grudge against me...
Genshin Impact - Thoma ImageThoma You've had a run-in with Eula Lawrence before, huh? All I know is that their whole family are about the worst-tempered people you could ever meet. You're better off steering clear of them if you can help it. Ah, now I'm in a Mondstadt mood again... The memories.
Genshin Impact - Venti ImageVenti Eula has good taste when it comes to beverages of the alcoholic variety. Come summer or winter, she always likes them ice-cold. That's rare among Mondstadters these days! She and I would make great drinking buddies. Huh? My songs about the Lawrence clan… She's heard them already? Eh, no harm done. Maybe she and I can do a duet sometime!
Genshin Impact - Yanfei ImageYanfei Eula saved me once, and we've kept up correspondence ever since. She's very familiar with the Knights of Favonius' legislation, but has never been one to be bound by convention. She uses cunning logic to deal with problems flexibly… Perhaps the reason we get along so easily is that I'm a similar type myself. Still, I'll never acquire that carefree spirit of hers. We are in very different professions, after all.

Genshin Impact Character Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters

All Characters and Voice Actors

List of All Characters

Characters by Element
Genshin - Pyro Characters Pyro Genshin - Anemo Characters Anemo Genshin - Electro Characters Electro Genshin - Hydro Characters Hydro
Genshin - Dendro Characters Dendro Genshin - Geo CharactersGeo Genshin - Cryo CharactersCryo

Playable Characters

All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lan Yan Lan Yan Lynette Lynette Sayu Sayu
Sucrose Sucrose Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti Wanderer Wanderer
Xianyun Xianyun Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy Ayaka Ayaka
Charlotte Charlotte Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali Diona Diona
Eula Eula Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu Kaeya Kaeya
Layla Layla Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi Rosaria Rosaria
Shenhe Shenhe Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham Baizhu Baizhu
Collei Collei Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh Kinich Kinich
Kirara Kirara Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro)
Yaoyao Yaoyao Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde Cyno Cyno
Dori Dori Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing Lisa Lisa
Ororon Ororon Raiden Raiden Razor Razor Sara Sara
Sethos Sethos Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro) Yae Miko Yae Miko
Albedo Albedo Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou Itto Itto
Kachina Kachina Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang Noelle Noelle
Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin Zhongli Zhongli
Ayato Ayato Barbara Barbara Candace Candace Furina Furina
Kokomi Kokomi Mona Mona Mualani Mualani Neuvillette Neuvillette
Nilou Nilou Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro)
Xingqiu Xingqiu Yelan Yelan Amber Amber Arlecchino Arlecchino
Bennett Bennett Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya Diluc Diluc
Gaming Gaming Hu Tao Hu Tao Klee Klee Lyney Lyney
Mavuika Mavuika Thoma Thoma Traveler (Pyro) Traveler (Pyro) Xiangling Xiangling
Xinyan Xinyan Yanfei Yanfei Yoimiya Yoimiya

Upcoming Characters

All Upcoming Characters
Alice Alice Capitano Capitano Columbina Columbina Dainsleif Dainsleif
Dottore Dottore Iansan Iansan Ifa Ifa Mizuki Mizuki
Pantalone Pantalone Pierro Pierro Pulcinella Pulcinella Sandrone Sandrone
Skirk Skirk Tsaritsa Tsaritsa Varka Varka

Character Lists

Characters by Rarity
5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters
Free Characters
Characters by Weapon Used
Sword Users Claymore Users
Polearm Users Bow Users
Catalyst Users
Characters by Role
Main DPS Characters Sub DPS Characters
Support Characters Healers
Shield Characters Buff Providers
Best for Exploration Local Specialty Passives
Double Reward Passives
Characters by Gender
Male Characters Female Characters
Short Male Characters Short Female Characters
Medium Male Characters Medium Female Characters
Tall Male Characters Tall Female Characters
Characters by Height
Short Characters Medium Characters
Tall Characters


214 Traveler 23 days

Why isnt skyward pride even listed in that build? I mean, maybe I'm mistaken, but I'd put skyward pride over c0 serpent spine. Serpent spine would be the best 3rd option is it's c5. Imo at least. I kind of wish they'd explain their reasoning sometimes for some of their choices on the builds they list to see if I'm missing some info on why they pick what they do. I've seen some stuff on here that I questioned from time to time lol

213 Anonymous24 days

It's just skill issue at this point, much easier to push eula down on tier lists than actually learn how to play her, this guide doesn't even include furina who is one of her best teammates, can't take it seriously

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