Genshin Impact

Liyue Local Specialties and Locations

Genshin Impact - Local Specialties in Liyue
Liyue Local Specialties are materials that you can only find in Liyue. Keep reading for a list of all Liyue Local Specialties, their best farming locations, and all ways to use them in Genshin Impact!

Local Specialties by Region
Genshin - Local Specialties in MondstadtMondstadt Genshin - Local Specialties in LiyueLiyue Genshin - Local Specialties in InazumaInazuma
Genshin - Local Specialties in SumeruSumeru Genshin - Local Specialties in FontaineFontaine Genshin - Natlan Local SpecialtyNatlan

List of Liyue Local Specialties

Liyue Local Specialties
Genshin - Clearwater Jade ImageClearwater Jade Genshin - Cor Lapis ImageCor Lapis Genshin - Glaze Lily ImageGlaze Lily
Genshin - Jueyun Chili ImageJueyun Chili Genshin - Noctilucous Jade ImageNoctilucous Jade Genshin - Qingxin ImageQingxin
Genshin - Silk Flower ImageSilk Flower Genshin - Starconch ImageStarconch Genshin - Violetgrass ImageVioletgrass

You can click on an Liyue Local Specialty above for a full guide on each item!

Liyue Local Specialty Locations

Best Farming Spots for All Liyue Local Specialties

Specialty Best Farming Spots
Cor Lapis Image Cor Lapis
Mt. Hulao
Glaze Lily Image Glaze Lily
Qingce Village
Jueyun Chili Image Jueyun Chili
Qingce Village
Noctilucous Jade Image Noctilucous Jade
Mingyun Village
Qingxin Image Qingxin
Huaguang Stone Forest
Silk Flower Image Silk Flower
Wangshu Inn
Starconch Image Starconch
Yaoguang Shoal
Violetgrass Image Violetgrass
Tiangong Gorge

Liyue Local Specialty Farming Tips

Use Yanfei and Qiqi's Liyue Local Specialty Passive

If you have Qiqi or Yanfei, you can bring either character with you when you're farming Liyue Local Specialties because both their passive skill lets you see Liyue Local Specialty locations on the minimap.

How to Use Liyue Local Specialties

Use Liyue Local Specialties to Ascend Liyue Characters

Liyue Local Specialties are mostly used to ascend characters from the Liyue region. There are, however, some Liyue Local Specialties that are used for crafting and cooking.

Characters Who Use Liyue Local Specialties

Local Specialty Characters Who Use It
Genshin - Jueyun Chili Icon Jueyun Chili
Genshin - Noctilucous Jade Icon Noctilucous Jade
Genshin - Silk Flower Icon Silk Flower
Genshin - Glaze Lily Icon Glaze Lily
Genshin - Qingxin Icon Qingxin
Genshin - Starconch Icon Starconch
Genshin - Violetgrass Icon Violetgrass
Genshin - Cor Lapis Icon Cor Lapis
Genshin - Clearwater Jade Icon Clearwater Jade

Genshin Impact Related Guides

Genshin Impact - Local Specialties

List of Local Specialties

All Local Specialties

Local Specialties in Mondstadt
Genshin - Calla Lily ImageCalla Lily Genshin - Wolfhook ImageWolfhook Genshin - Valberry ImageValberry
Genshin - Cecilia ImageCecilia Genshin - Windwheel Aster ImageWindwheel Aster Genshin - Philanemo Mushroom ImagePhilanemo Mushroom
Genshin - Small Lamp Grass ImageSmall Lamp Grass Genshin - Dandelion Seed ImageDandelion Seed
Local Specialties in Liyue
Genshin - Jueyun Chili ImageJueyun Chili Genshin - Noctilucous Jade ImageNoctilucous Jade Genshin - Silk Flower ImageSilk Flower
Genshin - Glaze Lily ImageGlaze Lily Genshin - Qingxin ImageQingxin Genshin - Starconch ImageStarconch
Genshin - Violetgrass ImageVioletgrass Genshin - Cor Lapis ImageCor Lapis Genshin - Clearwater Jade ImageClearwater Jade
Local Specialties in Inazuma
Genshin - Sea Ganoderma ImageSea Ganoderma Genshin - Sakura Bloom ImageSakura Bloom Genshin - Naku Weed ImageNaku Weed
Genshin - Dendrobium ImageDendrobium Genshin - Onikabuto ImageOnikabuto Genshin - Crystal Marrow ImageCrystal Marrow
Genshin - Sango Pearl ImageSango Pearl Genshin - Amakumo Fruit ImageAmakumo Fruit Genshin - Fluorescent Fungus ImageFluorescent Fungus
Local Specialties in Sumeru
Genshin - Rukkhashava Mushrooms ImageRukkhashava Mushrooms Genshin - Nilotpala Lotus ImageNilotpala Lotus Genshin - Kalpalata Lotus ImageKalpalata Lotus
Genshin - Padisarah ImagePadisarah Genshin - Henna Berry ImageHenna Berry Genshin - Scarab ImageScarab
Genshin - Sand Grease Pupa ImageSand Grease Pupa Genshin - Trishiraite ImageTrishiraite Genshin - Mourning Flower ImageMourning Flower
Local Specialties in Fontaine
Genshin - Beryl Conch ImageBeryl Conch Genshin - Rainbow Rose ImageRainbow Rose Genshin - Romaritime Flower ImageRomaritime Flower
Genshin - Lumidouce Bell ImageLumidouce Bell Genshin - Lumitoile ImageLumitoile Genshin - Subdetection Unit ImageSubdetection Unit
Genshin - Lakelight Lily ImageLakelight Lily Genshin - Spring of the First Dewdrop ImageSpring of the First Dewdrop
Local Specialties in Natlan
Genshin - Saurian Claw Succulent ImageSaurian Claw Succulent Genshin - Quenepa Berry ImageQuenepa Berry Genshin - Sprayfeather Gill ImageSprayfeather Gill
Genshin - Brilliant Chrysanthemum ImageBrilliant Chrysanthemum Genshin - Withering Purpurbloom ImageWithering Purpurbloom Genshin - Glowing Hornshroom ImageGlowing Hornshroom

All Items and Materials

Genshin - Items and Materials

List of Items and Materials


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