Genshin Impact

What to Spend Genesis Crystals On | Currency Guide

Genesis Crystal_Banner.png

Genesis Crystals can be used to buy Primogems, Character Outfits and other in-game items in the game Genshin Impact. Learn the best way to spend Genesis Crystals and all items available for purchase with Genesis Crystals.

What are Genesis Crystals?

Genshin - Genesis CrystalGenesis Crystal
Rarity 5
Type Game Currency
Description An energy crystal from the very origin of the universe. Formed from within nothingness out of pure potential and hope, it contains enough energy to create a newborn star.

In-Game Currency

Genesis Crystals are Genshin Impact's premium currency. The only way to get them is through in-app purchases.

How to Get Genesis Crystals?

Genshin - Genesis Crystal Top Up

Purchase in the In-Game Shop

You can buy Genesis Crystals in Shop option available from the Menu, via the Crystal Top-Up section or through the Blessing of the Welkin Moon discount.

How to Top Up Genesis Crystals

What to Buy with Genesis Crystals

Best Use for Genesis Crystals

Genshin - Genesis Crystal - Primogem vs Outfits

Primogems vs Character Outfits

So far, the best ways to use Genesis Crystals is to either gain Primogems to buy Intertwined Fate or Acquaint Fate, or buy Character Outfits for characters you really want.

Choosing to exchange with Primogems will let you roll for gacha and even get you Stardust or Starglitter which you can use to buy more wishes, as well as some other ascension materials.

Primogem Exchange

Genshin - Primogem Genesis Crystal Exchange

One Genesis Crystal for One Primogem

Genesis Crystals can be exchanged to Primogems on a 1:1 basis. These can then be used to purchase Intertwined Fate or Acquaint Fate to be used for Wishes.

Buy Special Character Outfits

Genshin - Character Outfit Genesis Crystal Exchange
You can buy Special Character Outfits from the Character Outfits Shop for 1680 Genesis Crystals each.

List of Character Outfits

Buy Bundles from Gift Shop

Genshin - Genesis Crystal Gift Shop

You can use Genesis Crystals to buy some item bundles in the Gift Shop. There are currently 2 bundles available in the Gift Shop for players who want to jumpstart their adventure with some level up materials for characters and weapons.

These bundles are better off for players who have finished the main quests already and are working on maxing their characters but lack Original Resin to farm level up materials.

Starter Supply Bundle

Starter Supply Bundle Cost and Items
Cost 300 Genesis Crystals
Bundle contains

Best used for players who finished most of the quests and need extra materials to level up characters and weapons.

Wayfarer's Supply Bundle

Wayfarer Bundle Cost and Items
Cost 980 Genesis Crystals
Bundle contains

Genshin - Mora Image Mora x50,000

Best used for players who finished all currently available quests and are finding it hard to farm level up materials due to lack of Original Resin.

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