Genshin Impact

Friend Request Board

This is Game8's Friend Request Board for Genshin Impact. Use this board for making new in-game friends to play together, including both joining other players' adventures and finding players to join yours!

Genshin Impact Friend Request Board

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Message Board

Submissions: 2461
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2461 Niyakamiabout 7 hoursReport

On and off hiatus just looking for more people to do things with as I'm becoming more active and trying to beat content and level characters so I can >.< 616852451 (NA)

2460 Anonymous1 dayReport

ASIA: 809071847 Pot is free to visit - auto request accepted. For Imaginarium Theater S1 - I have pretty strong Wriothesley and Alhaitham

2459 Aero5 daysReport

Wanting to trade figurines! 767629716

2458 Shy6 daysReport

NA player here AR 55 Feel free to add me 656986878

2457 Anonymous7 daysReport

use pyro ^^

2456 Anonymous7 daysReport

how do you beat cryro abyss mage

2455 Anonymous10 daysReport

forgot to attach the image of my account :p

2454 Anonymous10 daysReport

EU 728325886 :3 Just looking for someone to play and talk with. If you’re comfy i can give you my discord in game pms :>

2453 Anonymous11 daysReport

In the mountain quest, I lost one of the stones used for throwing the second shard out. Any idea how I can finish that quest without it?

2452 Anonymous14 daysReport

727242411 EU I need help with the adeptal mirror rewards

2451 Anonymous15 daysReport

722455076 (EU) Looking for people to talk and play with

2450 Anonymous17 daysReport

703510702 EU Im an end game player and achievement collector (2 achievements away from the max possible achievements u can get in the game) Feel free to ask for help with whatever content u are facing

2449 Anonymous19 daysReport

640256893 na server mostly just bored and want ppl to talk to :3

2448 Anonymous19 daysReport

asia server! 848660785 i speak english and chinese i just want to enter your teapots

2447 Anonymous19 daysReport

Hello, I’m looking for friends that could help possibly? I’m also down to help lower ARs if wanted! Server: America UID: 674745322

2446 Pickles20 daysReport

Looking for fishing love :P 615232693 (NA)

2445 SayuriBlack23 daysReport

623303076 I got 8* with only my mid characters. Looking for some fun characters to try out

2444 Anonymous24 daysReport

I've got relatively strong characters (esp gaming), feel free to add to use them in Imaginarium theater EU 711527962

2443 Anonymous25 daysReport

Hey, anyone that has c6 characters that could be used in Imaginarium theater add me! EU 723887109

2442 Anonymous25 daysReport

add me for if you need good semi good characters for Imaginarium theater NA - 602071576

2441 Saranai25 daysReport

Hey, looking for friends to support in Imaginarium Theater. EU 700371037

2440 Anonymous25 daysReport

607222444 NA - AR 60

2439 Grim26 daysReport

Hello, I'm always willing to help out people with domains bosses. (EU) - 712186078

2438 Anonymous26 daysReport

Hi, I'm looking to add some friends. (EU) - 700397650

2437 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Asia 813067250 Returned player with no pre-built DPSs, need someone to borrow characters from for the upcoming event in version 4.7, please help

2436 Tsuriiabout 1 monthReport

hewwo, I'm AR 60 Asia server looking for people to play with in general. I'm not chatty type of person but I will try to hold conversation as best as I could. I'm not very active but if you wish to be friends even outside of genshin I'd love to UID : 822731837 (Asia)

2435 Stamrabout 1 monthReport

Halou, i simply want to have frens or to help others, AR57 :3 658793392 - America Server

2434 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Hy guy's I'm new to this game and need some friends 771976067

2433 Lumineabout 1 monthReport

I am looking for a friend whose can help me in artifact farming UID - 1804988675

2432 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

829292887 - Hit Me UP

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