Genshin Impact

Friend Request Board

This is Game8's Friend Request Board for Genshin Impact. Use this board for making new in-game friends to play together, including both joining other players' adventures and finding players to join yours!

Genshin Impact Friend Request Board

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Message Board

Submissions: 2396
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2396 niceabout 2 hoursReport

UID : 805806327 We are looking for friends who can communicate in English. I am a Japanese female university student. Would you like to play with me? thank you.

2395 cbabout 6 hoursReport

hihi, I mostly need help with teapot quests but I also really would like some more friends! I'm AR 56 with a WL of 7, and my UID is 657757154 Username : Aeth-dez-nutz

2394 Anonymousabout 21 hoursReport

hello !! EU server here but i also have an account on NA servers, feel free to send a friend request if youd like to farm for materials in my world ! we can also do achievement hunting and just hang out if ud like :)) (EU server UID: 760171248)

2393 soha_chan1 dayReport

Helooo!! A mobile player here, hoping to make new friends, fight bosses, farm and help each other on the NA Server. UID : 664543399

2392 Piggyyy2 daysReport

Asia UID: 841910547 Casual mobile player here, kinda bored playing alone so hoping to have some new friends for achievements and help out however I could :3

2391 bubbles6 daysReport

hi! im on eu server, i'd love to make some friends and help each other out :) 714972955

2390 Anonymous7 daysReport

Hey all, I'm in need of people to help complete all the Co-op quests!!

2389 Lumi7 daysReport

I'm on EU server and need help farming some bosses c: But I'd also love to chat and be friends <3 736716329

2388 Anonymous9 daysReport

768992764 want some friends because why not

2387 AnonymousDoggo9 daysReport

hi i also want complete teapot quest i send you a friend request

2386 Anonymous16 daysReport

US Server AR 50 (Will raise to at least 52 once I raise world level) UID: 627591995 I'd like to finish the teapot quests requiring another player, but just having someone to farm mats with or whatever would be fun too.

2385 Anonymous18 daysReport

Eu server ar59 uid: 711936789 I love to chat and i would like to have low ar friends!!!!

2384 HiBa21 daysReport

Looking for friends to farm mats UID: 750226354

2383 Indian22 daysReport

Server: Asia UID: 893069861 AR: 565 I'm very much bored playing alone, want some players to play and share some materials.

2382 Anonymous26 daysReport

Username: Flaws Server: America UID: 644021670 AR: 34 Mainly looking to finish the traveling salesmen quest level, but I don't mind playing with people also =]

2381 Anonymous26 daysReport

I sent you a friend request, as I need the same thing. :)

2380 Anonymous27 daysReport

Username: Lavender Server: America UID: 667883879 AR: 56 I’m mostly looking for people with traveling salesmen so friend me ^^

2379 Emma29 daysReport

Username: Sienna Real Name: Emma UID: 716164174 WL: 8 AR: 60 Server: EU (UK) Languages: English Main(s): Diluc, Dendro Traveler, Kokomi, Zhongli. Online everyday / evening (London GMT), looking for friends, chat, chill, help with chests, domains, bosses, events, and achievements. Feel free to take any items you need. I’m available to help anyone out.

2378 GaL30 daysReport

Hello! I'm just starting yesterday. I may not online everyday, but feel free to join my world for fun. UID: 1801901091

2377 Lindanabout 1 monthReport

UID894835066 , Asia server. Hello, add me if you're bored playing alone or need help okok. I don't mind chatting as long you're understand english even a little bit , we can try to understand each other language oh . Everyday online yaa sometimes I get bored playing alone but not all the time. Ya jak hehe.

2376 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Can u help me in collecting primo my gmail is plz contact

2375 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

I'm being picked on by that person. plz report 856307952.

2374 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

OMG, the picture is so huge, i'm so sorry. can't delete

2373 Anonymousabout 1 monthReport

Helloooo, can i fish in your ocean UID: 821951837

2372 chelseaabout 1 monthReport

come to my world for mats & traveling teapot salesman. i play everyday. friendship is a bonus ! NA 609888012

2371 Waliaryabout 2 monthsReport

Hi, I’m playing on PS5 and I am on European server. My username is Waliary and UID is 703922809. I am AR56 and completed all quests, exploration is 100% everywhere, working on leveling up all my characters and looking for someone who is also interested in completing co-op achievements, because I have done most of the others already.

2370 Nodaabout 2 monthsReport

Looking for people that will let me in to their teapot and such, if you are looking to get some materials DO NOT add me I love playing alone sorry ;-; If you need help with fighting or anything, I will help you! Just no joining me unless it is for Chubby :3 UID: 737825670

2369 Lemuriaabout 2 monthsReport

Looking for anyone who'd like to help a low rank whenever 🫶 I'm on Asia server, UID 826344738. I type slow because I play on PS5 but I still love to chat!!

2368 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

I'm looking for someone who wants to get all the Meetings in outrealms achievements- basically I want to go around and fight all the bosses in co-op. Friendship is a plus! America server, I play during the day most regularly. UID 646162532

2367 Anonymous2 monthsReport

Eu Server 767502235

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