Genshin Impact

All Crimson Agate Locations and Interactive Map

◆ Latest: 5.5 Update, 5.5 Codes, Sacred Mountain
◆ Builds: Varesa, Iansan, Xianyun, Venti, Xilonen
◆ 5.5 (WIP): Skysplit Gembloom, Dracolite, Pyroculus
◆ Events: Tournament of Glory
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Genshin Impact - Crimson Agate Locations & Map

Crimson Agates are used to upgrade the Frostbearing Tree in Genshin Impact. Use our interactive map to find all 80 Crimson Agate Locations, find walkthroughs on how to get each Crimson Agate, and other Crimson Agate information here!

Locations of All 80 Crimson Agates

Interactive Crimson Agate Map

Crimson Agates are similar to the oculi found in other regions of Teyvat. There are a total of 80 Crimson Agates that can be found all over Dragonspine.

Crimson Agate Locations by Groups
1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40
41- 50 51 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80

Crimson Agate Locations 1 to 10

Inside a wind barrier. Gather the 3 Anemograna around the barrier to form an upward wind current and glide to the Crimson Agate.
In midair over a pond. Gather the 3 Anemograna over the pond to form an wind current and glide to the Crimson Agate.
On top of a cliff ledge and easy to spot, no need to break it free.
Floating off the cliffs, climb further up and float down.
Under some Ancient Rime. Find some Scarlet Quartz to break it.
On a cliff top. It's pretty high up, so watch out for sheer cold.
On top of one of the large bones, climb up to take it.
Beside the Frostbearing Tree, on the right.
On top of a cliff top, climb up to get it.
Above a tree. We recommend gliding down from above to get it.

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Crimson Agate Locations 11 to 20

Hovering over a tree.
Floating mid-air close to the Statue of the Seven.
This can be a bit hard to find, as it's below some cliff outcrops. Follow the coastline and you should spot it.
Floating mid-air, so you will need to use the nearby Anemograna or float down from the Statue of the Seven.
Above a tree, you can reach it by climbing it.
Out over the sea, east of the waypoint.
Floating mid-air, but you can get it by jumping from a nearby mountain top.
Floating below one of the pillar paths in the large cave.
Under the spiraling steps of a cave in Skyfrost Nail. Accessible by gliding.
In between a stalactite and stalagmite formation inside of a cave in Skyfrost Nail.

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Crimson Agate Locations 21 to 30

Under an ice platform at the pond in the lowest level of of a cave in Skyfrost Nail. Step on the platform and wait for it to shatter.
On top of a ledge. It can be hard to spot, but you can use the nearby Anemograna to reach it.
On top of the Hilichurl building. There's a Frostarm Lawachurl nearby, so watch out for that!
Mid-air over a ruin's pillar ring near the Teleport Waypoint in Starglow Cavern. Reach it by gliding down.
On top of a cliff top.
Above the pillar archway of some ruins. Located in the southern coast of Dragonspire.
On top of a mountain top, but by a spot that can be hard to climb so watch your stamina or use the nearby Anemograna.
On top of a cliff top.
Hidden behind a gate, so you need to access from the opposite side. See the guide below!
At the top of a broken bridge by two Hilichurls.

21. Step on the Ice Platform


The Crimson Agate is under an ice platform. Step on it and wait for it to shatter for you to grab the Crimson Agate underneath.

29. Use the Mechanism and Destroy the Wall

Down the western path from the Teleport Way point by the Starglow Cavern text you can find one of the floating Ruin Turrets. Defeat it and find the nearby Cryo-activated pillars to unlock the mechanism needed to lower the water by the bridge.

Once lowered, you can glide down and destroy the wall at the end of the cavern to get the Crimson Agate. You can also open the door from there and make a shortcut!

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Crimson Agate Locations 31 to 40

Located near a mountain slope. Accessible by climbing.
Hidden in a small dip in the mountain top.
Hovering above a tree in the Entombed City Outskirts. Watch for the Mitachurl and its allies.
Find a nearby Scarlet Quartz and destroy the Ancient Rime to get it.
Fly down from above to get this Crimson Agate floating high above ground.
In a chest after solving the puzzle and defeating the Ruin Grader above.
Defeat the nearby Hilichurls to unlock the Treasure Chest. The Agate is inside it.
Defeat the nearby Ruin Grader to unlock the Chest and get the Agate.
Clear the puzzle to the Chest containing a Crimson Agate.
Defeat the nearby Hilichurls to unlock the Chest with the Agate.

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Crimson Agate Locations 41 to 50

On a small island some ways out, hidden in some Ancient Rime and a Chest. See the guide below for tips!
Floating mid-air, glide down from a higher point to get it.
Found in a chest unlocked by finding the Warming Seelie and defeating a Ruin Grader.
In the same spot as 29. Use the nearby Scarlet Quartz to free a mechanism, then use the mechanism to free the Chest the Agate is hidden in.
Follow the leads from the Ragged Records found by Agate 29 and 44. You will find a Chest with another Crimson Agate inside.
In the cave below where you got Agate 36.
On the top of a cliff.
You need to have cleared the three Ancient Rime Shard needed for In the Mountains to reach this cave.
Above some frozen water in a cave.
Defeat the Frostarm Lawachurl and open the Treasure Chest.

41. Nearest Scarlet Quartz is south of Dadaupa Gorge

Genshin - Scarlet Agate closest to Crimson Agate 41

There's a Scarlet Quartz located on the coast north of the small island for Crimson Agate 41 that is considerably closer than the one to the west.
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Crimson Agate Locations 51 to 60

On the pillar next to the Warp Point.
On a tilted pillar close to the wall.
In a Treasure Chest. Defeat a Frostarm Lawachurl to get it.
In a Treasure Chest behind a gate. You need to activate two nearby mechanisms to unlock it, but one is hidden under Ancient Rime. You can find a Scarlet Quartz to break it further up or down the path and will probably need to sprint to make it.
Floating mid-air over some ruins.
Mid-air close to Agate 55, in the middle of the air stream.
In a Treasure Chest in front of the Peak of Vindagnyr Domain.
Close to the very top of Dragonspine.
In a Treasure Chest close to the top of Draginspine.
At the very top of Dragonspine.

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Crimson Agate Locations 61 to 70

On top of the floating pillar. You reach it, you first need to active the leading to it.
In the Chest from clearing the Time Trial.
Defeat the nearby Hilichurls and open the Treasure Chest.
Defeat the Frostarm Lawachurl and open the Treasure Chest.
Defeat the Fatui and open the Treasure Chest.
Hidden in a hard to spot Treasure Chest.
On the top of a cliff. It's high up, so keep an eye on your Sheer Cold gauge!
Defeat the Boar King and open the Treasure Chest.
Defeat the nearby Hilichurls and open the Treasure Chest.
Defeat the nearby Fatui and open the Treasure Chest.

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Crimson Agate Locations 71 to 80

Stand on the 8 platforms in the correct order to get a Treasure Chest. Claim the Agate from it.
Clear the Time Trial and open the Treasure Chest.
Defeat the Frostarm Lawachurl and open the Treasure Chest.
Defeat the Ruin Turret and activate the mechanism. You can get the Agate in the Chest after the water disappears.
Clear the Time Trial and open the Chest.
Floating mid-air near the top of a cliff above Agate 39.
In the Secret Room accessible after finding all three Dragonspine boxes.
Treasure Chest awarded for solving the 8 Stone Tablet puzzle.
Close to the very top of Dragonspine. Glide down from the top to reach it.
After completing the Lost in the Snow world quest, you will need to feed the fox in Joel's dad's last camp for 5 days to receive the chest.

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Crimson Wish Guide

How to Unlock Crimson Wishes

Genshin - Frostbearing Tree - Crimson Wishes

After gathering enough Crimson Agates to level the Frostbearing Tree to level 8, you will unlock Crimson Wishes, which will be the only way to get Agates once you have found the ones spread out in the Dragonspine area.

Crimson Wishes reset every Monday and Friday

At the server reset time on Mondays and Fridays, the Frostbearing Tree will renew the Crimson Wish, allowing you to find 5 new Crimson Agates to level it up. Once the Tree is at maximum level, the Crimson Wishes will stop appearing.

Extra Crimson Agate

Genshin - Crimson Agate - Extra Agates
Note that as long as you do not level up your Frostbearing Tree to its maximum level, the Crimson Wishes will still appear. This means that there's a chance you can get one or more extra Crimson Agates.

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How to Use Crimson Agate


Similar to offering an Anemoculus or a Geoculus to a Statue of the Seven, Crimson Agate can be offered to the Frostbearing Tree to obtain rewards. Unfortunately, unlike the Oculi, there is no Resonance Stone for Crimson Agates.

Frostbearing Tree Rewards

Crimson Agate Effects and Basic Information

Crimson Agate ImageCrimson Agate Rarity -
Type Precious Items
Effect None

A type of crystal formed from the combination of concentrated life force with an energy unique to Dragonspine. Makes for an ideal nutrient for growing Frostbearing Trees.

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45 Anonymous4 months

I tried to get the 69th one but there's no chest when you get there and when you kill the hilichurls it doesn't appear and when I went away the hilichurls just respawned, there's no chest :/

34 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I love your website!

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