Genshin Impact

Amber Rating and Best Builds

Genshin Impact - Amber Rating and Best Builds

Amber is a 4-Star Pyro Bow character that can be built as a Sub-DPS or Support in Genshin Impact. Learn about Amber's build, ascension materials, best weapons, best artifacts, talent priority, skills, teams, and our rating of the character in this build guide!

Story Quest
Amber's Character Guides
Genshin - Amber Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Amber Story and ProfileLore OutriderSpecial Dish
Lepus Chapter
Genshin - Act 1Wind, Courage and Wings Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

Amber Rating and Info

Character Information

Genshin - Amber Rating
D Rank Icon
Voice Actors Kelly Baskin (EN)
Iwami Manaka (JP)

Tier List Rankings

Main DPS Sub-DPS Support Exploration
- D - A

Character Tier List | Best Characters

Amber's Stats

Lvl. 20 Base Stats
Lvl. 90 Max Stats
Stat Base Value
Stat Max Value

Base Stat Calculations

Genshin - Albedo Thinking Emoji Stats indicated above are obtained from Amber's base values. These numbers also exclude the character's equipped weapon, artifacts, talents, or other passive effects that are not innate to the character.
Genshin - Faruzan Thinking Emoji All characters start with 5% CRIT Rate, 50% CRIT DMG, 100% Energy Recharge, 0 Elemental Mastery, 0% Healing Bonus, and 0% Elemental DMG bonus before any additional stats are applied. The table above includes such values.
Genshin - Xianyun Thinking Emoji The Level 20 stats indicated for this character are calculated before their first ascension.

Character Stat Rankings

Amber's Ascension and Talent Material Summary

All Ascension Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×420,000
All Talent Materials Needed
Mora ImageMora ×4,957,500

Amber's Strengths and Weaknesses

• High-Constellation gameplay has potential for damage with proper investment.
• Melt DPS playstyle is already viable at C0.
• Severely outshined by almost every other pyro option.
• Long cooldown on her skills before C4.
• Small Elemental Skill and Burst AoE, with the Burst's projectiles not being guaranteed to hit everything in the full AoE range.

Best Builds for Amber

Support Build for Amber

Burst Support / Sub-DPS

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: Energy Recharge or ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact Sub Stats Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK%
Sample Teams
Vaporize: Genshin - Amber ImageGenshin - Xingqiu ImageGenshin - Hu Tao ImageGenshin - Kazuha Image

Pyro: Genshin - Amber ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Kazuha ImageGenshin - Lyney Image

This is a standard Support Build for Amber that focuses on her Pyro application and usage of 4-pc Noblesse Oblige. With this build, it is important to have Amber's Elemental Burst whenever it is off-cooldown to ensure smooth rotations.

DPS Builds for Amber

Melt DPS Amber

Best Weapon
Replacement Weapons
Best Artifacts
Artifact Main Stats
Genshin - HourglassSands: Elemental Mastery or ATK%
Genshin - GobletGoblet: Pyro DMG Bonus
Genshin - CircletCirclet: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
Artifact Sub Stats Energy Recharge, CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, EM, ATK%
Sample Teams
Melt: Genshin - Amber ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Rosaria ImageGenshin - Layla Image

Melt: Genshin - Amber ImageGenshin - Bennett ImageGenshin - Rosaria ImageGenshin - Kazuha Image

This Amber build takes advantage of her Charged-Shot playstyle and Pyro application to function as a Melt DPS when paired with Cryo units.

It is worth noting that after C4, she can frontload her damage into her Baron Bunnies for frontloaded damage.

Amber's Talent Priority

1st 2nd 3rd
Elemental Burst Elemental Skill Normal Attack

The bulk of Amber's DMG comes from her Elemental Burst, so it should be maxed out first. Next would be her Elemental Skill, it may not be as powerful but it still provides some utility in keeping the enemies distracted.

1st Normal Attack
2nd Elemental Skill
3rd Elemental Burst

For a DPS, we recommend maxing out her Normal Attacks as most of her damage will come from her Charged Shots, followed by Baron Bunny and its explosions.

Best Artifacts for Amber

Best Support Artifacts Ranked

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
1st Genshin - Noblesse Oblige Image Noblesse Oblige 2-PC: Elemental Burst DMG +20%.
4-PC: Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members' ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack.
2nd Genshin - Emblem of Severed Fate Image Emblem of Severed Fate 2-PC: Energy Recharge +20%.
4-PC: Increases Elemental Burst DMG by 25% of Energy Recharge. A maximum of 75% bonus DMG can be obtained in this way.
3rd Genshin - Emblem of Severed Fate Image Emblem of Severed Fate 2-PC: Energy Recharge +20%.
Genshin - Noblesse Oblige Image Noblesse Oblige 2-PC: Elemental Burst DMG +20%.

Best DPS Artifacts Ranked

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
1st Genshin - Shimenawa Shimenawa's Reminiscence 2-PC: ATK +18%.
4-PC: When casting an Elemental Skill, if the character has 15 or more Energy, they lose 15 Energy and Normal/Charge/Plunging Attack DMG is increased by 50% for 10s. This effect will not trigger again during that duration.
2nd Genshin - Wanderer Wanderer's Troupe 2-PC: Increases Elemental Mastery by 80.
4-PC: Increases Charged Attack DMG by 35% if the character uses a Catalyst or a Bow.
3rd Genshin - Crimson Witch of Flames Image Crimson Witch of Flames 2-PC: Pyro DMG Bonus +15%.
Genshin - Gladiator Gladiator's Finale 2-PC: ATK +18%

Best 4-Star Artifact for Amber

Artifact Artifact Bonuses
Genshin - The Exile Image The Exile 2-PC: Energy Recharge +20%
4-PC: Using an Elemental Burst regenerates 2 Energy for all party members (excluding the wearer) every 2s for 6s. This effect cannot stack.

List of Artifacts and Set Bonuses

Amber Best Weapons

Top 3 Amber Weapons

Weapon Weapon Information
1st Genshin Impact - The First Great Magic Image The First Great Magic Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: CRIT DMG 66.2%
Skill Effect: DMG dealt by Charged Attacks increased by 16%. For every party member with the same Elemental Type as the wielder (including the wielder themselves), gain 1 Gimmick stack. For every party member with a different Elemental Type from the wielder, gain 1 Theatrics stack. When the wielder has 1/2/3 or more Gimmick stacks, ATK will be increased by 16%/32%/48%. When the wielder has 1/2/3 or more Theatrics stacks, Movement SPD will be increased by 4%/7%/10%.
2nd Genshin Impact - Elegy for the End Image Elegy for the End Base ATK: 608
Bonus Stat: Energy Recharge 55.1%
Skill Effect: Increased Elemental Mastery by 60. Gain sigils when dealing damage with Elemental Skill or Burst every .2s even when off-field. At 4 sigils, all sigils will be consumed and Elemental Mastery is increased by 100 and ATK increased by 20% for 12s. Once the effect is triggered, you cannot gain Sigils for 20s. The same buffs from the Millennial Movement series does not stack.
3rd Genshin Impact - Ibis Piercer Image Ibis Piercer Base ATK: 565
Bonus Stat: ATK 27.6%
Skill Effect: The character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 40 within 6s after Charged Attacks hit opponents. Max 2 stacks. This effect can be triggered once every 0.5s.

Best Free-to-Play Weapon for Amber

Weapon Weapon Information
Genshin Impact - Hamayumi Image Hamayumi Base ATK: 454
Bonus Stat: ATK 55.1%
Skill Effect: Increases Normal Attack DMG by 16% and Charged Attack DMG by 12%. When the equipping character's Energy reaches 100%, this effect is increased by 100%.

All Recommended Weapons for Amber

Recommended Weapons How to Get
Starglitter Exchange

List of Bows

Amber Best Teams

Amber Burst Support

Support Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS
Genshin - Amber Amber Genshin - Hu Tao Hu Tao Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Xingqiu Xingqiu
Support Main DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Amber Amber Genshin - Lyney Lyney Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett

Amber's supportive role focuses on her soaking up enemy aggro with Baron Bunny and applying Pyro for units that can take advantage of them, such as Kazuha in a Hu Tao team for the Viridescent Venerer shred, and Lyney.

Amber Melt / Burst DPS

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support
Genshin - Amber Amber Genshin - Rosaria Rosaria Genshin - Layla Layla Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Amber Amber Genshin - Rosaria Rosaria Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Bennett Bennett
Genshin - Amber Amber Genshin - Rosaria Rosaria Genshin - Kazuha Kazuha Genshin - Citlali Citlali

This team takes advantage of Cryo applications, as well as Bennett's buffs to enable Amber to deal a good amount of Melt DMG.

This can either be played via a prolonged Charged Shot playstyle, or by detonating two of her Baron Bunnies as a Frontloaded DPS.

Amber Best Constellations


Constellation and Effects

Amber's Constellations
C1 One Arrow to Rule Them All
Fires 2 arrows per Aimed Shot. The second arrow deals 20% of the first arrow's DMG.
C2 Bunny Triggered
Baron Bunny, new and improved! Hitting Baron Bunny's foot with a fully charged Aimed Shot manually detonates it. Explosion via manual detonation deals 200% DMG.
C3 It Burns!
Increases the Level of Fiery Rain by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4 It's Not Just Any Doll...
Decreases Explosive Puppet's CD by 20%. Adds 1 additional charge.
C5 It's Baron Bunny!
Increases the Level of Explosive Puppet by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
C6 Wildfire
Fiery Rain increases the entire party's Movement SPD by 15% and ATK by 15% for 10s.

Best Constellations Rating and Explanation

Rating Constellation Effect / Merits
C2 ★★☆ • Baron Bunny deals additional DMG when shot.
• Makes damage rotations somewhat more clunky since you need to do a charged shot to deal more DMG.
C4 ★★★ • Unlocks her Baron Bunny frontload playstyle, enabling her to play as a Burst DPS.

C4 for More Damage Potential

Getting Amber's C4 allows players to slot her in as a somewhat viable Burst DPS in Melt teams.

It is a great QoL and DPS increase constellation for Amber, but we do not recommend pulling specifically for this constellation willingly.

Amber Ascension and Talent Materials

Amber Ascension Materials


Amber Talent Level-Up Materials

Daily Domain Drops Enemy Drops Weekly Boss Drops
Genshin Impact - Teachings of Freedom Image Teachings of Freedom
Ranged Hilichurls
Genshin Impact - Firm Arrowhead Image Firm Arrowhead
Dvalin Challenge Reward
Genshin Impact - Dvalin Dvalin's Sigh
Genshin Impact - Guide to Freedom Image Guide to Freedom Genshin Impact - Sharp Arrowhead Image Sharp Arrowhead
Genshin Impact - Philosophies of Freedom Image Philosophies of Freedom Genshin Impact - Weathered Arrowhead Image Weathered Arrowhead

Talent Materials per Level

Amber Talents and How to Use

Normal Attack

Normal Attack: Sharpshooter
Perform up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.
Charge Attack
Perform a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, flames will accumulate on the arrowhead. A fully charged flaming arrow will deal Pyro DMG.
Plunge Attack:
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE upon impact.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
1-Hit DMG 36.1%
2-Hit DMG 36.1%
3-Hit DMG 46.4%
4-Hit DMG 47.3%
5-Hit DMG 59.3%
Aimed Shot 43.9%
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot 124%
Plunge DMG 56.8%
Low / High Plunge DMG 114% / 142%

Hit Weak Spots From a Distance

Genshin - Amber Weakspot Hit

Amber's Charged Attack is great in the early game for aiming and shooting at weak spots. You can stun enemies like Ruin Guards by hitting their eye weakpoints!

Hitting Weakpoints will Always Crit

Hitting enemies' weak spot will always deal critical damage! If you want to build a Aimed Attack-focused Amber, you can dedicate your resources to Crit DMG instead.

Useful for Overworld Puzzles

Genshin - Pyro Torch Puzzle with Amber

Amber is the best when trying to solve puzzles such as lighting up torches and braziers, hitting floating balloons, clearing vines, or even exploring the icy mountains of Dragonspine with Amber's fiery arrows!

Character and Exploration Tier List

Elemental Skill

Explosive Puppet
The ever-reliable Baron Bunny takes the stage.
Hold Attack:
Adjusts the throwing direction of Baron Bunny.
The longer the button is held, the further the throw.
Baron Bunny
・Continuously taunts the enemy, drawing their fire.
・Baron Bunny's HP scales with Amber's Max HP.
・When destroyed or when its timer expires, Baron Bunny explodes, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
Flavor Text:
Bunny Baron hails from a storied lineage, but Amber has stopped keeping count since Baron Bunny the 893rd.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Inherited HP 41.4%
Explosion DMG 123%
CD 15.0s

Taunt Enemies with Baron Bunny

Genshin - Amber Baron Bunny

Amber's Elemental Skill will deploy her Baron Bunny, which allows her to taunt and lure enemies in.

Once the Bunny explodes or is destroyed by enemy hits, it will deal AoE Pyro DMG and give a lot of Energy particles to funnel for her Elemental Burst.

Elemental Burst

Fiery Rain
Fires off a shower of arrows, dealing continuous AoE Pyro DMG.
Flavor Text:
Amber's passion truly burns hot.

Attribute Effect (Lvl 1)
Fiery Rain DMG Per Wave 28.1%
Total Fiery Rain DMG 505%
Duration 2.0s
CD 12.0s
Energy Cost 40

Passive Talent 1

Every Arrow Finds Its Target
Increases the CRIT Rate of Fiery Rain by 10% and widens its AoE by 30%.

Passive Talent 2

Precise Shot
Aimed Shot hits on weak spots increase ATK by 15% for 10s.

Passive Talent 3

Gliding Champion
Decreases gliding Stamina Consumption of your characters in the party by 20%. Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.

Passive Reduces Stamina Consumption

Amber Gliding Champion

Amber's Passive Skill “Gliding Champion” reduces the stamina consumption of all party members by 20%. This allows for easy travel across mountainous areas such as Liyue and Dragonspine.

How to Get Amber

Playing the Story

Genshin Impact Story First Act
Amber is one of the three free characters that you unlock by playing the early part of the story through the Archon Quests. You can only get one copy of her, so you will need to find other sources to raise her constellation.
Prologue: Act 1 Story Walkthrough

Pull on the Standard Banner

Genshin Impact - Wanderlust Invocation Gacha and Wish Guide
Banner Status Active

Additional copies of Amber can be pulled from the Wanderlust Invocation. All 4-star characters can be pulled from this banner, except for any new 4-star character during their Character Event Wish banner.
All Wish Banners Guide

Bought From the Starglitter Exchange

Months Characters and Weapons
Genshin - Fischl Genshin - Xiangling

Blackcliff Weapon Series
Genshin - Blackcliff Longsword Genshin - Blackcliff Pole Genshin - Blackcliff Slasher Genshin - Blackcliff Agate Genshin - Blackcliff Warbow
Genshin - Beidou Genshin - Noelle

Royal Weapon Series
Genshin - Royal Spear Genshin - Royal Longsword Genshin - Royal Greatsword Genshin - Royal Grimoire Genshin - Royal Bow
Genshin - Ningguang Genshin - Xingqiu

Blackcliff Weapon Series
Genshin - Blackcliff Longsword Genshin - Blackcliff Pole Genshin - Blackcliff Slasher Genshin - Blackcliff Agate Genshin - Blackcliff Warbow
Genshin - Razor Genshin - Amber

Royal Weapon Series
Genshin - Royal Spear Genshin - Royal Longsword Genshin - Royal Greatsword Genshin - Royal Grimoire Genshin - Royal Bow
Genshin - Bennett Genshin - Lisa

Blackcliff Weapon Series
Genshin - Blackcliff Longsword Genshin - Blackcliff Pole Genshin - Blackcliff Slasher Genshin - Blackcliff Agate Genshin - Blackcliff Warbow
Genshin - Barbara Genshin - Kaeya

Royal Weapon Series
Genshin - Royal Spear Genshin - Royal Longsword Genshin - Royal Greatsword Genshin - Royal Grimoire Genshin - Royal Bow

As a 4-star character, Amber has a chance to appear in the Starglitter Exchange every month. She can be traded for 34 Masterless Starglitter.

Masterless Starglitter Shop

Amber's Character Skins

Amber's Alternate Outfit

Side by Side Comparison of Outfits
Genshin - 5-star Outrider Showcase IMG
Amber's Original Outfit
Genshin - Alternate Outfit - 100% Outrider
Amber's Alternate Outfit

New Designs for Default Outfits

''Alternate Outfits'' for Amber, Jean, Rosaria, and Mona were released in Version 2.4. These Alternate Outfits are just redesigns of the characters' default skins.

Other Alternate Outfits Released
GunnhildrJean: Gunnhildr's Legacy Pact of Stars and Moon ImageMona: Pact of Stars and Moon To The ChurchRosaria: To The Church's Free Spirit

List of All Character Outfits

Amber's In-Game Information

Amber Character Profile

Title Gliding Champion
Gender Female
Race Human
Height Medium Girl
Faction Knights of Favonius
Constellation Lepus
Birthday August 10
Special Dish Outrider's Champion Steak!

Character Thoughts About Amber

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Barbara ImageBarbara I've seen Amber rushing out of Mondstadt on a mission countless times. Being an Outrider doesn't look easy.
Genshin Impact - Bennett ImageBennett Oh, I know who you mean. The girl who's always charging around all over the place. She's always off adventuring in the wild, just like me... But if you ever see her near a cooking pot, you'll soon find a cloud of thick black smoke blowing in your direction, followed by the smell of burnt steak... Huh, maybe she was born unlucky too?
Genshin Impact - Collei ImageCollei Amber is amazing. She's friendly and has tons of enthusiasm, plus she's really brave and always does the right thing... She's the person I admire most of all! She's like a cozy fire that makes everyone around her feel warm. There's no way I'd be where I am today without her... So much time has gone by — I bet she's even more cool and confident than ever these days! Who knows if I'll ever be able to match her.
Genshin Impact - Eula ImageEula Amber's someone who thinks for herself. On the day I first joined the Knights, she cleaned my dormitory and gave me a tour of the headquarters, and she's helped me with a myriad of other things in the time since. Now, everyone looks at me like the older sibling who needs the younger sibling to do everything for them! Hmph. For this, she must pay!
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean I must say that Amber's development has impressed me recently. I hope that one day, her deeds will become the words of a bard's tale.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya That Outrider is a clever and righteous knight. Be careful not to step out of line in front of her.
Genshin Impact - Klee ImageKlee Amber is the best! Baron Bunny is so fluffy and he even explodes! So. Cool.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa Amber was just a young girl when she joined the knights, an in the blink of an eye, she's turned into such a strong young lady. I'm curious to see what she'll be like a few years from now.
Genshin Impact - Noelle ImageNoelle I really look up to Amber. Not only is she an accomplished knight, but she's a kind person too. She taught me how to make a Baron Bunny. I keep it in my Person for luck, and it look quite alright, don't you think?
Genshin Impact - Sucrose ImageSucrose I'm curious to why her doll is called "Baron Bunny," it clearly has nothing to do with a rabbit at all. Oh, the headband makes it look like it has rabbit ears you say? Hmm... that's heavily reliant on the rabbit stereotype, is it not? Many rabbits' ears are floppy.

Amber's Thoughts About Others

Character In-Game Thoughts
Genshin Impact - Albedo ImageAlbedo About Albedo
Albedo spends most of his time in his workshop, tinkering away with all of his awesome stuff. But, when you see him in person, you never can quite tell what he's thinking... Who knows what goes on in that mind of his...
Genshin Impact - Bennett ImageBennett About Bennett
Hmm? Bennett... I feel like I've heard that name before... Oh! Yes, he's that hot-blooded guy from the Adventurers' Guild, right! I tend to come across him way out in the wild from time to time, he seems to really love treasure hunting.
Genshin Impact - Eula ImageEula About Eula
Eula is a great friend of mine! You just need to get used to her sense of humor and you'll get along fine! The only reason she's misunderstood by so many people is her family name. How can I get them to see her for who she really is?
Genshin Impact - Jean ImageJean About Jean
Help: After the Grand Master left on his expedition, all the affairs of the Knights of Favonius, both big and small, have been left up to Jean. If only there was more I could do to help her...
Care: Jean might still be working? We should invite her for coffee... Let's go.
Genshin Impact - Kaeya ImageKaeya About Kaeya
Concerns: ...I'm feeling uneasy all of a sudden! Was that Kaeya with you earlier? Did he give you any trouble?
Culprit: There's something weird-looking about the dandelions in the garden... Hmm, I bet Kaeya had something to do with this!
Genshin Impact - Klee ImageKlee About Klee
Klee? She can be a bit cheeky sometimes, but everyone in the Knights of Favonius likes her. Although... I really ought to keep a closer eye on her if I wanna keep her from getting put in confinement by Jean again.
Genshin Impact - Lisa ImageLisa About Lisa
Listening to Stories: When you have time, we should go see Lisa! Last time I saw her, she was telling me about a story involving a treasure in the Dragonspine area. But, we got cut off before she could finish. I can't wait to hear the rest of her story![
Admiration: If Lisa's not sleeping, she'll be reading! I don't know how she does it, I wouldn't be able to sit still for that long.
Genshin Impact - Mika ImageMika About Mika
Oh! Mika's a veteran of Eula's team. When he first arrived, it was always ''Yes, Commander!'' every time he spoke to me - I guess it must have been because he saw how close I was with Eula. But then, even after I told him I was actually an Outrider, he still called me ''Ma'am''... It was so embarrassing. We have completely different responsibilities, after all. I definitely could never match his expertise in cartography.
Genshin Impact - Noelle ImageNoelle About Noelle
You wanna know about Noelle? She's super resilient. Still, since she's younger than us we should still look out for her.

Genshin Impact Character Guides

Genshin Impact - Characters

All Characters and Voice Actors

List of All Characters

Characters by Element
Genshin - Pyro Characters Pyro Genshin - Anemo Characters Anemo Genshin - Electro Characters Electro Genshin - Hydro Characters Hydro
Genshin - Dendro Characters Dendro Genshin - Geo CharactersGeo Genshin - Cryo CharactersCryo

Playable Characters

All Playable Characters
Chasca Chasca Faruzan Faruzan Heizou Heizou Jean Jean
Kazuha Kazuha Lan Yan Lan Yan Lynette Lynette Sayu Sayu
Sucrose Sucrose Traveler (Anemo) Traveler (Anemo) Venti Venti Wanderer Wanderer
Xianyun Xianyun Xiao Xiao Aloy Aloy Ayaka Ayaka
Charlotte Charlotte Chongyun Chongyun Citlali Citlali Diona Diona
Eula Eula Freminet Freminet Ganyu Ganyu Kaeya Kaeya
Layla Layla Mika Mika Qiqi Qiqi Rosaria Rosaria
Shenhe Shenhe Wriothesley Wriothesley Alhaitham Alhaitham Baizhu Baizhu
Collei Collei Emilie Emilie Kaveh Kaveh Kinich Kinich
Kirara Kirara Nahida Nahida Tighnari Tighnari Traveler (Dendro) Traveler (Dendro)
Yaoyao Yaoyao Beidou Beidou Clorinde Clorinde Cyno Cyno
Dori Dori Fischl Fischl Keqing Keqing Lisa Lisa
Ororon Ororon Raiden Raiden Razor Razor Sara Sara
Sethos Sethos Shinobu Shinobu Traveler (Electro) Traveler (Electro) Yae Miko Yae Miko
Albedo Albedo Chiori Chiori Gorou Gorou Itto Itto
Kachina Kachina Navia Navia Ningguang Ningguang Noelle Noelle
Traveler (Geo) Traveler (Geo) Xilonen Xilonen Yun Jin Yun Jin Zhongli Zhongli
Ayato Ayato Barbara Barbara Candace Candace Furina Furina
Kokomi Kokomi Mona Mona Mualani Mualani Neuvillette Neuvillette
Nilou Nilou Sigewinne Sigewinne Tartaglia Tartaglia Traveler (Hydro) Traveler (Hydro)
Xingqiu Xingqiu Yelan Yelan Amber Amber Arlecchino Arlecchino
Bennett Bennett Chevreuse Chevreuse Dehya Dehya Diluc Diluc
Gaming Gaming Hu Tao Hu Tao Klee Klee Lyney Lyney
Mavuika Mavuika Thoma Thoma Traveler (Pyro) Traveler (Pyro) Xiangling Xiangling
Xinyan Xinyan Yanfei Yanfei Yoimiya Yoimiya

Upcoming Characters

All Upcoming Characters
Alice Alice Capitano Capitano Columbina Columbina Dainsleif Dainsleif
Dottore Dottore Iansan Iansan Ifa Ifa Mizuki Mizuki
Pantalone Pantalone Pierro Pierro Pulcinella Pulcinella Sandrone Sandrone
Skirk Skirk Tsaritsa Tsaritsa Varka Varka

Character Lists

Characters by Rarity
5-Star Characters 4-Star Characters
Free Characters
Characters by Weapon Used
Sword Users Claymore Users
Polearm Users Bow Users
Catalyst Users
Characters by Role
Main DPS Characters Sub DPS Characters
Support Characters Healers
Shield Characters Buff Providers
Best for Exploration Local Specialty Passives
Double Reward Passives
Characters by Gender
Male Characters Female Characters
Short Male Characters Short Female Characters
Medium Male Characters Medium Female Characters
Tall Male Characters Tall Female Characters
Characters by Height
Short Characters Medium Characters
Tall Characters


54 Anonymous25 days

She's definitely not a Sub DPS. It deserves a review, doesn't it?

53 Anonymous2 months

It's damn time that Amber gets revision nowadays, especially with Citlali. With C2+ Amber, you can go for frontloaded melt. I keep hitting 100k+ up to 319k peak dmg. How is this D-TIER?!

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