Genshin Impact

Arlecchino Story Quest Ignis Purgatorius Act 1 Guide

◆ Latest: Version 5.4, 5.4 Codes
◆ Builds: Mizuki, Sigewinne, Furina, Wriothesley
◆ 5.4: Sunny Morning Sleep-In, Tamayuratei Weapon
◆ Events: Travelers' Tales, Mikawa Festival
◆ Coming Soon: Version 5.5

Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Ignis Purgatorius Act 1 Guide

When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out is Arlecchino's Act 1 Story Quest of the Ignis Purgatorius Chapter, released in Genshin Impact 4.6. See how to unlock the story quest, its walkthrough, and the complete rewards here!

Story Quest
Arlecchino's Character Guides
Genshin - Arlecchino Builds and RatingBuild Guide Genshin - Arlecchino Story and ProfileLore HearthfireSpecial Dish
Ignis Purgatorius Chapter
Genshin - Act 1When the Hearth-Flame Goes Out Genshin - Act 2Act 2 Genshin - Act 3Act 3

How to Unlock Arlecchino Story Quest Act 1

Complete the Prerequisites

Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest

How to Unlock
Reach Adventure Rank: 40

You can unlock Act 1 of Ignis Purgatorius by using one Story Key! You must have also completed the Archon Quest, Masquerade of the Guilty, to unlock Arlecchino's Story Quest!

Story Key Required

A Story Key is usually needed to unlock a Story Quest. Like most characters, Arlecchino will need Story Keys to unlock her quest.

To get 1 Story Key, you need to do 8 Daily Commissions and be at Adventure Rank 26. Since there are only 4 Commissions in a day, you will need a minimum of 2 days to get 1 Story Key.

List of Story Quests

Arlecchino's Story Quest Act 1 Walkthrough

The Child Who Doesn't Exist

1 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Meet Lyney in Poisson
Head to Poisson as instructed by Paimon. There, you will encounter Lyney and Arlecchino herself.
2 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Go to Lodging
After learning of the House of the Hearth's relocation and the Phantom Child rumors, follow Lyney to your temporary lodging.
3 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Supply Drop 1
You will be asked by Lyney to help in distributing some supplies to the House members. Climb the ramp to the left and speak to the first group of members.
4 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Supply Drop 2
Continue following the path and cross the bridge to distribute supplies to the second group of people.
5 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Freminet Lies
Finally, return to your lodging. You and Lyney will encounter Freminet, who seems to be hiding something.
6 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Meet Clervie
Follow Freminet behind the ship in Poisson to find a young girl named Clervie.
7 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Talk to Lyney and Freminet
After the cutscene, speak to Lyney and Freminet. Here, Lynette will finally join in on the plan.
8 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Clervie
Speak to Clervie and ask her about her origin and what her wish is. From there, you will be tasked to speak to Arlecchino and buy the siblings some time.

Sea Breeze Rendezvous

Go to the Seaside and speak to Arlecchino and Childe.
2 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Convene with the Siblings
Return to the siblings in Poisson and report your findings.
3 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Clervie Runs Away
After convening with the siblings, return to your lodging in Poisson. You and Paimon will wake up to find Clervie running out of Poisson.
4 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Clervie
Keep following Clervie to the entrance of Poisson. A cutscene will ensue revealing her desire to be free from “Mother”.

Birds in a Cage

1 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Convene with the Siblings Again
In the morning, convene with Lyney and his siblings again and continue enacting the plan.
2 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Arlecchino Knows About the Plan
Go back to the seaside dock and speak to Arlecchino. She will then reveal that she has known about the plan all along and asks you to come with her to the Palais Mermonia.
3 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Speak to Neuvillette
Teleport to the Palais Mermonia for a cutscene. Afterwards, enter the Palais and speak to Neuvillette.
4 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Deal with Arlecchino
Once the meeting with Neuvillette and the subsequent cutscenes conclude, Arlecchino will ask you to follow her.

Into the Sunlight

Make your way to the circular ruins south of Mont Esus East.
2 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - The Knave Boss
After several cutscenes, you will fight the Knave for the first time. Defeat her two forms to proceed.
The Knave Boss Battle guide
3 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Watch the Cutscenes
After the boss fight, watch the cutscenes with both Arlecchino and Clervie, and advance the in-game time to two days later.
4 Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Check on the Siblings
Go to Hotel Bouffes d'ete, also known as the residence of the House of the Hearth and speak to the siblings to conclude the quest.

Arlecchino Story Quest Act 1 Rewards

All Story Quest Rewards

Sub Quest Quest Rewards
The Child Who Doesn't Exist
Genshin - Mora Image Mora X43600
Sea Breeze Rendezvous
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x31125
Sea Breeze Rendezvous
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x31125
Into the Sunlight
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x38,100

Furnishing Reward

Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - The Firewood that Banishes the Dark

Completing Arlecchino's Story Quest will reward you with the furnishing, Wall Hearth: “The Firewood that Banishes the Dark”, which can be displayed in your Serenitea Pot's Mansion!

List of Furnishings

Arlecchino Story Quest Act 1 Information

Arlecchino Story Quest Details

Genshin Impact - Arlecchino Story Quest Guide and Walkthrough - Quest Information

The House of the Hearth has recently relocated to Poisson due to internal complications—rumors of a “Phantom Child” amongst the House members have been circulating. As such, Arlecchino sets out to investigate.

Meanwhile, secrets unfold within the House of the Hearth that can potentially give light to more truths about the organization's past—a past that involves “Father” herself.

Arlecchino Kit and Best Builds

Arlecchino Story Quest Release Date

Released on Version 4.6

Genshin Impact Version 4.6
Genshin Impact - Version 4.6 Two Worlds Aflame the Crimson Night Fades
Release Date April 24, 2024

Act 1 of Arlecchino's Story Quest was released on April 24, 2024 in Version 4.6 along with The Knave's debut banner!

Version 4.6 Release Date and Banners

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