Genshin Impact

Frozen Reaction Guide

Genshin Impact - Frozen Reaction Guide
Frozen is an elemental reaction in Genshin Impact that occurs when Cryo meets Hydro, or vice versa. Learn how to use Freeze, the best characters, and the best teams for it in this guide!

What is the Frozen Reaction?

Genshin - What is Frozen
Frozen is the reaction that occurs when Cryo meets Hydro. When an enemy is Frozen, they will be unable to move. These enemies are susceptible to Shatter, which deals Physical Damage, from Claymores, Plunging Attacks and Geo Attacks.

Characters can also become Frozen, and you will need to press jump repeatedly to unfreeze.

How to Trigger Frozen

Apply Cryo or Hydro to Freeze

Genshin - Apply Cryo or Hydro
To trigger Frozen, the target must first be affected by either Cryo or Hydro. Mist Flowers can apply Cryo to enemies and characters in its surroundings in a small AoE.

When it's raining, enemies and your character are automatically affected by Hydro. Coming into contact with bodies of water also apply Hydro.

Apply the Other Element

Genshin - Apply Cryo and Hydro to Freeze
After applying Cryo, apply Hydro, or vice versa. This will Freeze the target in place, making them unable to move for a small amount of time

Frozen can wear off on its own, or be taken off through Shatter or by applying Pyro and triggering the Melt Reaction.

Best Characters for Frozen


Genshin - Ayaka Freeze
Ayaka is great in dealing Cryo DMG and affecting enemies with the Cryo element, making her one of the best DPS choices for a Freeze team comp.

Ayaka Rating and Best Builds


Genshin Impact - Ganyu Freeze
Ganyu's Elemental Skill and Burst can both act as off-field Cryo DMG, and she can also function as a good Sub-DPS and buffer for Cryo units.

Ganyu Rating and Best Build


Genshin - Chongyun Freeze
Chongyun's Elemental Skill allows his Normal Attacks to be infused with Cryo. He also deals more damage by Shattering frozen opponents with just his Normal Attacks!

Chongyun Rating and Best Builds

Mona or Kokomi

Genshin - Kokomi Elemental Burst
Mona and Kokomi are both great supports to apply Hydro in an AoE off-field. Mona gives additional buffs with her Elemental Burst, as well. Kokomi can take Mona's place in most Freeze team comps if you need healing more than the buff.


Genshin - Layla Freeze
Layla provides strong shields and a consistent Cryo application with her Elemental Burst. She also has a low burst cost, making it easier for her to have her Elemental Burst be almost always activated!

Because Layla's skill and burst both deal damage even when she's off-field, she has more flexibility when it comes to Freeze teams.

Layla Best Builds and Artifacts


Genshin - Shenhe Freeze
Shenhe provides large amounts of Cryo and Physical resistance shred, which can be great for a Freeze team that also deals Shatter damage.

Her Cryo application works better as support for other, more consistent Cryo characters, or in tandem with Anemo characters like Lynette and Kazuha.

Shenhe Best Builds and Rating

Best Teams for Freeze

Ganyu Teams

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support
Ganyu Image Ganyu Mona Image Mona Venti Image Venti Diona Image Diona
Ganyu Image Ganyu Kokomi Image Kokomi Kazuha Image Kazuha Shenhe Image Shenhe

Ganyu's Freeze teams focus on freezing enemies by having an off-field Hydro unit apply the Hydro Aura on enemies. Cryo damage resistance shred is also provided by Anemo units through Swirl.

Ayaka Teams

Main DPS Sub-DPS Sub-DPS Support
Ayaka Image Ayaka Ganyu Image Ganyu Mona Image Mona Venti Image Venti
Ayaka Image Ayaka Kazuha Image Kazuha Shenhe Image Shenhe Kokomi Image Kokomi

Freeze teams with Ayaka as the Main DPS are great for freezing multiple enemies and dealing high single target and AoE damage.

Similar to Ganyu's teams, Shenhe and Mona both provide buffs that increase damage, while Anemo units give additional support through damage resistance shred.

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