Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Kinsect Supercharge Rampage Skill Effects

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This is a guide about Kinsect Supercharge Rampage Skill in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Read on to learn Kinsect Supercharge's effects, its effect per level, and which equipment uses the Kinsect Supercharge Rampage skill.

Other Rampage Guides
Rampage Guide: How to Get S-Rank Rampage Skills: Best Rampage Skills
How to Unlock Rampage Weapons What is the Rampage?

Kinsect Supercharge Effects

Rampage Skill Effect
Kinsect Supercharge Increases Kinsect damage at the expense of extra stamina consumption.

Boosts Kinsect Damage by 80%

Normal Damage With Kinsect Supercharge

26 Damage

48 Damage

The comparison above was done using the Devil's Halberd with an Exalted Alucanid.

Kinsect Supercharge increases the damage of all Kinsect attacks by around 80% at the cost of around 50% more stamina. As the Kinsect is an important part of the Insect Glaive, it's highly recommended to use this over other rampage decorations unless you're experiencing issues with your Kinsect's stamina.

Equipment with Kinsect Supercharge Rampage Skills

Decorations with Kinsect Supercharge Rampage Skill

MH Rise Sunbreak - Supercharge Jewel 2 Rampage Decoration IconSupercharge Jewel 2

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Related Guides

MH Rise - Rampage Skills Partial Banner
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Rampage Skills List

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