Starfield Shattered Space

Panoptes Ship Parts and Locations

This is a guide on all Panoptes ship parts and where to buy them in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Panoptes manufacturer, their ship parts, and what levels their parts unlock!

All Panoptes Ship Parts

All Panoptes Engines

Panoptes Ship Parts
Engines Cargo Holds ▼
Ship Part Level Unlock Value
Ares DT10 Engine 3 4370
Ares DT20 Engine 7 5795
Ares DT30 Engine 12 7695
Ares DT40 Engine 20 10070
Hercules DT110 Engine 20 9215
Ares DT50 Engine 24 13395
Hercules DT120 Engine 26 10735
Ares DT60 Engine 31 17765
Hercules DT130 Engine 32 13300
Hercules DT140 Engine 38 19720
Poseidon DT210 Engine 38 19380
Hercules DT150 Engine 43 21755
Poseidon DT220 Engine 48 24415
Hercules DT160 Engine 50 28405
Poseidon DT230 Engine 58 40280

All Panoptes Cargo Holds

Panoptes Ship Parts
Engines ▲ Cargo Holds
Ship Part Level Unlock Value
da Gama 1000 Cargo Hold 3 807
da Gama 1010 Cargo Hold 6 997
da Gama 1020 Cargo Hold 10 1567
da Gama 1000 Shielded Cargo Hold 14 1425
Polo 2000 Cargo Hold 20 2422
da Gama 1010 Shielded Cargo Hold 20 4512
Polo 2010 Cargo Hold 22 3610
Polo 2020 Cargo Hold 28 4940
Polo 2030 Cargo Hold 37 6792

Panoptes Locations

Bought at Various Ship Technicians

Visit Ship Technician.png

Panoptes ship parts can be bought at most ship technicians found in major cities, showrooms, and staryards. Panoptes is not a major manufacturer that has a dedicated showroom or shipyard, so there's no specific place to look for their parts.

List of All Shops

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Xiang -


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