
How to Get NG-20 Landing Gear

The NG-20 Landing Gear is a ship part that can be bought in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get NG-20 Landing Gear, its requirements, locations, and stats.

How to Get NG-20 Landing Gear

NG-20 Landing Gear Locations

Shop Location Planet
Ship Technician New Homestead Titan

List of All Shops and Space Ports


Ship Part Level Unlock Level 14
Skill Requirement ・Starship Design (Rank 2)

List of All Tech Skills

NG-20 Landing Gear Stats Overview

NG-20 Landing Gear Stats

NG-20 Landing Gear Overview
Type Landing Gear
Manufacturer Nova Galactic
Base Value 1662 Credits
Mass 4
Hull 4
Lander Thrust 4

Best Landing Gears

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Cowling Shield Generator
Docker Fuel Tanks
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Reactor Landing Bay
Landing Gears Equipment

All Landing Gear Ship Parts

220CB Landing Gear - Port 320CB Landing Gear Accu-Lander 11 Landing Gear - Port
Hope 5 Landing Gear Hope 55 Landing Gear Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Aft
Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Fore Hope 6 Landing Gear - Port Mid NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Aft
NG-10 Landing Gear - Port Fore NG-15 Landing Gear - Port NG-15 Landing Gear - Port Fore
NG-20 Landing Gear NG-20 Landing Gear - Fore NG-20 Landing Gear - Wide
Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Aft Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Fore Pinpoint 3G Landing Gear - Port Mid
Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear Pinpoint 4G Landing Gear - Port Pinpoint 4G+ Landing Gear


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