
How to Get Tower N410 Shield Generator

The Tower N410 Shield Generator is a ship part that can be bought in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get Tower N410 Shield Generator, its requirements, locations, and stats.

How to Get Tower N410 Shield Generator

Tower N410 Shield Generator Locations

Shop Location Planet
Ship Technician Akila City Akila
Stroud-Eklund Showroom Neon Volii Alpha
Ship Services Red Mile Porrima III
Taiyo Astroneering Showroom Neon Volii Alpha
HopeTech Showroom Hopetown Polvo
Ship Technician Hopetown Polvo
Ship Technician Neon Volii Alpha

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Ship Part Level Unlock Level 28
Skill Requirement ・Starship Design (Rank 2)

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Tower N410 Shield Generator Stats Overview

Tower N410 Shield Generator Stats

Tower N410 Shield Generator Overview
Type Shield Generator
Manufacturer Nautilus
Class B
Base Value 20520 Credits
Mass 60
Hull 5
Crew Capacity 0.5
Max Power 7
Shield Max Health 730
Regen Rate 10%

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