Starfield Shattered Space

Amun Dunn Ship Parts and Locations

This is a guide on all Amun Dunn ship parts and where to buy them in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Amun Dunn manufacturer, their ship parts, and what levels their parts unlock!

All Amun Dunn Ship Parts

All Amun Dunn Reactors

Amun Dunn Ship Parts
Reactors Engines ▼
Ship Part Level Unlock Value
330T Stellarator Reactor 3 4250
340T Stellarator Reactor 3 8850
Z-Machine 1000 Reactor 3 11200
Tokamak X-050 Reactor 4 8850
Theta Pinch A9 Reactor 10 28900
350T Stellarator Reactor 11 13700
360T Stellarator Reactor 14 18800
Z-Machine 2000 Reactor 19 27500
Tokamak X-200 Reactor 20 25500
Z-Machine 2020 Reactor 24 17400
Theta Pinch B9 Reactor 24 44000
370T Stellarator Reactor 25 26300
Theta Pinch C9 Reactor 35 59600
380T Stellarator Reactor 41 33700
Z-Machine 3000 Reactor 41 43800
Z-Machine 4000 Reactor 49 60700
Theta Pinch D9 Reactor 51 77300

All Amun Dunn Engines

Amun Dunn Ship Parts
Reactors ▲ Engines
Ship Part Level Unlock Value
Amun-1 Engine 3 4370
Amun-2 Engine 8 5890
Amun-3 Engine 14 7885
Amun-4 Engine 20 10260
Dunn-11 Engine 22 9690
Amun-5 Engine 26 13585
Dunn-21 Engine 27 11210
Amun-6 Engine 32 18050
Dunn-31 Engine 33 13965
Amun-7 Engine 38 23180
Amun Dunn X-100 Engine 38 22135
Dunn-41 Engine 39 17995
Dunn-51 Engine 44 23370
Amun Dunn X-200 Engine 49 26790
Dunn-61 Engine 50 29830
Dunn-71 Engine 56 39140
Amun Dunn X-300 Engine 60 42845

Amun Dunn Locations

Bought at Various Ship Technicians

Visit Ship Technician.png

Amun Dunn ship parts can be bought at most ship technicians found in major cities, showrooms, and staryards. Amun Dunn is not a major manufacturer that has a dedicated showroom or shipyard, so there's no specific place to look for their parts.

List of All Shops

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Xiang -


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