Starfield Shattered Space

Shinigami Ship Parts and Locations

This is a guide on all Shinigami ship parts and where to buy them in Starfield. Read on to learn more about the Shinigami manufacturer, their ship parts, and what levels their parts unlock!

All Shinigami Ship Parts

All Shinigami Weapons

Ship Part Level Unlock Value
Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser 3 7576
Dangan Pb Cannon 6 4085
Reza 45 GHz MW Laser 9 5011
Tsukisasu 13K Missile Launcher 11 1995
Dangan PB RF Autocannon 11 9690
Jishaku Fe Railgun 16 9048
Jishaku Nd Railgun 19 10640
Supaku 110GC Suppressor 19 20805
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun 20 17005
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun 24 18145
Reza 600 THz Laser 25 10700
Tsukisasu 25k Missile Launcher 25 4925
Dangan W Cannon 25 14500
Jishaku Fe RF Rapid Railgun Turret 25 19000
Jishaku Nd RF Rapid Railgun Turret 27 21375
Reza 600 THz Pulse Laser 30 17860
Tsukisasu 40k Missile Launcher 30 10355
Reza 30 THz IR Laser 35 15770
Dangan W RF Autocannon 36 28120
Reza 300 PHz SX Laser 36 16340
Jishaku AlNiCo Railgun 38 21945
Tsukisasu 19K Missile Launcher 41 9595
Reza 10 PHz UV Laser 44 20425
Reza 30 THz IR Pulse Laser 46 28120
Supaku 600GC Suppressor 49 34200
Supaku 250GC Suppressor 51 45410
Tatsu 500EM Suppressor 51 19665
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser 51 28120
Jishaku AlNiCo RF Rapid Railgun 52 38760
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser 52 28120
Tsukisasu 33k Missile Launcher 52 13110
Tsukisasu 50k Missile Launcher 57 20170
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Turret 60 33250
Tatsu 501EM Suppressor 60 23370
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret 60 32205

Best Ship Weapons

Shinigami Locations

Bought at Various Ship Technicians

Visit Ship Technician.png

Shinigami ship parts can be bought at most ship technicians found in major cities, showrooms, and staryards. Shinigami is not a major manufacturer that has a dedicated showroom or shipyard, so there's no specific place to look for their parts.

List of All Shops

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All Ship Manufacturers

All Ship Manufacturers in Starfield
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Xiang -


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