Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Altaroth Locations and Material Drops

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Monster Hunter Rise - Altaroth.png

This page is about the Altaroth, a small monster found in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Altaroth locations, as well as Altaroth dropped materials, carves, and more can all be found here!

Altaroth Basic Information

small monster Altaroth icon.png
Type Neopteron
Official Description
Insects that widely inhabit many areas. They absorb fruit, musrooms, and honey, and then carry them back to their nest. Materials can thus be collected from their swollen abdomens, whose color is related to what they're carrying.

Known Habitat

Map Visited Areas
Shrine Ruins.pngShrine Ruins 8
Frost Islands.pngFrost Islands 5 / 6
Flooded Forest.pngFlooded Forest 1 / 12 / 14
Sandy Plains.pngSandy Plains 6
Lava Caverns.pngLava Caverns 1 / 4

Altaroth Materials and Drops

Altaroth Carves

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Prized Stomach IconPrized Stomach 55% (Body)
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Essence IconMonster Essence 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Altaroth Jaw IconAltaroth Jaw 20%
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Quality Stomach IconQuality Stomach 55%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Broth IconMonster Broth 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Altaroth Jaw IconAltaroth Jaw 20%
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Fluid IconMonster Fluid 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Altaroth Jaw IconAltaroth Jaw 25%

Altaroth Dropped Materials

Master Rank
High Rank
Low Rank
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Fine Stomach IconFine Stomach 100%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Honey IconHoney 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Nulberry IconNulberry 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ripened Mushroom IconRipened Mushroom 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Prized Stomach IconPrized Stomach 55%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Essence IconMonster Essence 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Altaroth Jaw IconAltaroth Jaw 20%
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Honey IconHoney 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Nulberry IconNulberry 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ripened Mushroom IconRipened Mushroom 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Fluid IconMonster Fluid 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Altaroth Jaw IconAltaroth Jaw 25%
Material Drop Rate
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Honey IconHoney 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Nulberry IconNulberry 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Ripened Mushroom IconRipened Mushroom 90%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Monster Fluid IconMonster Fluid 25%
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak - Altaroth Jaw IconAltaroth Jaw 25%

Altaroth Quest Appearances

Low Rank
High Rank
Quest Type Lvl Quest Name
Hub Quest ★1 Off the Beaten Path
Village Quest ★2 Case of the Creepy Crawlies
No Quest in This Rank

Altaroth Locations

Altaroth in Flooded Forest

Flooded Forest
Outbreak of Altaroth 8 / 12 / 14
Outbreak of Ludroth 8 / 12 / 14
Outbreak of Wroggi 8 / 12 / 14
Normal Quest 8 / 12 / 14

Altaroth is present in most areas in the game, but it is recommended that you hunt them in the Flooded Forest. This is because their locations are often close to the Camp.

Outbreak of Altaroth means that a lot more Altaroth will spawn in the highlighted areas, so watch out for that!

For Master Rank materials, take note that Flooded Forest is accessible at Master Rank 2. Make sure to pick up some wirebugs along the way to travel faster!

Altaroth in Shrine Ruins

Shrine Ruins

Altaroth in Frost Islands

Frost Islands

Altaroth in Sandy Plains

Sandy Plains

Altaroth in Lava Caverns

Lava Caverns

Tips in Farming Altaroth

Slay Altaroth Before they Burrow

Monster Hunter Rise (Altaroth) - Insect Burrow.png

Altaroth stay inside burrows, commonly found at the wall of a mountain or hill. Usually in groups of three, they only come out in timed intervals when they march in a straight line, moving from one burrow entry to the next.

Monster Hunter Rise (Altaroth) - Altaroth Glowing Abdomen.png

Sometimes Altaroth head to beehives and collect Honey. Filling up on Honey till their abdomens glow yellow. Afterwards, they will go back to their burrows.

Look for Small Monster Outbreaks

Keep an eye for Outbreaks in the Locale Info when doing an Expedition Quest. If the locale info indicates that there's an Outbreak of Altaroth then for 10 minutes you will have a chance to farm Altaroth materials.

An outbreak would mean that respawn period for that specific monster is shortened.

Retake Case of the Creepy Crawlies Quest

For faster Low Rank Material collection of Altaroth, we recommended that you do the Village Quest aptly named Case of the Creepy Crawlies. The positions of the Altaroth and Bnahabra are displayed on the map, making them easier to locate. The Quest Rewards for this quest are Bnahabra and Altaroth materials, speeding up the farming process.

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Small Monsters Partial Banner
List of Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters

Sunbreak Small Monsters
MH Rise Sunbreak - Boggi IconBoggi MH Rise Sunbreak - Ceanataur Partial BannerCeanataur MH Rise Sunbreak - Gowngoat Partial BannerGowngoat MH Rise Sunbreak - Hermitaur Partial BannerHermitaur
MH Rise Sunbreak - Hornetaur Partial BannerHornetaur MH Rise Sunbreak - Pyrantula Partial BannerPyrantula MH Rise Sunbreak - Vespoid Partial BannerVespoid MH Rise Sunbreak - Velociprey Partial BannerVelociprey

List of Sunbreak Small Monsters

Small Monsters

Small Monsters
Altaroth Icon.pngAltaroth Anteka Icon.pngAnteka Baggi Icon.pngBaggi Bnahabra Icon.pngBnahabra
Bombadgy Icon.pngBombadgy Bullfango Icon.pngBullfango Delex Icon.pngDelex Felyne Icon.pngFelyne
Gajau Icon.pngGajau Gargwa Icon.pngGargwa Izuchi Icon.pngIzuchi Jaggi Icon.pngJaggi
Jaggia Icon.pngJaggia Jagras Icon.pngJagras Kelbi Icon.pngKelbi Kestodon Icon.pngKestodon
Ludroth Icon.pngLudroth Melynx Icon.pngMelynx Popo Icon.pngPopo Rachnoid Icon.pngRachnoid
Remobra Icon.pngRemobra Rhenoplos Icon.pngRhenoplos Slagtoth Icon.pngSlagtoth Uroktor Icon.pngUroktor
Wroggi Icon.pngWroggi Zamite Icon.pngZamite


1 Rolaover 3 years

The location of the Altaroth nest in Sandy Plains is actually near the Rhenoplos in region 8 not 6


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