Starfield Shattered Space

Advanced Outpost Guide: Building Outposts for Experts

Starfield - Advanced Outpost Guide
Building efficient Outposts will be your primary source of experience, credits, and materials for crafting in Starfield. Discover strategies and outpost builds for Basic and Advanced XP farm Outpost and finding multiple different resource veins for your outposts.

XP Farm Outpost

Build an Outpost to Farm Adaptive Frames

This Outpost Guide involves building an outpost that extracts vast numbers of Iron and Aluminum. These materials are, in turn, used to craft Adaptive Frames, yielding 1 XP for each craft.

Modules to Build and Resources Needed

Module Required Resources
Bench 01 Aluminum x2
Iron x1
Extractor - Aluminum Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Iron Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Industrial Workbench Aluminum x4
Iron x3
Solar Array Aluminum x4
Copper x3
Beryllium x2
Storage - Solid Aluminum x5
Iron x6
Adaptive Frame x3

Building a Basic XP Farm Outpost

# Step by Step Objectives
Gather the Needed Materials for the Outpost Modules
To get the needed materials needed for the XP Farming Outpost, you can buy them from any general goods vendor like Jemison Mercantile in New Atlantis.
Find a Planet with Iron and Aluminum Veins
As Adaptive Frames are the main component you will be crafting, having access to both Iron and Aluminum in our outpost is essential. The Sumati's moon, Andraphon, in the Narion system is a famous choice to establish this XP Farming outpost.
Locate Iron and Aluminum Deposits
Iron and Aluminum deposits spawn in different biomes. Land on a section of the planet/moon that borders both biomes to find an outpost location that includes Iron and Aluminum deposits.
Build the Extractors
Build the needed extractors on top of Iron and Aluminum deposits. The more extractors you build, the faster you can obtain materials to craft the Adaptive Frames.
Build Power Sources
Build Power Sources to power the extractors. The power requirement for your outpost will increase for each extractor you build.
Build Storage Containers
Build Solid Storage Containers to store the Iron and Aluminum that the extractors would produce. A separate storage chain for each material would benefit you with organizing materials later.
Output Link the Extractors to Storage
Output: Link the Extractors to their appropriate storage. All the Iron Extractors should be output-linked to a single Solid Storage, then that Solid Storage should be output-linked to the other Iron Storage in sequence. The same goes for the Aluminum Extractors.
Build an Industrial Workbench and a Bench
To finish the XP Farm Outpost, build an Industrial Workbench to craft the Adaptive Frames and a Bench where you can sit and wait.

Wait and Craft Adaptive Frames

Starfield - Wait and Craft Adaptive Frames
Extractors will keep producing materials as you pass the time by waiting or sleeping. If you wait for 24 hours local time, there should be hundreds of materials in your storage. Continuously wait on your bench until all your storage fills up and start crafting the Adaptive Frames.

The amount of UT time that passes as you pass time differs from each planet. Passing time on a planet/moon with longer days will result in more UT time passing per Local Time you wait. Venus is an excellent example of a planet with long days, as each day is 2400 hours UT.

For PC players, when crafting the Adaptive Frames, click the end of the Quantity: X bar to set the quantity to craft to the maximum. You can hover the cursor over the same spot as you craft Adaptive Frames to produce them quickly and gain much more XP per minute.

Build Transfer Container to Transfer Resources to Your Ship

Starfield - Build a Transfer Container to Transfer Materials to Your Ship
As you build more outposts or want to start selling the materials you've produced, having your storage output linked to a Transfer Container should help move items from your outposts to your ship. Items in the Transfer Container can be stored in your ship's cargo hold from the Cargo Hold Menu.

Advanced XP Farm Outpost

Building Two Outposts to Farm Paramagnon Conductors

Paramagnon Conductors are one of the easier Rare components to craft, which also gives 3 XP per craft. With a well-set-up Outpost, you can stock up a large amount of materials and quickly craft thousands of these components in a short amount of time, which leads to a huge amount of XP.

Before starting this outpost build, make sure you gather the necessary materials for building these modules, as you will be building many of them. Materials for the Storage Modules are especially important to have a large number of.

Upgrades can be done to this outpost, such as better Extractors, Storage, and Power Modules. Having access to Robots will also increase the outpost's resource yield. These upgrades are unlocked by finishing the appropriate Research Project in the Research Lab.

Skills Required

Skill Description
Starfield -  Special Projects Skill
Special Projects
Rank 2 of Special Projects allows us to craft Paramagnon Conductors in the Industrial Workbench.
Starfield -  Outpost Engineering Skill
Outpost Engineering
Outpost Engineering unlocks the many Research Projects for better outpost modules and can reduce the materials required to build each module.
Starfield -  Outpost Management Skill
Outpost Management
Outpost Management will help build more Cargo Links and Robots, and double the output of the Extractors.
Starfield -  Scanning Skill
Scanning 2 enables you to scan a planet or moon's surface for rare inorganic materials such as Gold and Neodymium.

Research Required

Research Project Research Purpose
Manufacturing 1 Manufacturing 1 enables the building of Simple Fabricators for automated Zero Wire crafting.
Higher levels of Manufacturing give access to better Storage Modules
Resource Extraction
Higher levels of the Resource Extraction project allow access to better and more space-efficient Extractors.
Power Generation
The Power Generation projects give access to more efficient Power Sources.
The Robots 1 & 2 projects allow us to build Robots in our outposts, which increases the efficiency and output of our different outpost modules.

Modules to Build and Resources Needed

Module Required Resources
Cargo Link - Inter-System Aluminum x12
Iron x20
Reactive Gauge x3
Comm Relay x1
Extractor - Copper Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Gold Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Helium-3 Aluminum x5
Nickel x4
Copper x3
Extractor - Neodymium Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Extractor - Silver Aluminum x4
Tungsten x2
Iron x5
Fueled Generator Tungsten x4
Austenitic Manifold x1
Isocentered Magnet x1
Tau Grade Rheostat x1
Industrial Workbench Aluminum x4
Iron x3
Simple Fabricator 11 Aluminum x8
Sealant x2
Tungsten x4
Zero Wire x3
Solar Array Aluminum x4
Copper x3
Beryllium x2
Storage - Gas Tungsten x5
Copper x6
Adaptive Frame x3
Storage - Solid Aluminum x5
Iron x6
Adaptive Frame x3
Warehouse - Small Aluminum x6
Titanium x5
Adaptive Frame x3

How to Build the Advanced XP Farm Outpost

# Step by Step Objectives
Build an Outpost in Lantana VII
Lantana VII in the Lantana System is the best planet for this xp farming outpost as it has almost all the materials we need to craft Paramagnon Conductors.
Land your ship between the Rocky Desert Biome and Plateau biomes for a split biome with a good spot with Gold, Silver, and Copper veins.
Build Extractors, Power Sources, and Storage
Build as many Extractors for Gold, Silver, Copper, and Helium-3 and the appropriate storage for each extractor.
The more storage you have, the more crafts you can do in the future without waiting.
Remember to build sufficient power for all your extractors.
3 Starfield - Build Zero Wire Fabricators
Build Zero Wire Fabricators
Build Multiple Zero Wire Fabricators that will produce Zero Wire automatically. Have your Silver and Copper storages output linked to each of the Fabricators.
Output Link the Fabricators into a Warehouse Storage.
Again, the more storage you have, the better it will be in the long term.
Build Cargo Links and Supply Them with Helium-3
Build as many Inter-System Cargo Links as you can fit in the outpost. Supply the blue container in one of the corners of the Cargo Link with Helium-3.
Set Up an Outpost for Neodymium Farming
Since Lantana VII doesn't have Neodymium, a material needed in large quantities, we will be sourcing that material from another planet.
Build an outpost on a planet with Neodymium and Helium-3, such as Volii Phi.
Build as many Extractors and Inter-System Cargo Links on that outpost as possible. Supply the Cargo Links with Helium-3 and output link the Neodymium to the red Outgoing container on the Cargo Links.
Link the Two Outposts
Back on Lantana VII, link the Inter-System Cargo Links to one from the Neodymium Outpost. This will transfer all the Neodymium from the other outpost to the green Incoming container in the Lantana VII Cargo Links. Output links the incoming Neodymium to another storage chain to store them in bulk.
Build an Industrial Workbench and Wait Before Crafting
Finally, build an Industrial Workbench and a bench beside it. Wait for a couple of hours for your supplies to accumulate before crafting Paramagnon Conductors in bulk.
Note that Cargo Links only transport items in real time, and passing the time does not work for them. And thus, play the game regularly while the cargo links transfer the Neodymium to your main outpost. You can also transfer the Neodymium to the main outpost yourself to speed up the process.

How to Find Multiple Veins of Different Resources

Check What Biomes the Resources Spawn

Starfield - Check What Biomes the Resources Spawn
The types of Resource Veins you can encounter are determined by the biome and not by the colored regions of the planet when scanned for resources. To check what biome a resource spawns in, show the resource regions on a planet and click on a colored area representing the resource you're looking for. The destination window will show which biome that region is and which biomes that resource spawns in.

Land on the Edges of the Two Biomes

Starfield - Land on the Edges of the Two Biomes
The next step is to find the edges of the two biomes containing the necessary resources. Click on a location and slowly find the point where the biome changes. Land on the location where the biome changes. This would give the highest likeliness of landing between two biomes.

Check for a Split Biome

Starfield - Check for a Split Biome
Once you have landed, you should notice the significant changes in environments when you land on a split biome. The resources of both biomes can spawn in the transitional region between them.

Find a Good Spot with the Outpost Beacon

Starfield - Find a Good Spot with the Outpost Beacon
To search for the right location for your outpost with multiple resources, open up the hand scanner and press the Outpost button to try to build an Outpost Beacon. Leave the Outpost Beacon unbuilt and run along the border between biomes. As you run along the border, check for changes in the "Available Resources" window until it shows all the resources you want for your outpost. Once you find a spot, build the Outpost Beacon and start building your outpost!

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