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The Aluminum (Al) is a type of Resource in Starfield. Read on to learn how to get Aluminum, where to farm Aluminum, and how to use it.
List of Contents
Planets Where Resource Is Available | ||
Porrima III (Porrima) |
Magreth (Narion) |
Tau Ceti VIII-b (Tau Ceti) |
Akila (Cheyenne) |
Aranae I (Aranae) |
Mercury (Sol) |
Vectera (Narion) |
Altair V (Altair) |
Bessel III (Bessel) |
Gryphus (Narion) |
Danra (Narion) |
Andraphon (Narion) |
Hyperia (Narion) |
Indum II (Indum) |
Fermi VII-c (Fermi) |
Hyla II (Hyla) |
Muphrid IV (Muphrid) |
Rell (Cheyenne) |
Toliman II-c (Toliman) |
Bessel III-a (Bessel) |
Bessel III-b (Bessel) |
Golga (Valo) |
Numitor (Lunara) |
Romulus (Lunara) |
Tidacha I (Tidacha) |
Kurtz (Alpha Centauri) |
Curbeam (Alpha Centauri) |
Volii Phi (Volii) |
Mir II (Sakharov) |
Nox (Kryx) |
Boron (Kryx) |
Altair III-c (Altair) |
Montara Luna (Cheyenne) |
Hyla I-a (Hyla) |
Porrima II-b (Porrima) |
Navacci (Valo) |
Miatha (Valo) |
Cantra (Valo) |
Prax (Valo) |
Hillex (Valo) |
Kindi (Valo) |
Bel II (Bel) |
Leviathan IV (Leviathan) |
Groombridge I (Groombridge) |
Codos (Cheyenne) |
Guniibuu II (Guniibuu) |
Nikola VI (Nikola) |
Chthonia (Wolf) |
Guniibuu III-c (Guniibuu) |
Bindi (Cheyenne) |
Tau Ceti IV-a (Tau Ceti) |
Piazzi III-b (Piazzi) |
Piazzi III (Piazzi) |
Piazzi III-a (Piazzi) |
Piazzi V-c (Piazzi) |
Procyon IV-a (Procyon A) |
Hardpoint (Cheyenne) |
Smet (Cheyenne) |
Grizzit (Cheyenne) |
Antharum (Cheyenne) |
Volii Beta (Volii) |
Thalassa (Olympus) |
Ananke (Olympus) |
Cybele (Olympus) |
Porrima I-b (Porrima) |
Porrima III-a (Porrima) |
Porrima III-b (Porrima) |
Tau Ceti II-a (Tau Ceti) |
Tau Ceti VI (Tau Ceti) |
Tau Ceti VII (Tau Ceti) |
Tau Ceti VII-a (Tau Ceti) |
Charybdis II (Charybdis) |
Charybdis IV-a (Charybdis) |
Charybdis VI-a (Charybdis) |
Masada I (Masada) |
Carinae I (Carinae) |
Carinae II (Carinae) |
Carinae II-a (Carinae) |
Candore (Kryx) |
Oborum III-b (Oborum Prime) |
Freya I (Freya) |
Freya IV (Freya) |
Freya IV-b (Freya) |
Freya IV-c (Freya) |
Freya VI (Freya) |
Freya IX-c (Freya) |
Ixyll III-a (Ixyll) |
Ixyll III-b (Ixyll) |
Ixyll VI-c (Ixyll) |
Ixyll VII-a (Ixyll) |
Ixyll VIII-a (Ixyll) |
Linnaeus III-a (Linnaeus) |
Linnaeus IV-b (Linnaeus) |
Linnaeus V (Linnaeus) |
Linnaeus VII (Linnaeus) |
Aranae II (Aranae) |
Aranae II-a (Aranae) |
Aranae II-b (Aranae) |
Cassiopeia III-a (Eta Cassiopeia) |
Leviathan II (Leviathan) |
Leviathan VII (Leviathan) |
Altair III-b (Altair) |
Gamma Vulpes II-d (Gamma Vulpes) |
Gamma Vulpes IV-d (Gamma Vulpes) |
Indum I-a (Indum) |
Feynman IV (Feynman) |
Feynman VI-b (Feynman) |
Feynman VII-b (Feynman) |
Feynman IX (Feynman) |
Hyla II-a (Hyla) |
Hyla III (Hyla) |
Hyla V (Hyla) |
Strix I (Strix) |
Strix III-a (Strix) |
Magnar (Delta Pavonis) |
Zeta Ophiuchi II (Zeta Ophiuchi) |
Zeta Ophiuchi III (Zeta Ophiuchi) |
Zeta Ophiuchi IV-d (Zeta Ophiuchi) |
Ursa Major I-a (Ursae Majoris) |
Ursa Major I-b (Ursae Majoris) |
Kumasi IV-a (Kumasi) |
Kumasi VII-a (Kumasi) |
Newton I (Newton) |
Newton I-a (Newton) |
Newton II (Newton) |
Newton II-a (Newton) |
Alpha Andraste I (Alpha Andraste) |
Alpha Andraste II (Alpha Andraste) |
Schrodinger I (Schrodinger) |
Schrodinger I-a (Schrodinger) |
Schrodinger III-a (Schrodinger) |
Schrodinger IV (Schrodinger) |
Schrodinger VII-a (Schrodinger) |
Fermi II-a (Fermi) |
Fermi III-a (Fermi) |
Fermi IV-a (Fermi) |
Fermi IV-b (Fermi) |
Fermi V-a (Fermi) |
Fermi VII-b (Fermi) |
Fermi IX-d (Fermi) |
Maheo III (Maheo) |
Maheo III-a (Maheo) |
Maheo III-b (Maheo) |
Maheo IV-c (Maheo) |
Maheo VI (Maheo) |
Denebola I-a (Denebola) |
Denebola II-a (Denebola) |
Celebrai IV (Celebrai) |
Vesta Lunaris (Lunara) |
Gaea (Lunara) |
Crius (Lunara) |
Reva's World (Lunara) |
Lontrah (Nirah) |
Bohr III-a (Bohr) |
Bohr III-b (Bohr) |
Bessel II (Bessel) |
Maal I-a (Maal) |
Maal II-a (Maal) |
Maal V-a (Maal) |
Maal VI-a (Maal) |
Al-Battani I-a (Al-Battani) |
Al-Battani I-b (Al-Battani) |
Al-Battani III-b (Al-Battani) |
Al-Battani V-a (Al-Battani) |
Al-Battani VII-a (Al-Battani) |
Al-Battani VIII (Al-Battani) |
Muphrid I-a (Muphrid) |
Muphrid I-b (Muphrid) |
Muphrid II-a (Muphrid) |
Muphrid III-b (Muphrid) |
Muphrid III-c (Muphrid) |
Muphrid V-d (Muphrid) |
Muphrid VI-c (Muphrid) |
Shoza II-a (Shoza) |
Shoza III (Shoza) |
Shoza III-a (Shoza) |
Shoza VII-a (Shoza) |
Shoza VII-b (Shoza) |
Shoza VII-c (Shoza) |
Shoza VIII-b (Shoza) |
Piazzi IV-a (Piazzi) |
Piazzi V-b (Piazzi) |
Piazzi VI (Piazzi) |
Piazzi VI-a (Piazzi) |
Piazzi VI-b (Piazzi) |
Heisenberg V-a (Heisenberg) |
Heisenberg IX (Heisenberg) |
Decaran II (Decaran) |
Decaran IV (Decaran) |
Decaran V (Decaran) |
Decaran V-b (Decaran) |
Decaran VII (Decaran) |
Decaran IX (Decaran) |
Alpha Marae IV-b (Alpha Marae) |
Alpha Marae V (Alpha Marae) |
Verne II-a (Verne) |
Verne VII-c (Verne) |
Toliman I (Toliman) |
Toliman II-a (Toliman) |
Toliman II-b (Toliman) |
Tidacha I-a (Tidacha) |
Copernicus III-a (Copernicus) |
Copernicus IV (Copernicus) |
Copernicus VI (Copernicus) |
Heinlein I (Heinlein) |
Heinlein II-a (Heinlein) |
Heinlein III-a (Heinlein) |
Heinlein V-b (Heinlein) |
Heinlein V-c (Heinlein) |
Guniibuu I (Guniibuu) |
Guniibuu I-a (Guniibuu) |
Guniibuu I-b (Guniibuu) |
Guniibuu III-b (Guniibuu) |
Guniibuu IV-b (Guniibuu) |
Guniibuu VI-c (Guniibuu) |
Andromas III (Andromas) |
Andromas VI-b (Andromas) |
Huygens I-a (Huygens) |
Huygens II-a (Huygens) |
Huygens II-b (Huygens) |
Huygens VII-c (Huygens) |
Rasalhague I-a (Rasalhague) |
Bardeen III-a (Bardeen) |
Bardeen III-b (Bardeen) |
Jaffa IV-a (Jaffa) |
Jaffa VI-c (Jaffa) |
Kapteyn I (Kapteyn's Star) |
Sirius III-a (Sirius) |
Nikola I (Nikola) |
Nikola III-a (Nikola) |
Nikola III-b (Nikola) |
Nikola IV (Nikola) |
Nikola V (Nikola) |
Nikola VI-b (Nikola) |
Nikola VIII (Nikola) |
Nikola IX (Nikola) |
Archimedes I-a (Archimedes) |
Archimedes III (Archimedes) |
Archimedes IV-a (Archimedes) |
Delta Vulpes III (Delta Vulpes) |
Delta Vulpes V-c (Delta Vulpes) |
Serpentis I (Serpentis) |
Serpentis II (Serpentis) |
Serpentis II-a (Serpentis) |
Serpentis IV-a (Serpentis) |
Serpentis V-d (Serpentis) |
Bara II-a (Bara) |
Bara III-a (Bara) |
Bara VII-d (Bara) |
Procyon-B I (Procyon B) |
Eridani III-c (Eridani) |
Eridani IV-a (Eridani) |
Eridani IV-b (Eridani) |
Eridani IV-c (Eridani) |
Eridani VII-c (Eridani) |
Eridani VIII-b (Eridani) |
Curie (Delta Pavonis) |
Itsy (Delta Pavonis) |
Bode (Delta Pavonis) |
Herald (Delta Pavonis) |
Vega I-b (Vega) |
Tirna III-a (Alpha Tirna) |
Tirna III-b (Alpha Tirna) |
Tirna VI-b (Alpha Tirna) |
Tirna VIII-a (Alpha Tirna) |
Tirna VIII-e (Alpha Tirna) |
Ursa Minor I-a (Ursae Minoris) |
Ursa Minor II-a (Ursae Minoris) |
Groombridge II-a (Groombridge) |
Groombridge II-c (Groombridge) |
Groombridge IV (Groombridge) |
Groombridge IV-a (Groombridge) |
Groombridge VI-a (Groombridge) |
Groombridge VIII-c (Groombridge) |
McClure I (McClure) |
McClure II-a (McClure) |
McClure II-b (McClure) |
Bradbury I-a (Bradbury) |
Bradbury I-b (Bradbury) |
Bradbury IV-a (Bradbury) |
Nemeria II-a (Nemeria) |
Nemeria III (Nemeria) |
Nemeria IV-a (Nemeria) |
Nemeria VI-a (Nemeria) |
Lantana I (Lantana) |
Lantana III-a (Lantana) |
Rivera I-a (Rivera) |
Rivera II-b (Rivera) |
Rivera II-c (Rivera) |
Rivera IV-a (Rivera) |
Nirvana III-a (Nirvana) |
Moloch I-a (Moloch) |
Moloch II (Moloch) |
Moloch IV (Moloch) |
Moloch V-d (Moloch) |
Moloch VI-b (Moloch) |
Rutherford I (Rutherford) |
Rutherford I-a (Rutherford) |
Rutherford I-b (Rutherford) |
Rutherford II-a (Rutherford) |
Rutherford III-a (Rutherford) |
Rutherford IV-d (Rutherford) |
Rutherford VI-a (Rutherford) |
Khayyam I (Khayyam) |
Khayyam II-a (Khayyam) |
Khayyam III-c (Khayyam) |
Khayyam IV-a (Khayyam) |
Ternion I (Alpha Ternion) |
Ternion VI-a (Alpha Ternion) |
Ternion VII (Alpha Ternion) |
Beta Ternion III-a (Beta Ternion) |
Bel I-a (Bel) |
Bel III-a (Bel) |
Bel III-b (Bel) |
Bel III-c (Bel) |
Bel IV-c (Bel) |
Syrma I-a (Syrma) |
Syrma I-b (Syrma) |
Syrma II-a (Syrma) |
Syrma IV (Syrma) |
Syrma IV-a (Syrma) |
Marduk I-a (Marduk) |
Marduk III-a (Marduk) |
Marduk V-a (Marduk) |
Algorab III-b (Algorab) |
Katydid III (Katydid) |
Aluminum can be mined or harvested from the surfaces and the planets listed above.
Aluminum can be acquired from the above shops. The availability of Aluminum may vary per shop.
Please note there is still some element of randomness as to what the vendor has in stock at any given time.
Components to Craft | ||
Adaptive Frame | Mag Pressure Tank | Reactive Gauge |
Aluminum can be used to craft the following above components at an Industrial Workbench.
Grip and Stock Mods 1
(Weaponry) |
Medical Treatment 1
(Pharmacology) |
Optics and Laser Mods 1
(Weaponry) |
Optics and Laser Mods 2
(Weaponry) |
Resource Extraction 1
(Outpost Development) |
Domestication 1
(Outpost Development) |
Pack Mods 1
(Equipment) |
Resource Extraction 2
(Outpost Development) |
Decoration 2
(Outpost Development) |
Domestication 2
(Outpost Development) |
Robots 1
(Outpost Development) |
Outpost Defense 1
(Outpost Development) |
Outpost Defense 2
(Outpost Development) |
Decoration 3
(Outpost Development) |
Whitehot Rounds
(Magazine and Battery) |
Iron Sights
(Optic) |
Removed Cover
(Cover) |
Laser Sight
(Laser) |
Reflex Sight
(Optic) |
Tactical Stock
(Grip and Stock) |
(Muzzle) |
Glow Sights
(Optic) |
(Grip and Stock) |
Ergonomic Grip
(Grip and Stock) |
Foregrip with Laser Sight
(Laser) |
Folding Stock
(Grip and Stock) |
Tactical Folding Stock
(Grip and Stock) |
Red Dot Sight
(Optic) |
Standard Whitehot Rounds
(Magazine and Battery) |
Ergonomic Stock
(Grip and Stock) |
Extra Capacity
(Pack Slot 1) |
Oxygen Reserve
(Pack Slot 1) |
Outpost Airlock | Four Wall Hab | Hydroponic Hab A |
Science Hab Small | Hab Round | Small Hex Hab |
Hallway - Industrial | Watchtower | Hydroponic Hab B |
Hydroponic Hab Round | Science Hab Flat Small | Storage - Solid |
Storage - Liquid | Solar Array | Powered Switch |
Light Post 01 | Light Post 02 | Light Post 03 |
Light Post 04 | Industrial Wall Light 01 | Industrial Wall Light 02 |
Industrial Wall Light 03 | Industrial Workbench | Pharmaceutical Lab |
Spacesuit Workbench | Research Lab | Tick Turret Mk I |
Laser Turret Mk I | Four Wall Hab - Double | Large Hex Hab |
Hallway - Military | Hallway - Science | Hallway - Hydroponic |
Chair 01 | Chair 02 | Chair 03 |
Chair 04 | Chair 05 | Chair 06 |
Chair 09 | Couch 01 | Couch 01 |
Couch 02 | Couch 03 | Couch 03 |
Couch 04 | Bench 01 | Bench 02 |
Bench 03 | Bench 04 | Bench 05 |
Bench 06 | Stool 01 | Stool 02 |
Stool 03 | Stool 04 | Stool 05 |
Stool 06 | Stool 07 | Bed 01 |
Bunk Bed 01 | Cot 01 | Cot 02 |
Cot 03 | Cot 04 | Coffee Table 01 |
Office Desk Partition 01 | Cabinet 01 | Shelf 01 |
Wall Shelf 01 | Storage Box 01 | Storage Crate 01 |
Flood Lamp - Handheld | Warning Sign | Utility Cart 01 |
Hand Cart 01 | White Board - Floor | Diagnostic Machine |
Desk Monitor | Coffee Maker | Toilet |
Toilet Paper | Towel Rack | Data Slate Display 01 |
Display Case 01 | Helmet Display | Helmet Display |
Backpack Stand 01 | Scan Booster | Cargo Link |
Crew Station | Landing Pad - Small | Mission Board |
Mission Board | Self-Service Bounty Clearance | Extractor - Aluminum |
Extractor - Water Vapor | Extractor - Cobalt | Extractor - Nickel |
Sanitation Mini Bot | Garden Mini Bot | Chair 10 |
Chair 11 | Chair 12 | Chair 13 |
Chair 14 | Chair 15 | Chair 16 |
Couch 06 | Bench 07 | Bench 08 |
Bench 09 | Bench 10 | Stool 08 |
Stool 09 | Stool 10 | Stool 11 |
Table S. 01 | Table S. 02 | Coffee Table 02 |
Coffee Table 03 | Coffee Table 04 | Coffee Table 05 |
Bar Table 01 | Side Table 01 | Coffee Table 06 |
Bar Table 02 | Side Table 02 | Side Table 05 |
Side Table 06 | Office Desk Partition 02 | Office Desk Partition 03 |
Office Desk Partition 04 | Cabinet 02 | Cabinet 03 |
Cabinet 04 | Cabinet 05 | Industrial Cabinet 01 |
Industrial Cabinet 02 | Shelf 02 | Shelf 03 |
Shelf 04 | Supply Shelf 01 | Supply Shelf 02 |
Shelf 05 | Shelf 06 | Plant Shelf |
Wall Shelf 02 | Wall Shelf 03 | Wall Shelf 04 |
Storage Box 02 | Storage Box 03 | Cooler |
Ammo Case 01 | Ammo Case 02 | Storage Crate 02 |
Industrial Crate | Military Crate | Science Crate |
Contraband Cache | Flood Lamp - Small | Flood Lamp - Tripod |
Flood Lamp - Tripod Tall | Caution Sign 01 | Danger Sign 01 |
Danger Sign 02 | Flammable Sign | Radioactive Sign |
Restricted Area Sign 01 | Restricted Area Sign 02 | Authorized Only Sign 01 |
Security Sign | Danger Sign 03 | Danger Sign 04 |
Biohazard Warning Sign 01 | Authorized Only Sign 02 | Biohazard Warning Sign 02 |
Danger Sign 05 | Caution Sign 02 | Wall Monitor |
Utility Cart 02 | Utility Cart 03 | Utility Cart 04 |
Utility Cart 05 | Janitor Cart | Medical Cart 01 |
Medical Cart 02 | Metal Cart | Hand Cart 02 |
Hand Cart 03 | Hand Cart 04 | Hand Cart 05 |
Trash Can 01 | Trash Can 02 | Trash Bin 01 |
Trash Bin 02 | Coffee Machine | Drink Machine |
Water Cooler | Data Slate Display 02 | Display Case 02 |
Display Case 03 | Display Case 04 | Display Shelf 01 |
Weapon Display Case 01 | Weapon Display Case 02 | Helmet Stand |
Backpack Stand 02 | Backpack Stand 03 | Scan Booster - Advanced |
Scan Booster - Military Grade | Cargo Link - Inter-System | Warehouse - Small |
Constellation Mission Board | Simple Fabricator 01 | Simple Fabricator 02 |
Simple Fabricator 03 | Simple Fabricator 04 | Simple Fabricator 05 |
Simple Fabricator 06 | Simple Fabricator 07 | Simple Fabricator 08 |
Simple Fabricator 09 | Simple Fabricator 10 | Simple Fabricator 11 |
Wind Turbine | Extractor - Water | Extractor - Fluorine |
Extractor - Tetrafluorides | Extractor - Copper | Storage - Solid - Medium |
Storage - Liquid - Medium | Warehouse - Medium | Chair 18 |
Chair 19 | Chair 20 | Chair 21 |
Bench 11 | Bench 12 | Bench 13 |
Bench 14 | Chair 25 | Bench 15 |
Bench 16 | Stool 13 | Stool 14 |
Stool 15 | Bed 03 | Bed 04 |
End Table 04 | End Table 05 | Console Desk 01 |
Console Desk 02 | Console Desk 03 | Console Desk - Tall 01 |
Console Desk - Tall 02 | Console Desk - Tall 03 | Console Desk - Corner |
Shelf 07 | Shelf 08 | Bench 17 |
![]() Tirna III-a |
![]() Tirna III-b |
![]() Tirna VI-b |
![]() Tirna VIII-a |
![]() Tirna VIII-e |
Wind Turbine - Advanced |
Display Shelf 02 | Display Case 05 | Animal Husbandry Facility |
Commercial Animal Husbandry Facility | Industrial Animal Husbandry Facility | Storage - Solid - Large |
Storage - Liquid - Large | Warehouse - Large | Solar Dome |
End Table 06 | End Table 07 | End Table 08 |
End Table 09 | Punching Bag | Weight Bench |
Old Computer | Extractor - Chlorosilanes | Extractor - Lead |
Extractor - Chlorine | Extractor - Beryllium | Extractor - Alkanes |
Extractor - Europium | Extractor - Rothicite | Extractor - Iron |
Extractor - Uranium | Extractor - Iridium | Extractor - Argon |
Extractor - Neon | Extractor - Plutonium | Extractor - Vanadium |
Extractor - Caesium | Extractor - Platinum | Extractor - Silver |
Extractor - Neodymium | Extractor - Titanium | Extractor - Tungsten |
Extractor - Ionic Liquids | Extractor - Antimony | Extractor - Gold |
Extractor - Benzene | Extractor - Dysprosium | Extractor - Lithium |
Extractor - Helium-3 | Extractor - Tantalum | Extractor - Carboxylic Acids |
Extractor - Ytterbium | Extractor - Aldumite | Extractor - Mercury |
Extractor - Tasine | Extractor - Xenon | Extractor - Palladium |
Extractor - Vytinium | Extractor - Veryl | Extractor - Indicite |
List of All Resources and Materials
How to Get Aluminum (Al)
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