Starfield Shattered Space

Outland Location and Shop Guide

Outland is a shop in Starfield that you can access in New Atlantis. Read on to learn its location along with all of the weapons, armor, and items you can buy from Outland.

Outland Location

New Atlantis on Jemison

Outland is a shop located in New Atlantis that sells Gear. The easiest way to access Outland is to fast travel to the Commercial District.

You can find New Atlantis city on the planet Jemison of the Alpha Centauri star system.

New Atlantis Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Outland Vendor Inventory

List of All Weapons

List of Weapons in Location
Starfield -  Arc Welder
Arc Welder
Starfield -  Cutter

List of All Ammo

List of Ammo in Location
3KV LZR Cartridge

List of All Armor

List of Armor in Location
Starfield -  Bounty Hunter Spacesuit
Bounty Hunter Spacesuit
Starfield -  Brown Leather Jumpsuit
Brown Leather Jumpsuit
Starfield -  Explorer Pack
Explorer Pack
Starfield -  Frontier Attire
Frontier Attire
Starfield -  Gray Leather Jumpsuit
Gray Leather Jumpsuit
Starfield -  Inclement Weather Outfit
Inclement Weather Outfit
Starfield -  Mercenary Space Helmet
Mercenary Space Helmet
Starfield -  Settler Comfortwear
Settler Comfortwear
Starfield -  Settler Poncho Outfit
Settler Poncho Outfit
Starfield -  Settler Workwear
Settler Workwear
Starfield -  Shocktroop Space Helmet
Shocktroop Space Helmet
Starfield -  Space Trucker Space Helmet
Space Trucker Space Helmet
Starfield -  Synth Leatherwear
Synth Leatherwear
Starfield -  UC Gray Utility Jumpsuit
UC Gray Utility Jumpsuit

List of All Resources and Materials

List of Resources and Materials in Location
Adaptive Frame Aldumite Drilling Rig Austenitic Manifold
Control Rod Drilling Rig Isocentered Magnet
Isotopic Coolant Mag Pressure Tank Microsecond Regulator
Monopropellant Nuclear Fuel Rod Paramagnon Conductor
Polytextile Positron Battery Power Circuit
Reactive Gauge Semimetal Wafer Sterile Nanotubes
Supercooled Magnet Tau Grade Rheostat Vytinium Fuel Rod
Zero Wire Zero-G Gimbal

LIst of All Aid Items

List of Items in Location
Starfield - Boudicca
Starfield - Emergency Kit
Emergency Kit
Starfield - Heal Gel
Heal Gel
Starfield - Med Pack
Med Pack
Starfield - Trauma Pack
Trauma Pack

Starfield Related Guides

Shops Partial Banner

List of All Shops and Space Ports

All New Atlantis Shops

Centaurion Arsenal Chunks CJ's
Dawn's Roost EIT Clothiers Jemison Mercantile
Outland Reliant Medical TerraBrew Coffee
The Viewport Tavern UC Distribution Center Whetstone


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