Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Sunbreak Fucium Ore Mining Location: How to Get and Uses

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Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Fucium Ore Banner

Fucium Ore can be mined from outcrops in Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, and Lava Caverns in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Learn how to get Fucium Ore, all mining locations, drop rates from monsters and quests, also Fucium Ore uses in equipment and decoration crafting.

Fucium Ore - Basic Information

Name Fucium Ore ImageFucium Ore
Description Ore composed of a mysterious metal; can fuse nearly any two metals together.
Rarity 6 Type Ore
Sell Price 1020 Hold Limit 99

Best Farming Route for Fucium Ore

Farm Fucium Ore in High Rank Lava Caverns

Best Farming Route Video

Best Farming Route Guide

Lava Caverns
Upper Level Lower Level

Due to the sheer amount of mining outcrops in the Lava Caverns, it's almost always best to farm your ores over there!

You can also use your Palamute when you go on expeditions to farm certain items as you can use their Sniff 'em Out! ability to help you look for farming nodes!

How to Get to the Northeast Section in Lava Caverns

Video Guide

1) Enter the Small Opening in the Wall

The mining outcrops in the northeast section of the lower level in Lava Caverns are quite confusing to reach, but it's definitely rewarding with six mining outcrops in this area!

So first of all, head northeast. You should find a small hole in the wall there. Crawl under it. There should be a blue mining outcrop in the area once you crawl out.

2) Look Up and Find Another Small Opening

Next, you will have to look up and find another small opening in the walls above you. Use your Wirebugs and wallrun up there.

3) Utilize Wirebugs to Get All the Mining Outcrops

When you go through the opening, there should be two blue mining outcrops and three white mining outcrops. You'll need to use Wirebugs to get to them.

If you're interested, there's also a Relic Record in this area close to one of the mining outcrops.

Other Maps to Get Fucium Ore

Fucium Ore - Mining Locations

Location Summary
Obtained from high rank Mining Outcrops in the Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest, and Lava Caverns.

Gathering Spots: High Rank

Map Gathering Spot
Flooded Forest Mining Outcrop (Blue)
Sandy Plains Mining Outcrop (White, Blue)
Lava Caverns Mining Outcrop (White, Blue)

Gathering Spots: Master Rank

Map Gathering Spot
Sandy Plains Mining Outcrop (Blue)
Citadel Mining Outcrop (Blue)

Obtained as a High Rank Monster Reward

Monster Drop Rate
Chameleos IconChameleos Target Reward: 10%
Dropped Material Reward: 14%

Meowcenaries: High Rank

Map Node Type
Flooded Forest Ore Node
Sandy Plains Ore Node

Fucium Ore - Crafting Uses

Effect Summary
Used as forging material.

Used to Craft Decorations

MH Rise - Physique Jewel 2Physique Jewel 2 (×1)

Decoration List: How to Unlock Decorations

Used to Craft Weapons

Heavy Bowgun Image Daora's Delphinidae I (×4) Great Sword Image Demon Rod I (×4)
Gunlance Image Cornpopper I (×3) Gunlance Image Demon Gunlance I (×4)
Heavy Bowgun Image Flammenkanone I (×5) Hammer Image Mane Malice I (×3)
Heavy Bowgun Image Rajang Shooter I (×8)

Used to Upgrade Weapons

Heavy Bowgun Image Fulgent Shot I (×4) Bow Image Arko Nulo Black II (×2)
Light Bowgun Image Gale Bowgun (×3) Bow Image Arko Unu White (×2)
Lance Image Drill Lance II (×5) Lance Image Babel Spear II (×3)
Light Bowgun Image Barro Blaster (×5) Hammer Image Binding Bludgeon II (×3)
Great Sword Image Chrome Quietus (×3) Lance Image Classy Fragrance (×3)
Hammer Image Cyclo-Hammer II (×3) Switch Axe Image Czar Switch Axe (×4)
Bow Image Dawn Ray Bow II (×4) Hammer Image Devil Masher II (×4)
Long Sword Image Devil Slicer (×3) Dual Blades Image Dual Cleavers (×4)
Heavy Bowgun Image Earth Eater (×8) Heavy Bowgun Image Felyne Bowgun II (×5)
Gunlance Image Fiore Nulo Black II (×5) Gunlance Image Fiore Unu White (×2)
Hunting Horn Image Fortissimo (×3) Hammer Image Great Nova II (×4)
Lance Image Growling Wyvern II (×2) Dual Blades Image Guillotines (×4)
Insect Glaive Image Hiten Blade (×3) Gunlance Image Imperial Guardlance (×5)
Long Sword Image Julienne Blade (×4) Charge Blade Image Kaiser Blade (×6)
Insect Glaive Image Lagombavarice (×2) Light Bowgun Image Lotus Bowgun II (×4)
Gunlance Image Ludroth Harpoon III (×3) Heavy Bowgun Image Meteor Cannon (×10)
Hunting Horn Image Pukei Bagpipe II (×2) Gunlance Image Pukei Gunlance I (×2)
Hunting Horn Image Queen Chordmaker (×3) Dual Blades Image Rainy Jelly II (×3)
Lance Image Rampart (×4) Heavy Bowgun Image Rebound Shot (×3)
Charge Blade Image Rough Roller II (×2) Sword & Shield Image Secta Nulo Black II (×2)
Sword & Shield Image Soldier's Dagger I (×4) Switch Axe Image The Power Shredder (×5)
Long Sword Image Titanic Makra (×6) Hammer Image War Basher (×5)
Switch Axe Image Wheel Axe II (×1) Bow Image Yekla Arc I (×5)
Heavy Bowgun Image Dual Threat I (×5) Light Bowgun Image Flammengewehr I (×2)
Long Sword Image Castellum Long Sword (×5) Heavy Bowgun Image Rajang's Rage+ (×6)
Charge Blade Image Rugged Anchor (×2) Hunting Horn Image Striped Dragonga II (×4)
Charge Blade Image Surprise Axe II (×4) Long Sword Image Tigrine Edge II (×2)
Hunting Horn Image Duo Horn I (×3) Switch Axe Image Luto Ascia (×3)
Lance Image Venom Lance I (×2) Dual Blades Image Infernal Furies (×4)
Gunlance Image Shattershot II (×4)

Used to Craft Armor and Buddy Equipment

Torso Image Vespoid Mail (×1) Waist Image Chrome Metal Coil (×3)
Head Image Ingot Helm S (×2) Legs Image Chrome Metal Boots (×3)
Arms Image Tigrex Braces S (×4) Arms Image Damascus Vambraces (×3)
Torso Image Ingot Mail S (×1) Head Image Rathian Helm S (×3)
Waist Image Uroktor Coil S (×2) Waist Image Basarios Coil S (×2)
Waist Image Ingot Coil S (×1) Legs Image Mizuha Gaiters (×4)
Arms Image Barroth Vambraces S (×3) Head Image Chaos Archbun (×2)
Legs Image Volvidon Greaves S (×2) Waist Image Damascus Coil (×3)
Legs Image Ingot Greaves S (×2) Arms Image Ingot Vambraces S (×2)
C Basarios Axe S (×1)

Monster Hunter Rise Related Links

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

List of Items and Materials

Related Ore

Other Related Items
MH Rise Allfire Stone IconAllfire Stone MH Rise Awegite IconAwegite MH Rise Carbalite Ore IconCarbalite Ore MH Rise Centuria Ore IconCenturia Ore
MH Rise Dragonite Ore IconDragonite Ore MH Rise Earth Crystal IconEarth Crystal MH Rise Eltalite Ore IconEltalite Ore MH Rise Firecell Stone IconFirecell Stone
MH Rise Firestone IconFirestone MH Rise Frocium IconFrocium MH Rise Fucium Ore IconFucium Ore MH Rise Goldlite Ore IconGoldlite Ore
MH Rise Gracium IconGracium MH Rise Icium IconIcium MH Rise Iron Ore IconIron Ore MH Rise Lightcrystal IconLightcrystal
MH Rise Machalite Ore IconMachalite Ore MH Rise Meldspar Ore IconMeldspar Ore MH Rise Novacrystal IconNovacrystal MH Rise Purecrystal IconPurecrystal
MH Rise Sapphiron Ore IconSapphiron Ore MH Rise Ultimas Crystal IconUltimas Crystal

List of Hot Items

Master Rank Items

Monster Materials
Prized Pelt Tough Claw Large Herbivore Bone
Monster Toughbone Timeworn Crimson Horn Torpor Sac
Monster Essence
Bones, Ores, and Other Materials
Dragonbone Artifact Twisted Stiffbone Awegite
Frocium Goldlite Ore Purecrystal
Deepshell Valiabiscus Large Armored Bream
Event Quest Items
Crimson Crystal Ticket Light Foreign Drawings Ocean Ticket
Steam Ticket Glasses Ticket Thief's Calling Card
Black Winged Ears Ticket Torn Foreign Drawings Numerical Foreign Drawings
Canyne Mask Ticket Ancient Fragment Bandana Ticket
Fluffy Ticket Coastal Foreign Drawings Treasured Foreign Drawings
Small Flower Pot Noble Foreign Drawings Bunny Ears Ticket
Buff Badge Charming Foreign Drawings Heavenly Silk

Low/High Rank Items

Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Rock Rose King Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton

List of Items and Materials by Type

Item and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAfflicted Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types


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