Starfield Shattered Space

The Key Weapons Shop Location and Shop Guide

The Key Weapons Shop is a shop in Starfield that you can access in The Key. Read on to learn its location along with all of the weapons, armor, and items you can buy from the Weapons Shop.

The Key Weapons Shop Location

The Key in Suvorov

Weapons Shop is a shop located in The Key that sells Weapons and Ammo. You can only purchase from shops here if you've started the Crimson Fleet Questline and reached the mission Rook Meets King.

You can find The Key as a space station orbiting the planet Suvorov in the Kryx Star System.

The Key Map, Shops, and Location Guide

The Key Weapons Shop Vendor Inventory

List of All Weapons

List of Weapons in Location
Starfield -  Arc Welder
Arc Welder
Starfield -  Coachman
Starfield -  Combat Knife
Combat Knife
Starfield -  Drum Beat
Drum Beat
Starfield -  Eon
Starfield -  Equinox
Starfield -  Feather
Starfield -  Fury
Starfield -  Grendel
Starfield -  Kraken
Starfield -  Maelstrom
Starfield -  Old Earth Shotgun
Old Earth Shotgun
Starfield -  Pirate Legend
Pirate Legend
Starfield -  Rescue Axe
Rescue Axe
Starfield -  Sidestar

List of All Ammo

List of Ammo in Location
.27 Caliber .43 MI Array .43 Ultramag
.45 Caliber ACP .50 Caliber Caseless .50 MI Array
1.5KV LZR Cartridges 11MM Caseless 12G Shotgun Shell
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell 3KV LZR Cartridge 6.5MM CT
6.5MM MI Array 7.5MM Whitehot 7.62x39MM
7.77MM Caseless 9x39MM Caseless Shotgun Shell
Heavy Particle Fuse Light Particle Fuse

Starfield Related Guides

Shops Partial Banner

List of All Shops and Space Ports

All The Key Shops

Clinic General Goods The Last Nova
TK's Tactical Gear Trade Authority Weapons Shop
Zuri's Essentials


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