Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Spearsquid | How to Get and Use Spearsquid

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MH Rise Sunbreak - Spearsquid Banner.png
The Spearsquid is one of the many useful Endemic Life in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. Keep reading to learn all we know about Spearsquid locations, uses, and drops.

Spearsquid Basic Information

endemic life Spearsquid icon.png
Type Ensnaring Life
Official Description
A type of squid found in the waters surrounding the Jungle. These dangerous creatures have a sharp, pointed body that inflicts injury on large monsters merely by swimming past. Despite their dangerous form, they have no instinct to fight and exist only to swim. It can be advantageous to lure your prey into the path of these creatures when battling large monsters in the territory of these cephalopods.

How to Use Spearsquid

Deals Damage to Monsters in the Way

MH Rise Sunbreak - Spearsquid How to Use
Spearsquids aren't similar to pre-Sunbreak squids like Lampsquids. They will inflict damage upon contact with any unsuspecting monsters passing by.

Lure Monsters for Extra Damage

MH Rise Sunbreak - How to Use Spearsquid
You can lure monsters into Spearsquid-infested waters to inflict damage and even cause monsters to flinch. Try to get monsters to stay around the area for extra damage!

How to Get Spearsquid

All Spearsquid Locations

Jungle Area 10

According to their description, Spearsquids can only be found in the Jungle. They can only be found in the waters between Areas 3 and 10 and have a fixed movement pattern, shown by the red marking on the map.

Jungle Maps and Materials

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Related Links

MH Rise - Endemic Life Partial Banner

List of Endemic Life

Sunbreak Endemic Life
MH Rise Sunbreak - Ruby WirebugMorphed Wirebugs MH Rise Sunbreak - Marionette Spider IconMarionette Spider MH Rise Sunbreak - Starburst BugStarburst Bug MH Rise Sunbreak - Thornytoad IconThornytoad
MH Rise Sunbreak - Spearsquid IconSpearsquid MH Rise Sunbreak - Slicercrab IconSlicercrab MH Rise Sunbreak - Gargolda IconGargolda MH Rise Sunbreak - Regalfin IconRegalfin
Endemic Life
MH Rise - Antidobra IconAntidobra MH Rise - Aurorturtle IconAurorturtle MH Rise - Blastoad IconBlastoad MH Rise - Boulder Lizard IconBoulder Lizard
MH Rise - Brewhare IconBrewhare MH Rise - MH Rise - Butterflame IconButterflame MH Rise - Clothfly IconClothfly MH Rise - Cutterfly IconCutterfly
MH Rise - Echobat IconEchobat MH Rise - Escuregot IconEscuregot MH Rise - Firebeetle IconFirebeetle MH Rise - Flashfly IconFlashfly
MH Rise - Giganha IconGiganha MH Rise - Golden Spiribug IconGolden Spiribug MH Rise - MH Rise - Great Wirebug IconGreat Wirebug MH Rise - Gustcrab IconGustcrab
MH Rise - Lampsquids IconLampsquids MH Rise - Lanternbug IconLanternbug MH Rise - Mudbeetle IconMudbeetle MH Rise - Paratoad IconParatoad
MH Rise - Peepersects IconPeepersects MH Rise - Pincercrab IconPincercrab MH Rise - Poisontoad IconPoisontoad MH Rise - Puppet Spider IconPuppet Spider
MH Rise - Rock Lizard IconRock Lizard MH Rise - Scale Lizard IconScale Lizard MH Rise - Sleeptoad IconSleeptoad MH Rise - Snowbeetle IconSnowbeetle
MH Rise - Spiribirds IconSpiribirds MH Rise - Stinkmink IconStinkmink MH Rise - Thunderbeetle IconThunder beetle MH Rise - Trapbugs IconTrapbugs
MH Rise - Tricktoad IconTricktoad MH Rise - Vigorwasp IconVigorwasp MH Rise - Wailnard IconWailnard MH Rise - Wirebug IconWirebug

Rare Endemic Life

Rare Endemic Life
MH Rise - Hellbill IconHellbill MH Rise - Monksnail IconMonksnail MH Rise - Quetzalcobra IconQuetzalcobra
MH Rise - Regitrice IconRegitrice MH Rise - Snow-faced Fox IconSnow-faced Fox

Lucky Life

Lucky Life
Felicicrow IconFelicicrow Fortune Owl IconFortune Owl


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