Starfield Shattered Space

Should You Side with The Hunter or The Emissary?

You should not side with The Hunter or The Emissary during the Unearthed main quest in Starfield to get both legendary weapons! Learn about all the available choices in this event, the consequences of each choice, and which choice is best!

Hunter or Emissary Rewards

Choice Rewards
Siding with the Emissary Unmitigated Violence
Siding with the Hunter Eternity's Gate
Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas
(RNG-Based Drop)
Not Siding with Both Sides Unmitigated Violence
Eternity's Gate
Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas
(RNG-Based Drop)

If you're in it for the rewards, siding with neither of them will net you all rewards than siding with either one of them. Fighting both of them at the same time is a tough battle, however.

Do note that the Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas is RNG, meaning it's not a guaranteed drop. It would be good to place a save before making your choice so you can reload that save if the Starborn Spacesuit Gravitas didn't drop.

All Hunter or Emissary Choices and Consequences

Affects Who You Fight and Weapon Reward

Choice Consequences
I'm siding with the Emissary. (Side with The Emissary) Fight The Hunter in Revelation and obtain Unmitigated Violence.
An alliance with the Hunter seems like the winning strategy. (Side with The Hunter) Fight The Emissary in Revelation and obtain Eternity's Gate.
I'm tired of both of you. I'll get to the Unity on my own. (Don't side with anyone) Fight both The Hunter and The Emissary in Revelation and obtain both weapons.

During the main quest Unearthed, you'll have to side with either The Emissary or The Hunter. You will be given two chances to confirm your answer so don't worry about picking the side you don't want on the first prompt.

Your decision here will determine who you will fight and which legendary weapon you'll get in a later main quest titled Revelation.

Also Affects the Ending

The Ending of the game will also change depending on who you choose to side with here. If you don't mind being spoiled, the guide below has full details on what happens in all of the three choices above.

How to Unlock All Endings

Should You Side with the Hunter or the Emissary?

Don't Side with Either to Obtain Both Weapons (At Your Own Risk)

We recommend not picking a side in this choice event as this gives you the opportunity to get both Unmitigated Violence and Eternity's Gate legendary weapons in the Revelation fight.

That said, you won't obtain the weapons until the very end of the game, and you won't be able to carry them with you into New Game Plus. If you plan to go straight into NG+ without going back and finishing all the side content, the weapons won't do much for you.

Remember also that fighting both The Hunter and The Emissary will result in a significantly harder battle. If you're up for the challenge, then you'll be rewarded for your efforts accordingly, but keep in mind that locking yourself into this choice can have painful repercussions if you're not ready for it.

Best Weapons Guide

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