Starfield Shattered Space

Kay's House Location and Shop Guide

Kay's House is a shop in Starfield that you can access in The Well - New Atlantis. Read on to learn its location along with all of the weapons, armor, and items you can buy from Kay's House.

Kay's House Location

The Well in New Atlantis on Jemison

Kay's House is a shop located in The Well that sells Aid (Food and Drinks). The Well is under New Atlantis, which is on the planet Jemison of the Alpha Centauri star system.

Access an Elevator to The Well

Starfield - New Atlantis Jemison Mercantile Elevator Location

The Well can be accessed through an elevator beside Jemison Mercantile or near the MAST train station.

The Well Map, Shops, and Location Guide

Kay's House Vendor Inventory

LIst of All Aid Items

List of Items in Location
Starfield - Boom Pop! Cherry
Boom Pop! Cherry
Starfield - Boom Pop! Cola
Boom Pop! Cola
Starfield - Boom Pop! Orange
Boom Pop! Orange
Starfield - Chunks Potato - Packaged
Chunks Potato - Packaged
Starfield - Drink Pack: Orange Juice
Drink Pack: Orange Juice
Starfield - Drink Pack: Water
Drink Pack: Water
Starfield - Fried Pickles
Fried Pickles
Starfield - Kiffles
Starfield - Pale Ale
Pale Ale
Starfield - Patty Melt
Patty Melt
Starfield - Pierogis
Starfield - Shepherd
Shepherd's Pie
Starfield - Sparkling Water
Sparkling Water
Starfield - TerraBrew Classic
TerraBrew Classic
Starfield - TerraBrew Espresso
TerraBrew Espresso
Starfield - Toast
Starfield - Tranquilitea Classic
Tranquilitea Classic
Starfield - Veggie Grinder
Veggie Grinder

Starfield Related Guides

Shops Partial Banner

List of All Shops and Space Ports

All The Well Shops

Apex Electronics Jake's Kay's House
MedBay Trade Authority UC Surplus


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